C169. Chaos Vs Thunder

Izabel— also feeling agitated by the constant parring of her attacks by the sluggish and slow opponent she was supposed to have the absolute advantage over— continued launching a ferocious barrage of attacks at the Dark elf before her, trying to overwhelm her completely so even her Foresight would become useless in the presence of absolute power.

Her simple strategy seemed to be working as her heavy blows kept pushing her back constantly, which occasionally made the Dark elf stumble but she was still somehow able to retain her balance and suddenly partied another one of her strikes which interrupted Izabel's barrage of attacks for only a brief moment.

However, that moment seemed to have been all Rain required as Izabel suddenly heard the resounding clap of Thunder. Next, the girl in front of her had disappeared from her view at some point in time and something flashed by her left ear.