C187. Connection

As the Garuda's spell took effect, a dark wind gusted out of him and almost immediately, everyone that was once dead on the ward, that still had their bodies intact or at least in living conditions, came back to life. The spell also restored their vitality which enabled those that surveyed heavy injuries or where missing limbs to slowly heal themselves until they would no longer die on their own.

It was a shame not everyone could be revived which caused a frown to appear on Tyler's face but Zomatsu assured Tyler that he had done the best he could and this could've been worse if it wasn't for him. 

Albert's condition had also been improved as enough of his mana and stamina was restored by that spell. The effect also allowed Tyler to recover some more mana although he felt like that may have been a negative as the last time he exhausted his mana it expanded his reserves but now probably wasn't the best time for that as it also left him exhausted.