C208. Battle at the Riverside

•Razor Wind•

With several swings from his blade, razor-sharp winds sliced through the air rapidly at the leopardkin. The attack was vicious and made it difficult to be avoided for a normal person. However, as a predatory beastman, he was very elusive and agile. 

Able to move flawlessly from an unbalanced posture, he avoided the attack and prepared another firebolt, augmenting it with his ability. However, Jin wouldn't let him as a barrage of arrows was launched at him at varying speed and strength, cutting off his counterattack and giving Jarret the time to recover his stance as he charged at him once more.

Raz also charged at him with his blade but he was able to swiftly avoid his attack. Forgoing his firebolt spell, he used earth wall to block Jin's arrows for a moment after augmenting the spell.