C220. Personal Stats

—Still in the Demon King's Castle.

The moment Cora left his room and closed the door behind her, Tyler collapsed to the ground as an intense sensation of burning washed over him. Unlike the time in the cave, his current situation may not be as bad since he could still move and think. However, it was still not a pleasurable situation for him.

He felt no physical pain but his mana body felt like it was on fire. He could feel his mana being forcibly stirred as the cracks were slowly being fixed and forcefully expanding to contain his mana. It was a painful process due to his current lack of pain resistance thanks to Uriel but after experiencing immersed pain serval times now. He was able to endure this situation a lot better.

{Notice: Due to the constant influx of mana to Master's mana body for a prolonged period, a complete fix is impossible. However, several precautions will be taken to prevent further damage.}