C245. Final Preparations

Shortly after concluding his talks with Hecate and her underlings, they exited his office with Jarret escorting them back to the town.

 He could easily teleport them back but it could sense the presence of his Dark Drake Diogo, so he figured they had ridden on his back to see him. He had no choice but to let them ride him back as well. 

 The moment they left and his doors were shut behind them, Kali rose from his shadow and knelt beside him. Tyler casually took another sip of his tea before asking. 

 "What did you observe?"

 "The Devine aura belonging to the Dragonkin has slowly been getting weaker. It seems a part of her life essence had been ripped directly from her soul. I estimate she'll be dead in less than a month."

 Kali spoke in her lovely voice that had an undertone of ghastliness about it. She was able to observe the three predatory beastmen from within Jarret's shadow and had gotten quite a bit of information on them.