C256. Neron

As per usual, the skies above the darknar region were covered in a thick layer of ashen grey clouds that seems to be pregnant with a storm. The cold winds gently blew west as darkness ruled the lands in the supposedly moonless night that did not feel any different from most nights. 

 However, above these clouds was a magnificent sky that was filled with stars as far as the eyes could see, stretching the limits of one's imagination.

 The silver moon gently reflected the sun's rays as the blue-white light of the moon and stars chased away the darkness above the skies. 

 Whoever said the sky is the limit was sorely mistaken. 

 The lands beyond the darknar region, uncovered by the looming dark clouds, seemed to be glowing as they reflected the planet's radiance.

The countless stars and the moon gave off their own radiance as well, shining brilliantly against the light coming from Neron.