C259. Crash

 As Z stared at the Zorak Trio who were running their mouths while laughing at him maniacally, a hobgoblin clad in full plate armor while wielding a large battle-ax came up behind him and knelt. 

 He had short black hair and a cleanly shaven face and was accompanied by a winged Kobolds floating a few meters behind him and clad in silver light armor while holding a short metal staff.

 "Lord Z, should we move to dispatch the remnants of the undead army? They seem to be about ready to attack again."

 There was only around a thousand undead left after Nessi's assault but that was still a large number compared to about 400 hobgoblins and Kobolds led by Cresil and Tarka.

 "That's the plan. We'll handle this three so make sure you don't let a single undead escape. Don't worry about collector their cores, we'll harvest them when this war is over."

 "As you wish"