C292. Demon Generals

 The Name Bestowment ritual was an ancient technique that was originally employed or rather created by the first Demon king in existence in order to create a circle of his most loyal and devoted followers that shared an unbreakable bond that could last for several lifetimes. 

 Able to share his powers with those that pledged fealty to him as he expanded his influence over the massive, yet chaotic continent that was then ruled by war and madness. 

 In essence, this was the technique used during the time of chaos that spanned the entire world as all sentient races fought to accept dominance over the others. The time before the world was split in four by gods.

 Those were the times when gods walked amongst men, leading their follower's races in war against other gods. However, to the one known now as the Demon King of Destruction, even gods were beneath his gaze as he had chosen to shatter his fate.