C359. Ambushers

 As their carriage drew closer to the five people standing in the middle of the unpaved road, Tyler tucked the matter of Unrivaled into the back of his mind, letting go of his complicated thoughts concerning that issue, and then studied the appearance of the five who stood in their way from almost a mile away.

They were all mounted on majestic beasts, befitting the ranks that appeared on the badges on their chests. Which was also a massive clue to their identities, proving they were far from being common bandits.

Of course, their expensive-looking equipments and exotic mounts were already proven enough to disqualify them as bandits, to begin with.

 While Tyler was no beast tamer, nor even a beast expert, he was still able the recognize the value and rarity of their mounts. Four of which appeared to be superior Gray wolves, a variation of the ones found somewhere in the Darknar Forest.