C371. Black Moon

"That's enough Moon, there's still someone else here you know."

"You've gotten carried away again. Don't forget this is still a job." 

 Sigrid and Sigrun had no choice but to stop Black Moon before he went too far over something like that.

"―Ah? Punk, she's become like this because you keep indulging her!"

 Bam's face immediately went red as he felt his mistress body press on his armor that he found it difficult to refute Black Moon.

"That's not— there's no way someone like me can indulge the Princess…"

To Bam, even if he wanted to indulge his mistress's every wish and spoil her, thinking she deserves it, there was no way he could even go about such a thing.

"Don't listen to them Bammy, you can surely spoil me all you want. I wouldn't mind being pampered by you you know." 

 At this point, it looked as though his head would explode, a reaction that caused Black Moon to almost face Palm himself thinking this kid was too easy.