C387. The Emissary

After her formal introduction to the nobles of the Floato Region during the welcome party a few nights back. The emissary from the Darknar family, Rain Darknar was led to a guest mansion that had been prepared for her stay in Radiance City.

Normally, a guest such as the leader of a diplomatic party from another region would be allowed to stay within the walls of the Emerald Palace.

However, to prevent fear and panic from the palace staff guards due to the frighteningly dreadful undead unit that had accompanied the Leader of the Darknar family's Legates, the Jaxith family had been forced to prepare a detached mansion for their stay in the Central district of the city, away from the other noble residents.

They had also restricted the city's guards from approaching the luxurious mansion while having to replace the mansion's workers with a few especially skilled maids to personally attend to the emissary.