C411. An Instant Decision

 There were multiple throne rooms in the Emerald Palace, each designed for separate purposes unlike in the case of the Darknar Castle, where a temporary throne room had only just been created recently. 

The throne room used for audiences with representatives from other demon nobilities, wasn't too large, so preparing it so that it was adequate for dignitaries took less time than the other throne rooms in their palace. 

 Doing their best not to keep the emissary from the Darknar family waiting for long, they had gathered the courtiers who were now clothed in ceremonious attire with the use of valuable transportation scrolls and items. 

 Receiving the emissary was also several members of the court, who were not present in their earlier meetings including the 5th Princess and her guard. 

The room was exquisitely decorated with freshly cut flowers and masterful artworks, hung on the walls.