C397. Rain's Investigations

The ogre didn't understand what was happening much less did his mind process what would be his next move. None of his prior experience had prepared him for such an encounter. He was well aware of how sturdy the door she had just so casually kicked off its hinges was, so how was he supposed to react to something like that? 

 Although the first door had not been protected by magic, the second one was. He was sure even a Numbered elite would not be able to break down that door so easily, so what was he supposed to do? 

The ogre smiled at Rain in a sycophantic manner, ignoring the shouted queries of his colleagues from behind him. His survival instinct told him that the best choice here was to not offend this person before him right now. 

He had seen several dark elves being smuggled in here and knew just how dangerous they could be if not for the slave contract restricting them.