C408. Testing Limits

Nine's entire demeanor changed as he heard the bell-like voice that somehow traveled the distance, filtering its way through the noise, as though his opponent was standing right next to him. 

 He was completely at a loss for words as he stared dumbly at the emissary, who, despite the presence of the World Devourer that loomed over the planet as it steadily pulled the planet apart underneath their feet, devouring everything that enters its mouth, she appeared completely unaffected and was yet to have moved even a centimeter. 

 He had expected her to be desperately struggling for her life as she attempted to escape the range of the World Devourer. Yet she seems unaffected by the ridiculously strong gravitational pull of the supermassive black hole within its stomach. 


 Nine's entire body went limp. This had been the ace of his sleeve given that everything he had tried up to this point had been utterly destroyed by this dark elf.