C421. What Lays in The Horizon

Situated toward the southern side of the Floato region was the second-largest city in the entire Jaxith family's domain: Glamour City. It was the largest commercial city in the entire Floato region, founded around several ore veins that led to the creation of one of the largest mining cities on the Demon continent.

This city was a testament to the Demon continent's mining prowess, second only to the Dwarven continent.

These mines produced various rare and common metals and gemstones, such as diamonds and steel ores. However, diamonds were less valuable to demons than gold due to their saturation in the market and their limited use.

As diamonds were not the hardest substance and not as easy to work with as metals such as adamantine and Duranium, there weren't many things that they could be used for except as accessories, and were one of the most common gemstones found in this world.