C428. Heritage

"The Demon King's Heritage."

Those words lingered in the minds of all those who had heard them, well, all except for one.

Reynald, the second prince of the Jaxith family.

Though he was already aware of his family's secret for some time now, those words had still left a great impact on his soul. The emphasis on the value of the family he had greatly underestimated and undervalued all his life struck a chord.

He had gone his entire life believing his mother's decision to maintain the Jaxith family's autonomy at the expense of their growth was foolish and shortsighted, believing she was only operating under an outdated and obsolete idea of the demon continent as a whole.

This line of thinking had led him to believe his mother and older brother had been unfit to lead this region out of its predicament, to the point where he had even considered leading a coup d'etat.