C444. Legendary Monster

In the underground cavern underneath the molten magma that was now the remains of the Emerald Palace.

The space distorted as a blood-red circular portal opened in one end of the cavern, and a figure walked out of it, her melodic voice echoing across the pitch-black cavern in response to Athena's words of elation.

"The jaws of fate smiles upon me."

"...Is that so? Then allow Moloc to change your mind, my dear Lilim."

Athena furrowed her brows upon sensing the sudden presence of an eerily familiar aura appear in the cavern at some point in time. She had been so distracted with the success of the ritual that she had completely failed to notice the distortion in space.

Perhaps due to the commotion happening on the surface.

Turning her gaze towards the source of that voice, she noticed an unfamiliar shapely figure standing in the midst of the dark cavern, staring at her with an unsettling smile.