An isekai without cheats is too unfair

Honestly, I am already fed up blaming truck-Kun for my misfortunes. A realization has dawned upon me that I am responsible for my own success and failures. Thinking so I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

What the hell! Nothing happened! Isn't it at this moment that the cheat system reveals itself? I have made resolves, I have stopped all my dark thoughts, where is the enlightenment I am supposed to receive? What more does this world want from me? I wasn't so much fixated on knowing my cheat skill before, but I came back to my senses after getting beaten black and blue by my girlfriend. Shit, when did she become so strong? Aren't the first monsters you fight supposed to be slimes or goblins? 'Owie, it hurts' My face has swelled so much that my parents won't be able to recognize me.

Write now I am sitting in a siesta position while my girlfriend is looking down on me. No, don't even dare to think that I am weakling, I have my own reasons. Things aren't at all in my favor. She won't stop beating me until I called her master, she listened for no reason, she was just too much fixated on berating me. I never knew my girlfriend had such kinks. And mark my words, I ain't a weakling there is a reason I am bearing with this, and this is just her abusing her power.

"Hey Clair, do you think this bastard will really be of any use?" my girlfriend said while pointing towards me. Hey, when you point towards me, four fingers are pointing towards you but, I did not dare say that. My judgment so far tells me that she is a sadist but what if she is secretly into necrophilia?

Today I realized what they meant when they said 'The strong dominate the weak'

"As far as records are concerned, yes but seeing his state now I have my doubts," the maid said while looking at me with pity. Hey, don't give me that look. It hurts my pride.

"Hmm, even if the chances are 1%, it is worth taking a wager to take"

Huh? Did I just see an illusion? She just licked her lips and in a very sexy way at that. Does she plan me to turn into her slave for lusty motives? Oh my God, I don't like where this is going. Even though she is my girlfriend her kinks have become too extreme.

Is it one of those cases where people who are isekai'd change their attitude towards others and reveal a totally different side of themselves? The one that they hid from the world.

Maybe Lapis was always such a perv, maybe she always had such kinks and was bottling them up? I don't know why but I feel bad for her if that's the case. After all, I can relate to her. I always wanted my girlfriend to cosplay but, I had never shared such thoughts. Now that I think about it, the night before I got here, I had ordered a catsuit on Amazon. I wonder if they will deliver that in this mansion. I was worried about these stupid things when she bowed down wrapped her hand around my neck.

I was lost in thoughts so I didn't realize when she came close until I felt her cold hands.

"Listen bastard from nowadays you are my slave, you will do what I say. Bark when I ask you to and wag your tail when I order you too."

'Holy cow,' was she into cosplay all along, and I was in the dark without realizing that? She wants me to wear a dog costume? Well, I am myself a cat person, so I can't say she is kinky. However, as her grasp around my neck tightened, I realized that what I was thinking was just my delusion. She really wants me to follow the slavery route. With this, her fetish for necrophilia has been confirmed.

'What do I do? What do I do?'

Neither do I want to die, nor do I accept being her puppet. After all, if I became her slave, everyone will call me a simp, and that's unacceptable. I am not a weakling nor a simp. It is just I have yet to unlock my cheat-skill. I will get one right? Let's be optimistic.

'Optimism is good, optimism is good'

So there is just one thing to do! I bit her hand just like the dog she wants me to be. I burned her pained expression to my memory. Never thought I would feel so good at my girlfriend's misery.

"Bastard, you are courting death"

After that, my skin turned to a darker shade of blue. Maybe my cheat-skill is getting beaten by my girlfriend. I feel crying but the female-lead won't comfort me.


"Ow... owie" I cried as the maid applied some lotion on my swollen cheeks. Don't know whether I should cry because of the pain or be happy at receiving her hospitality. It's not easy to receive the favor of a 'dandere' after all. Elated by my sudden fortune, I made an effort for conversation.

"Thanks for the help..."

"No need. I am acting according to my masters wishes"

Man, this is annoying, harboring a fake smile, I continued.

"So your name is Clair..."

"My name should be of no importance to you, and the same goes for..."

"For heaven's sake! Listen to what I have to say", I shouted at the top of my voice, and this time, I was the one who cut her off.

"... ... Okay"

"Hmm, now we are talking. So I was summoned in this world, correct?"

I tried to sound as domineering as possible.

"Yes, you were summoned by my master."

Master? Is she referring to Lapis? I wasn't expecting this kind of development. If she is my summoner, then who summoned her?

"So can Lapis send me back to my world?"

"Yes, she can but, you should give up on it. Master is not someone you can persuade easily"

"Figures...", the thought of this maid being defiled by her comes to my mind. She must have experienced her tantrums personally... with her body that is.

Seeing me giggle she asked.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, I was just recalled an odd joke"