How summons should be

I gritted my teeth as a sizzling pain ran through my arms, "Please be careful."

"It's all your fault that you are this injured in the first place, so don't you dare act spoiled," Clair said as she tended to my wounds.

Although the situation wasn't as dire for me to get injured, however, my little experiment end in one small mishap. By the time, I realized the gravity of the situation it was too late to dodge thus I blocked the sword with my off-hand leading to this injury.

It seems like Clair has become my Nani or something at this point helping me whenever I get injured.

I don't mind it though.

My red eyes drifted towards her red-dyed hair. Maybe because of its odd hue or maybe because she has a lean face but it looks really good on her. "Your hair is really beautiful"

"Cut it out. Your flattery isn't gonna work here," she rebutted angrily "How childish. Is that why you demanded them?"

Well, I was just joking though.

"Why bring that up?" I said with a guilty face, "Do you perhaps feel guilty for not complying?"

"Huf" she pouted showing she was angry but her care showed otherwise. Teasing her is so much fun all the more because she is easy to annoy. Sometimes, I wonder that if she wasn't a maid of this mansion and was someone else, would she have cared for me as much as she is now? Who knows what would have happened? All I know is that if Lapis didn't appoint her as my caretaker we wouldn't have been as good friends as we are now.

Speaking of Lapis, "Hey Clair, do you think Lapis is satisfied with the match or I have to fight some knight C?"

"I don't think there are any mock matches to be scheduled in the near future, so rest assured."

"I see. She was pretty satisfied huh? Thank God I thought I was gonna die there."

On that comment for some reason, Clair fidgeted. "Do you even fear death?" seeing me in the eye. For some reason, she seemed dead serious right now.

"No, I don't mostly. No matter how much of a fool I seem on the outside I am a spiritual person and believe in reincarnation. I am a devout follower of truck-Kun. So why fear death when you know there is life after death"

"Who is truck-Kun?"

"Truck-Kun is the physical manifestation of the Shinigami aka death God. It is mentioned in ancient scriptures that when a person dies by the grace of truck-Kun, he is reincarnated into another world and there is a high probability for this other-world to be a fantasy world of swords and magic"

"I don't understand what you say but your faith must be profound for you to be so serious"

"Indeed, it is as you say and this is the reason why we never mourn someone's death when he is blessed by truck-Kun. We are never scared of death instead we await for our deaths" I said, "But you know even though death is not the end, but it's still tragic. As after you die, you will never be able to meet your loved ones anymore. The thought of never being able to meet with them, never being able to laugh together, never being able to see their smiles pangs my heart. It is painful in its own respect."

"It must be hard on you"

"Yeah, but I am grateful at least Lapis is here"

"Lady Lapis?" she questioned seeming bewildered at her own skepticism.

To clear her confusion I spoke, "I don't know if Lapis shared this with you but Lapis and I were lovers back on earth"

"Lady Lapis?! But how? When?"

"We are in a relationship for about, hmm... eight years I think"

"But... but it has not even been a week since you were summoned! I have been serving my lady since childhood and I have never seen someone like you around her, never"

Now even I am getting confused. It clear that she was summoned before me but there shouldn't be this much of a disparity in the time of our deaths and reincarnation.

Could it be the time in this world that runs much faster than earth such that a small disparity was multiplied to decades?

Why does Lapis refuse to recognize me? What could be the reason?

I feel like I am missing something. If Clair was with Lapis since childhood then... could it be?

"Clair this might sound weird but what was her age when you first met her? What did she look like?"

"She was of my age of course. We were both ten years kids when I was assigned to be her as her attendant"

Hmm, strange if what she says is true then even if I ignore the time difference, Lapis has had a natural birth and natural growth which is strange considering I reincarnated out of nothing.

That explains how she ended up being the master of this mansion. But, isn't the same world having different laws for reincarnation strange?

That's quite unprecedented, the ancient scriptures hold no records of such occurrence.

Seeing my dubious face that was lost in thought she claimed, "I think your lover from your world and the Lapis in this world are different persons with the same appearance and names. No matter how you think them being the same person is simply impossible cause when you spent those 8 years with your lover I also served my lady in this world. One person simultaneously in two worlds at the same time, even the most advanced mage craft won't be able to accomplish this"

With ire, I rebuked, "I can assure you that's not the case. I can identify her even by her smell."

"Is that so?" she seemed to doubt my words, "Mmm.. Then, can you tell me what she likes to eat?" she said to confirm.

"Nothing she is a gluttonous woman and can eat anything, when she is with me though she avoids meat just cause I don't like it. Her favorite color is 'electric blue'. She can't sing a thing but likes to make others listen to her not so melodious songs. She has a bit of an imposing attitude and likes to take the lead in the grand scheme of things. This even shows in her relationship with me. She is very assertive but on the flip side is honest about her feelings. Although she likes being imposing when depressed she breaks down easily which proves that although she seems strong on the outside she actually pretty soft in there. She has a cute mole on her left breast. The back of her neck, her belly close to the navel, and her ears all are eroge zones not to mention her bosom. Her three sizes are..."

"Stop! That's enough. I don't want to know after that. That escalated too much." Her face flushed.

It seems she has believed in my claim. I wondered which part made her believe though. I smirked. "It seems that you know a lot about her."

"Of course, she was my lover after all"