Fist Vs Fire

The curtain has been drawn. But what uses is a fight to the death if there are no cheers among the audience? I sighed. But I will not end this without Clair.

My opponent gauged my equipment and said, "So you were a monk all along?"

Monk? What's a monk?

"I am no monk. The only one I had faith in was truck-Kun and even he has failed to help me in times of my need"


"He is a God back in my world!" I exclaimed.

"Ha Ha. You say some funny things, boy," he said while cracking his knuckles, "As if a God will ever descend in hell!"

He charged at me with his sword.

'This is not good, I wanted to stall for time by engaging him in the talk'

Indeed, it was not good. What more can I do now other than to defend? I raised my gauntlets to block his sword slash.

*Clang* The sound of metal resounded as his sword met my arms. Waiting for this very situation I did a sweep kick to put him out of balance. That gives me a few milliseconds, enough to turn around and check whether Clair is there or not.

Nope, not there. There is only Lapis here. She was a bit confused why was I looking at her now. I winked at her for no reason.

There were question marks on his face.

By now my opponent had regained his balance. Fixing my stance I went for a slow punch which was easily dodged by him as he made the distance between us.

He grinned, "Not bad," he said as he threw his sword to the side, "It seems that you can at least defend yourself."

I was elated. That sword had always been a cause of concern for me. If my opponent fought with that heavy thing, he will run out of stamina in no time. But, he let go of it! That means I gained a lot of extra time!

You know when you are writing an exam and the time is running out. The kind of relief you get when the examiner gives you some extra minutes to complete your paper. It's just that kind of feeling.

But unlike the examiner, I won't hold gratitude towards this man.

The man cracked his knuckles.

"You know the sword is just a hobby of mine. As you can see I am a mage."

He said as he pointed to the sky. A wisp of fire appeared just above his index finger.

"It's just your unlucky day, kid. A monk against a mage? The worst possible match-up for you"

'But I am not a monk, not anymore at least.'

"Bad match-up? Wait let me see, you are a fire type. According to the Pokedex, you are strong against bug, steel, grass, and ice types. However, I am a fighting type. How is that a bad match-up?"

The man's eyebrows twitched seemingly confused with the whole other-worldly description. Well, I was just stalling for time anyways.

"It seems you wouldn't give up unless you taste my fire," he said dodging over what caused him confusion.

Fireballs appeared out of thin air and revolved around the man-like planet go about the sun. It wasn't a moment later when these very fireballs began to hurl towards my very self. In arcs, they flew, before they lunged on me.

I was caught off guard. Weren't these spells supposed to off some stupid chants? Like "Flare-blitz", "Blast burn" or "Dress-break"?

It would have at least made me aware of the onslaught.

Since it's too late to dodge. I tried my best to block it as raised my arms in to protect my head.

My arms were scorched.

Enough of this something! If this continues something unimaginable might happen.

The fire balls collided. The smoke rose in the air. The smoke was the perfect camouflage for hiding.

Not waiting for anything I charged. I got some momentum as I seared through the smoke but was immediately greeted with a ball of fire about ten times larger than the latter. That bastard had prepared for it beforehand to reduce any chances of my retreat.

I was in mid-air so there was no way I would be able to avoid this, so I used the momentum to land a chop on the incoming fireball. With that, the ball split into two hemispheres before it finally dissipated into thin air.

'What? How did that happen? Wasn't I supposed to get burned? Is it my cheat-skill?'

I was elated until I saw the face of the man. He was neither shocked nor surprised. Aren't cheat-skills supposed to make people awestruck due to defying the laws of the world? Why is he so calm even after witnessing my skill? Could it be...

Could it be, it was not a cheat at all.

I sighed. 'So it was not a cheat, after all.

"Looks like I need to get a bit serious," he said as he loaded himself again with his fire bullets.

'Do you think I will be fooled by the same trick twice?'

I charged toward the spell caster closing the distance. On the way, fire hurled at me from here and there. They never followed a fixed trajectory. I dodged and dodged again ...

However, as I got close enough to punch his face. A wall of fire rose all around him blocking my view as I was mid-air. Although my punch just passed through fire instead of the burning sensation I felt a force field instead which remained until the fire around me dissipated.

This time I am sure. My punches are actually affecting the fire!

As the fire dissipated, I found that the man who was supposed to be inside the vortex was no longer there. I was on high alert. But alas I couldn't block the blast of fire that incinerated the left side of my torso.

If someone would have seen me in that state, they would have been horrified. My hands scorched, my shirt burnt to ashes, and my left shoulder still on fire.

"Steve... don't give up," a cry of anguish came from the audience. I turned around to confirm if it was the voice of one who I was expecting it to be.

"Tch... so much for stalling time. Look what has become of my sexy body" I whispered to myself as I extinguished the fire on me.