
What Clair claimed didn't make any sense. It was the most absurd thing he had ever heard unless tattoos were...

"Clair, what's an Insignia?" I asked.

"Well, I was coming to that. An Insignia is formed using Hellhound's blood as a medium and with that, the summoned beast becomes familiar of the owner. If ever the beast goes into a frenzy or refuses to follow the master's order, the owner can activate the Insignia to cause severe pain to the summoned beast. On one hand, it is restaining the beast on the other hand it helps the beast in making itself exist in this world since these beasts don't exist in this world in the first place," said Clair as she continued, "But here is the cliche one cannot have more than one of these beasts at a time, so that's why everyone wants their to be the more powerful than others. Not only that these beast are even traded between indivisuals. People can buy these high ranking beasts in the market as well since not every one is proficient in witch craft like Lady Lapis to summon their own beast. One's beast in treated as part of the holder's indivisual powress"

Oh, my truck! There is too much information. It will take some time for me to fully process all of this.

"And do you know what that means?" Clair asked.


"It means that as long as they can force Lapis to lift her insignia, they can toy with you as much as they want," Clair said looking worried.

How can that be? Neither am I a beast nor is this tattoo a slavery spell. This is too much. Does what Clair claims make any sense at all?

No, wait! Maybe when she calls me a beast, she is referring to libido!

On second thought, Nah, that's not possible, it's Clair we are talking about.

"But, Clair neither am I a beast nor is..."

"I understand your concern but it is very much possible for summoned creatures to be humans, although rare but not impossible, there have been past cases where humans were summoned," Clair said cutting me off.

Oh! That means this is a world where multiple reincarnations have occurred.

"But... ", she whispered so softly that it was hardly noticeable


She who was looking down looked up at me, and said, "Nothing, it is just that you are very different from them but that's not important. What important is have you considered what you will do now?"

"Ah that, I will probably tease you a little and then go back to sleep," I spoke up honestly whatever I had on my mind. I had a poker face when I made that comment.

I was busy trying to process all the information that Clair had given to me and didn't realize what I was speaking. This resulted in Clair getting a little angry.

"You!" she shouted but then stopped, "I am worried sick because of the dangers that lurk over you, and all that's going on your mind is how to tease?"

'Although you are not wrong but that was the old plan. The new plan is~

1.Make sense of what Clair shared and figure out if she telling the truth or playing a prank on me.

2.Then, Tease Clair a bit just to see her red cheeks.

3.Then go back to sleep.

Although, almost the same except for #1'

I thought to myself. But this is not something I can share with her.

"Clair, Clair, don't sweat the small stuff. Look at the big picture. I need time to come up with a plan. Do I not? So, it will be best to keep things as they are tonight" I said while patting her back trying to calm her down.

As Clair calmed down she stiffened her face again as she said, "There is no need for plans in this case. There is just one thing to do."

She took a deep breath as she continued, "Steve, you have to run away from here. There are many who know of your existence but not many can identify your face. Only lady Lapis and some of her attendants have met you personally. If you run away now, they won't be able to disturb you in the future. Your identity as a summoned creature will be buried."

"Run away? But how? I don't know anything about this world yet" I claimed as I didn't want to escape at the moment.

Maybe, escaping in the afternoon might be probable but not this late at night. The town would be so empty and I would be so lonely without company. I don't want to be lonely. I hate lonely vibes.

"Don't act foolish, Steve, with your strength you could even survive in the wilderness" she rebutted.

I am also looking for an opportunity to run away from this home arrest but not at midnight. But I can't say that to Clair.

"But Lapis?"

"Steve this is not the time for this. You are in serious danger. I am aware of your feelings for Lady but..." she paused but then abruptly continued, "But you need to understand she was your lover only in your past life, in this world she has nothing to do with you. What's more? She hates being informal with men and completely avoids them and the same goes for you, she only likes to sleep with women."

I was speechless. I didn't want to accept this but what Clair said was somewhat true. The Lapis of my world and the Lapis in this world might be the same but they are different in many respects. With how she is now there is no way we can be back to the way we were back on earth. Maybe she is right.

Perhaps I should just move on. No, how can I give up so easily?

My eyes darted to a wooden table. The lonely lamp dimply shown its luminescence on it. On top of it, I had kept the equipment Lapis had given me.

Clair noticed my gaze.

"Steve..." she looked at me apologetically, "I know that how important Lapis is to you. But you need to understand Lapis is your past, you need to live at your present. The current Steve is so much more than Lapis's ex and you have so many options"

I shifted my gaze back to Clair.

This ain't fair Clair, you are mocking me for being single?

I thought you were my friend. To stab my weak spots at my most vulnerable time.

Hmm, I guess you have forgotten that I am your sensei, I will get back at you the day your lover breaks up with you.

Author's thoughts:

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And do check out my other work - 'Shinobi from Hell'