The dark side of the leads

As the Sun rose, so did we on the city walls.

Not a soul was awake by then.

I was climbing the wall. The wall was well made, there were barely any cracks for me to take hold of as I climb. So, as I climbed I kicked the wall making holes in the process to get a proper hold.

Clair was with me as well or rather she was clinging to me. I was giving her a piggyback as I climbed. Her breasts squished against my back and I could feel her warm breath on my ears. Her hands wrapped around my neck and her legs warped around my abdomen.

People in the isekai scriptures seem to always enjoy this kind of development. Like they are having the time of their life. But I wasn't feeling GOOD at all! Cause she is Hella Heavy!!

How could they do this as if lifting some feather? And hell, I have to carry her while I climb. This is hellish. I feel like I am going to have back pain after this for hours!

From the outside she seems so slim, how come she is so heavy? Should I tell her how heavy she is? Nah! I don't want her to get antsy in the middle of nowhere.

"Steve we must move fast to avoid any dangers of getting caught"

I feel like crying! How did I even get in such a situation? Well, I have to travel back in time to explain that.


We escaped from the mansion far before the sun could rise. As Clair was a native she was leading the way. She knew best where to go and I followed suit.

We finally reached what seemed the edge of the city. In front of us stood a tall wall that protected the city from any potential dangers.

"Steve, we have to climb this. With your strength, it should be a piece of cake"

'What piece of cake! She acts like its just a hike'

"Okay let's try," I said trying to act cool. I reached out my hand to climb.

"Wait! Steve," she exclaimed.

"What now?" I inquired.

"Umm... you see I am not strong enough to climb this, so you have to carry me as you do so," she said. Her cheeks were reddened for some reason.


*flashback ends*

I must have not been in my right mind when I accepted her plead. This is downright torture. She is leaching me off. Where is my right to equality? Why does she has it easy while I suffer? The laws of other world have always been absurd!

I have made my resolve! I won't give in to her selfishness anymore! This is the last time she is tricking me.



I was bent on my knees and panting. We somehow were able to get to the other side of the fortress.

"Are you okay?" Clair asked me looking concerned.

"How can I be okay? You are damn heavy!" I cried.

"Huf," she pouted, "Sorry to be considerate. Now follow me, we need to leave quick" saying so she stormed off without waiting for me"

'You ungrateful girl! How can you be so merciless?'

Somehow gaining my composure, I followed behind her. Well, at least she wasn't making me carry her luggage. How can she walk with that I wonder. It seems heavy. I wonder what she has in store in that bag.

The sun rose above the horizon as it painted the whole sky in a tint of orange. But such a majestic sight was hidden from our perception by the tall city wall. The light that illuminated the world being its only proof. As I followed behind Clair, I was finally able to notice her form which was hidden in the darkness of the night. She wore a pink frilly frock and on her back, she carried a brown bag of great size.

It seems that she has a strange taste for clothing. It seems her fashion sense is equal to that of a middle schooler. But I can't refute the fact that seeing her in something other than maid's clothes is a breath of fresh air for me. Some otaku might like that but not me.

"Hmm, so you finally tried out something different other than your maid clothes," I said not thinking before speaking.

She halted her steps and stopped midway, only to turn around. She had a bright smile on her face.

"So you finally noticed?" she beamed.

"Yeah..." I replied with a defensive smile not wanting to point out that she looked like a teenager asking to be dragged into an alleyway. Well if pick-ups exist in this world that is. Well, I am not the one to be concerned about that since I practically ran away like a thief with a girl. There might be a lot of people misinterpreting my intentions, I need a company that's all.

We were walking Clair leading us. Not far from the city we reached a forest. Up until now, the path was jagged with rocks and pebble with little to no vegetation. Although in the far east I could see some greenery. We had also come across a traveling merchant's travel on the way here. The merchant had inquired whether we needed any supplies but Clair replied with a nonchalant 'no'. Well, I don't have any money on me and I don't think Clair would like to spend hers on me either. Not to mention the fact that I didn't know how the currency worked in this world.

The forest that stretched in front of us was so full of life that it would make you believe that the path we treaded until now was nothing but a lie. With trees that reached the sky and canopies as wide as wheat fields, no light seeped in the forest. A dark wilderness. From time to time I splashing noises from somewhere deep inside indicating there was a stream of water nearby. But what was the most shocking was that instead of greenery it was all painted in purple. The leaves were dyed in purple while the barks seemed like a mix of brown and purple. The forest blended into an ominous mesh making it hard to distinguish the trees and the vines.

Judging from how Clair was walking into this wilderness I guessed that we have to go through it even though it figuratively warned us to not enter.


[Author: Guys plz stone plz to support my work UwU. Plz give hardworking author some stones :)]