Human CCTV

Like a true family situation, their morning breakfast ended with a peal of laughter and a positive vibe.

"Can you keep an eye on Marius for a bit while I talk to Skylar?" asked Stella to Luciano as both brothers were busy talking about their business while seating in the living room while Marius happily pushes himself around the living room while seating inside his walker.

"Sure amore mio (my love)" said Luciano nonchalantly, which earns him a suspicious glare from Stella before she turns around and grabs Skylar who was seating while busy looking at their emails.

"You come with me," said Stella as she grabs Skylar and drags her to their room.

"What's wrong?" ask Skylar as she notices Stella's attitude.

"Mikhail is back, his face hit our hit list," said Stella in a low voice.

"How? That's impossible though" said Skylar as she looks at Stella in confusion.

"How long did you not looking at our system?" asked Stella as she shows Skylar their tracker.

"After our graduation, I stopped look at that thing cause I was with Lucian almost 24/7 and he was monitoring me like a freaking CCTV," said Skylar a little annoyed yet loving the attention.

"What the hell Skylar. We need to get away for a while from those brothers, I'm telling you now, well my guts are telling me that the Maranzano's brother is catching on about us" said Stella as she takes a deep breath before releasing it.

"I know but we can't, not with this current situation and their current suspicious arising surround us. We can't just hide or else they both will knock down the wall or fortress to find us and nothing will stop that" said Skylar as she looks at Stella dead into her eyes.

"Pfft, that high confident about your man huh," said Stella as she chuckles a little.

"I've seen it first hand Lia," said Skylar as she rolls her eyes while folding her arms.

"Whatever, anyway when are you going to go back to our office and check on the rest of our colleague?" asked Stella as she looks at Skylar with a judgy eye.

"Hey, it's your turn to go and not lazying around with your husband," said Skylar playfully as she walks out from the room and head over to the living room.

"Where's Stella?" asked Luciano as he saw Skylar walking towards them without Stella.

"She's going to the office for a bit," said Skylar insouciant as she looks at Marius happily playing around.

"That woman" murmur Luciano lowly as he stands up and walks towards Stella's room.

"I heard that you are going to your office?" asked Luciano as he leans on the walk-in closet door frame.

"The hell," said Stella as she turns around startled by the sudden question.

"Oh, yea" add Stella as she looks at Luciano airy unconcern as she continues to use her jeans.

"You know that people are after you and yet you act as nothing happen," said Luciano in his flat, unemotional voice while looking at Stella who slowly dresses up.

"Yea, yea. I know, just don't care much about that as long as my family is safe and sound then I'm okay plus we need money to buy stuff and pay for the bills" reply Stella as she unbuttons her shirt leaving her chest area exposed slightly as she pulls her drawer full of jewellers.

Luciano silently enters the closet, unzip his luggage and pull out a similar outfit as Stella which is skinny black jeans and a white button shirt. He then quickly wear his outfit while ignoring Stella's stare and glare as she continues to do her ponytail hairstyle.

"You are not coming," said Stella in a composed manner as she grabs her car keys and walks out from the closet together with Luciano who ignore her words.

"Where are you two going?" asked Lucian curiously while looking at them both in a confused look.

"Me office, him hell," said Stella as she stopped in the middle of the room while pointing at herself first before she does the same at Luciano.

"Baby, mummy will come back as soon as possible okay my love," said Stella as she saw Marius pushing himself towards them.

"Daddy too okay baby boy," said Luciano as he closes his distance between them while Stella picks Marius up to hug him.

Marius then giggles cutely and happily as he loves the attention that was given to him by two of the most important person in his world.

"Aren't they look like a married couple?" murmur Lucian lowly towards Skylar who was busy recording the whole thing with her phone.

"Yes, a married couple who will go to work together while leave their son to us to babysit" murmur Skylar back as she continues to video record them.

"And Stell still deny that facts" continue Lucian as he himself does the same thing as Skylar.

"But she's secretly liking this whole situation that they have," said Skylar as she keeping up with Lucian while they both smiling and smirking towards them.

"You two seriously, don't have any better thing to do?" asked Stella as she places Marius on her hip and scolds Lucian together with Skylar who flash their innocent smile.

"Other than disturb us and be our human CCTV?" asked Luciano as he continues Stella's sentence while sticking closely towards Stella.

"Speaking of CCTV, who the both of you sent this thing to?" asked Stella as she looks at Luciano before suspiciously looking at them both.

"No one," said Skylar as she quickly close her phone while Lucian mirroring her action.

"No one? Here carry him for a bit" said Stella to Luciano as she hands over Marius to him.

Luciano quickly and softly picks Marius up and into his arm while Stella takes a quick and long stride towards them both who was startled at the sudden action but remain calm as they try to protect their phone while being tickle.

Meanwhile, Luciano shakes his head slightly towards the three of them before he kisses Marius and then put him back into his walker as he walks over to Stella.

"Stell stop. I know who they're and have been sending those clips and pictures too" said Luciano in a cool and calm manner which caught all of the attention.

"They sent them to our family" add Luciano as he still holds onto Stella's hand.

"Not a big deal, I was thinking about the same, no more like I know who, but the devil in me want to tickle them a little" reply Stella as she walks away from them and heads over to the lift.

"Bye and take good care of Marius," said Stella as she enters the lift together with Lucino.

"Bye love bird," said Skylar as she waves at them.

"I'll drive," said Luciano as he holds Stella's hand and guides her to his car instead of her own car.

Along the way to Stella's office, both Stella and Luciano were talking normally catching up at the same time gaining information, some were told truthfully while some aren't as both of them sizing while digging information without cutting throat.

As slippery as a snake, Stella could curve out and picture of who is Luciano really is with the information that she digs meanwhile for Luciano he only knows what Stella want him to know in which she manages to twist some facts and information to how she wanted him to remember.