The Maranzano Enterprise

The very next day both Stella and Skylar woke up slightly past 11 am with splitting headaches. As they both groan and slowly yet carefully cradle their head before slowly open their eyes.

with the slightest and slow movement, Stella sits up where her back was against the head bed while Skylar subconsciously mirroring her action as she did the same thing at the same time.

"Did we hit by a truck?" asked Skylar lowly in a whisper tone while looking up at Stella with hooded eyes.

"I think we drag around by a car and hit by a truck" answer Stella with a whisper.

"Agreed," said Skylar while nodding her head in a single nod before closing her eyes.

A few moments of a peaceful silence was broke by Lucian who enters the room loudly and widely open the door without any care of the world.

Lucian enters the room and said, "Good morning ladies!" as he walks over to the window and adds, "Wakey, wakey. It's almost afternoon and you two should be up by now".

He then proceeds to push the curtain apart, making the room brightly lit with sunlight while both Stella and Skylar hiss in pain as they quickly dive inside the cover.

While inside the duvet, Skylar lowly threaten Lucian by saying, "I will kill that chimp", agreed with Stella she then adds, "I will fucking torture him" as they breathe fire.

Unknown to Lucian, both ladies were brewing their plan of killing Lucian for disturbing their calm and quiet morning. He then proceeds on pulling the duvet away from them but his action is unbothered by them as they remain in the same spot unmoved.

"The hell you two. Are you a rock or something?" asked Lucian as he fails to remove the duvet for the third time in which he gives up and sighs.

"Fine, fine. You two win, I thought that I can help you two to reduce your headache by offer you hangover sup but you two are as solid as a rock so I'll just throw it out then" add Lucian as he stops his action and walks over to the table where he put the hangover soup.

The moment Lucian finished his sentence both Stella and Skylar emerge out from the duvet like a whack-a-mole animal they quickly look at the sup and swallow their saliva at the mouth watery smell.

Lucian then teases them by wanting to take the sup away from them but both ladies quickly throw their pillows at him which is a direct hit at his groin and head. As they both said, "Leave the sup alone", "Don't you fucking touch them", "Go", "Out from this room"

"Fine hyenas," said Lucian as he rubs his head and tilts his body away from them.

Then he adds, "Here's your sup" as he hands the bowl of soup to them before he exits the room quietly while the two hyenas happily eat the delicious sup.

After their meal, both Stella and Skylar smile in content while still holding the bowl in their hand as they both simultaneously unison said, "papa's soup is the best" then softly laugh at their own action.

---- ---- ---- ----

"Morning everyone" greets both Stella and Skylar as they both enter the dining room.

"Morning drunkard" greet The Maranzano and The Salvatore while smirking at them.

Both Stella and Skylar then take their seat at their own respective place. Skylar seat beside Lucian while Stella takes her seat next to her mother before she asked, "Where's Marius and Luciano?" while looking around then add, "Where's Gab?".

"Luciano and Marius went to the office this morning and haven't come back yet but he said he'll be back for lunch so probably he's on his way here" answer Lorenzo then add Laura after her husbands by saying, "or do you want to call him and reconfirm?" while smiling sweetly at Stella who nods her head and excuses herself to call Luciano.

After leaving the dining room Stella quickly called Luciano's personal number in which fail to answer at the first ring but on the second ring he picks up the phone. As soon as Luciano pick the phone up Stella's blood boiling at the familiar feminine voice that answers the phone but she remains professional and calmly asked her, "Hello is this Luciano's number?".

"Duh! Why are you calling my man?"

"Where is he?"


"Let me speak to Luciano"

"Bitch! What type of his busy that you don't understand?"

Stella quickly hangs up the phone, exhale, inhale to calm herself down before she head over to the dining room to inform everyone that Luciano's won't be joining them and she'll be going to Luciano's office.

She then heads over to the garage, hops inside the car and zooms out from the mansion like a professional car racing driver. In no time, Stella arrived at Luciano's office. She literally parks her car in front of the building entrance door, pass the key to the valet boy and walk inside the building like she owns the building.

Everyone that present there was puzzled at her extruding intimidating aura but remain professional as she head over to the information counter.

"Hello welcome to The Maranzano Enterprise, how may I help you this lovely noon?" asked the lady that was smiling behind the information counter politely.

"I'm here to see Mr Luciano Maranzano" answer, Stella, politely as she smiles back.

"Do you have any appointment with him?" asked the polite lady again.

"Yes, we have an appointment lunch together" reply Stella while aware of the sudden stare by the others who were eavesdropping on her.

"Just a moment Miss, let me check it for you," said the polite lady as she remains her politeness and smiley face.

"Ermm, Miss I'm sorry to inform you but there's no lunch appointment here in the system. There's a probability that his assistant forget to inform you about it" inform the lady as she looks apologetic.

"Thank you for the information," said Stella as she smiles at her and walk away from the information counter pretending to walk out from the place but she was actually scanning the place for her scapegoat in which happen to be a young lady with her hands full of coffee cups and struggling to scan her employee card.

"Let me help you with that," said Stella politely as she helped to scan her employee card before she quickly enters the inner building and head over to the lift.

As it was the end of the employee lunchtime, the whole place was a swarm of people trying to enter the building in which is an advantage for Stella as she disguises herself as one of the employees.

At last, after almost stopping at every floor, Stella arrived at the top floor which is the exclusive floor for Luciano. Stella then step out of the lift and was greeted by the first information counter again.

"Hi, welcome. May I know your name?" asked the polite lady in a suit as she looks at Stella from head to toe.

Her question was ignored by Stella as she walks over to the middle of the floor and spotted Luciano's office that stated his initials on the glass door of his office.

"Hey Miss you can't just enter without an appointment," said the fox lady as she stands up from her seat.

"Don't go that area" add her again and this time her colleague that was seating beside her quickly stand up and run over towards Stella trying to stop her.

As soon as his hand almost landed on Stella's shoulder, she overpowers her by twisting his hands in which makes him drop laying down on the floor in a shocked expression together with the fox lady who was covering her mouth, wide eye and in split-second her hand quickly reach out for the walkie talkie but stopped by Stella.

Stella slightly glare up at her and said, "Don't even try to inform others, or you'll lose your job" then she looks at the man who was laying down on the floor in pain and adds, "And you, don't even think of jumping me from behind" before she releases his hand and walks over towards Luciano's office while leaving everyone present there in shock.

Stella then turns the door nob and open the door widely before enter the room and glare at Luciano who was busy reading and signing on the paper without even bother to look up and see who enter the room.

Stella quickly looks inside his room taking its simple yet state powerful and rich environment before she said, "Tsk, tsk, tsk so oblivious to your surrounding and where the fuck is my son?!" as her tone change from a normal tone to a hard tone in a second as she glare at Luciano who was looking at Stella puzzled while raising his eyebrows with a blank expression.