Restaurant Shoot Out

After their meal, Gabriel continues to expose Luciano more with his secrets and works after getting a nod of approval from Luciano to disclose and inform Stella everything without holding back.

But out of nowhere, a scream could be heard throughout the restaurant that comes from the entrance.







A series of command and men walk inside the restaurant with a handgun totally ignoring the pleading of the waiter and waitress who was being merciless slapped across their face.

"Take cover," said Gabriel as he stood up and walk over to them revealing himself as he holds onto his rum.

Luciano quickly pulls Stella towards him and take cover by the side of the room, away from them as he covers her mouth while assessing the room as he said, "Don't make a move or else we all dead".

"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you, Boss Gabriel. But you are not who I want today" said the man who was seating in the middle of the room surrounded by his men.

"Stop your rubbish Antonio, what do you want?" asked Gabriel sounded mighty.

"Your best friend and his slut" reply Antonio which makes Luciano slightly react but was stopped by Stella who shakes her head in a 'no' motion.

"Said that one more time and you'll lose your head. Tell me, Antonio, is your father know that his bastard of a son is a pain in his ass by creating chaos everywhere?" asked Gabriel taunting Antonio.

"Shut the fuck up Gabriel! You know nothing!" said Antonio in anger as he stands up and points the gun towards Gabriel who was smirking at him while taking a sip of his rum.

"Wanna make trouble again Antonio? No wonder you are a bastard son. What a pity, once a bastard son will always be one" taunting Gabriel in which instantly Antonio fire his gun and hit Gabriel's stomach.

In an instant, Stella screams bloodily and rush out from her hideout together with Luciano who was trying to hold her back.

"Fucking asshole! Why you shoot my brother!" scream Stella loudly in anger.

Antonio then smirk and laugh loudly before he said, "Oh Don it's nice to see you and your slut too. Hmm, finally out from hiding?", which he added, "Then, bye, bye" before he alone starts to open fire towards them.

"Fucking hell, Antonio Giuseppe" murmur Luciano as he drags Gabriel's body away from danger while they suddenly stop shooting.

"Come out, come out wherever you are," said Antonio while he slowly stands up from his seats.

"Fucking hell, why today of all time. Amore mio (my love) I love you" said Luciano as he kisses Stella's lips then he walks out from their hiding place confronting them.

"Fucking hell Luci" murmur Stella as she quickly pulls the bag which she brings with her that was left alone on the table not far from her.

Stella slowly yet steadily pull out her handgun and position herself behind the wall then start to shoot at them one by one starting from the further enemy that was standing in front of the door.

Without any of them notice, she manages to take out 3 of them while their leader busy screaming bloodily at Luciano who was taunting him knowing that a shooter from their side is killing them right under their skin.

"Fuck you Luciano!" scream Antonio as he shoots directly at Luciano in which hit his shoulder.

"Antonio, Antonio, you will die for your crime," said Luciano as he smirks at Antonio who was looking at him sceptically.

The moment one of the men realise that they were under attack he exclaims loudly, "Fuck! Boss! Someone is shooting at us" as he takes a knee in front of the dead body.

He then stood up quickly turn to look at his leader but the moment he looks at Antonio a bullet was sent right in the middle of his head thus makes his body drop dead in front of everyone.

All hell breaks loose as they start to have a shoot out towards Luciano who was busy taking cover meanwhile Stella calmly grab Gabriel's gun and pull the safety pin before she starts to shoot back again.

Every time Stella shoot, she eliminates one enemy without missing a beat. One shoot, one kill scene that unfolds in front of Gabriel who was busy keeping pressure on his stomach wound while admiring his little sister's skill.

With the assist of Luciano, both of them become an unformidable force as they fire left and right, killing almost everyone from the opposite team until the last man standing which is Antonio and Luciano who was facing each other in the middle of the room.

"I told you, Antonio, you can't win over me," said Luciano in a smug tone as Stella shoot at the last person who was standing and pointing his gun at Luciano's head.

Antonio and Luciano then look at Stella in awe, as she walks over to them like the final boss on every game emitting a powerful yet strong aura looking impose.

"She's your success, without her you will be dead," said Antonio as he points his gun at Luciano's forehead while he slowly turns to look at Stella.

"Stop moving or else I'll put a bullet in his brain," said Antonio as he pushes his gun slightly on Luciano's forehead.

Stella who was in her killing mode, smile sinisterly looking like a demon as she said, "Do it" in a low chilly voice which makes Antonio slightly swallow his saliva.

"I'm not playing! I will shoot him" said Antonio again.

"Go ahead," said Stella again while slightly annoyed.

Antonio then looked at her in disbelief but before he could pull his trigger, Stella quickly smoothly point her gun in Antonio's direction and take a single clean shot.

"What a peasant," said Stella as she spat in annoyance.

She shoots Antonio directly on his head with her last bullet before she throws the gun by the side of the room and walks unconcernedly of the dead body that was laying down everywhere as she makes her way towards her brother.

As soon as she reaches Gabriel, she said, "Let's get you, patch up frater (brother)" in her normal tone which earns her a nod from her brother before he faints.

There and then both Gabriel and Luciano know and understand why people fear her and The Reaper of Death organisation as she shoots her enemy directly in between their forehead without missing a beat.