
Chapter 002 | Realisation of a Goal

Our Clan is the weakest out of all. This led to a strange landlord, who is now leading our Clan. It was a normal day, most of the people in our Clan are planting food, because the surrounding Clans took most of our ground and fields. When suddenly this strange shaped Man appeared. He was quite thick but also had some muscles. The man had a thick mustache under his puffed nose. He told us that he was the new landlord and thus also the leader of this clan. Nobody could refuse this statement, as our men have become thin and weak from inferior amounts of food.

So far, three weeks have passed since this event. Our clan has not changed for the better as hoped. 30% of our taxes are sent to the Clan of Our Landlord. We don't even know the name of the clan or our landlords. Once a week a cart comes to collect the supplies. The men in the car have the same pale skin color as the new landlord. The children in our clan call him the devil man; people who disobey him are either mistreated or almost beaten to death by him.

This man killing us. He doesn't care for the value of a human life. All he sees is godless scum that work for him. Why does Neschar allow this? A god should protect everybody, so that everybody can live in peace.




I'm fed up with this injustice. The rules of the supreme council favor only the strongest. I want a world where there is equality. A world in which one's own standard of living is decided in terms of inheritable abilities. But under this man's guidance, I will never achieve my goal. He must die!