
Chapter 007 | Our way to RO

Graham turned around and went back out through the corridor. Still overwhelmed and puzzled by this information, I followed him. "You certainly have a lot of questions, Paul, as long as we are still walking through these corridors, the best thing you can do is ask me everything you want to know ..... oh yes, and here is a healing potion that should relieve your pain."

As if he could read my mind! That was exactly the statement I would have wanted him to say. And so I asked him all sorts of things

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Paul: "So you want to find my father?"

Graham: "Not me, but they want to find your father

Paul: Who are they?

Graham: "The rebel organization for short RO"

Paul: "And what do you need me for?"

Graham: "The annual recruitment starts next week and I have chosen you to be there"

Paul: "I could answer it myself, but what exactly are these recruitments?"

Graham: "As I said, it is an annual event designed to bring new members to the RO. Every member, above a certain rank, is allowed to select a person and have them join ''

Paul: ,,But why did you choose me ?! I don't have a Ristic, so I'm practically useless! ''

Graham: "We'll talk about how you can prove yourself, when we're there"



There was a question that has haunted me since meeting Graham.

Paul: ,, Why ..... Why did you do that with the landlord? Why did you forced our village to such oppression for 3 months? ''

Graham: ,, I wanted to test you ..... it sounds very harsh, but that is the bare truth. RO focuses on killing injustice in this world. You passed the test with the best results ''

Paul: "Even how bad and disgusting I find this test, I can understand you from this point of view, RO seems to be an extreme organization, so such an extreme test should fit in with it.

But I can't leave my clan otherwise the next time a real bastard, like the Landlord, will show up here and subjugate all the people here ''

Graham: "I've taken care of that ... do you remember the food taxes you were supposed to give to the landlord?"

Paul: "Yes! They had the same pale skin as the landlord ..... that means they were homunculi to ?!

Graham: "Exactly. The people who picked up your donations were also homunculi. You probably don't know, but the elemental alliance between the Fire, Earth, Air, Water, and Lightning Clan had a war behind them in the past few months. They still had a lot of money, but it has become useless as they lacked food. I was able to do business with the Fire Clan and they bought your food rations from me. But I did not get money from them, I sold them the protection of your little village. But since I would not always trust these elemental clowns, I will also leave two homunculi here. A homunculus cannot exhaust and will protect your clan and allow you to focus on other things than just collecting food.

We're right out of the house, so you should ask your last question ''

Paul: "What do you need my father for? He left our clan when I was little, the fact that he isn't dead, makes me happy, but like everyone in our clan, he has no ristic ... ''

Graham: "As I said before, we will discuss how you will prove yourself when we are at the RO. And we don't need your father personally, but an object that he carries with him ..... and no, you will not yet know what kind of object it is. First, I would like to know whether you can even get into the RO, then I will tell you about this item ''

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As Graham announced, we were out of the house now, the sun was rising again, but when I was walking on, Graham turned around again. I wondered what he was going to do but then the answer already opened up to me.

Graham took out a piece of chalk and drew a careful circle around the house.

"I hate these contracts," you could hear him sigh. Then he pulled a scroll from his leather armor and ... and

Cut his thumb ?

He let the blood drip from his thumb onto the scroll on purpose. And the house disappeared ... it began to steam red and disappeared after only 12 seconds.

"Some Ristics come in the form of contracts, often sold by the owners as anyone can use the scrolls, but the owners are the only ones who can make them. Most of the time, such contracts also expect a blood donation, which is why I always hate to use them. This scroll was very expensive because it is a combination of two Ristics. First the house itself and second the illusions, like the will-o'-the-wisps, the cat and the long corridors in the house itself, '' replied Graham before I could even ask.

Then we went to my clan. As usual, everyone was already in the field. I explained to my mother and the rest of the clan that Graham would help us and that the landlord was dead. I kept silent about the fact that the landlord was one of Graham's homunculi.

I said goodbye to everyone and promised to come back.

Now my journey with the homunculi tamer Graham and our way to the RO began.