
Ristics Lexicon: Graham

Name: Graham

Age: 29

Birthday: 3/26


Graham wears a hood and a cloak, which should give him protection from rain and of course more camouflage. Under this cloak, he wears leather armor. This of course gives him protection but also mobility. On his right shoulder, he also wears an iron protection plate, which protects his dominant arm. On Graham's chest is a holster with a short knife for general purpose use. There are several test tubes on Graham's belt, each of them filled with white slime, which he makes homunculi out of.

Body characteristics:

Graham is a relatively tall man. For his size, he also has an above-average muscle mass. Muscles that he has automatically gained on his adventures.

Graham's hair is brown and his eyes are green.


Graham is not the most talkative. He only ever says what he thinks is most important at the moment. Despite this social flaw, Graham always notices it when Paul tries to ask him something.

Graham is a very experienced person he not only trusts in his Ristic, but also buys many Type 2 ristics, like scrolls, etc. from other people in case he needs more than just homunculi.


Graham's Ristic seems like a Production Ristic, but in truth, it is a Power Ristic so a Type 1 and not a Type 2. It is not a Production Ristic, because Graham is the only one who can give these homunculi commands. Graham is also of the opinion that no one else but himself should have these homunculi because they would be a terrifying weapon for assassinations and homicides. The number of homunculi that Graham can maintain at one time is not known. Myths have it that he has hundreds of homunculi around the world.