
Chapter 014 | the old woman

Graham had brought someone with him. It was an old woman. She was half my size and about twice Graham's age. She was wearing a pink kimono and was staring at my face.

"And that's the brat you want to recruit here, Graham?"

I leaned over to introduce myself to her. I may not be the most social person, but I have a lot of respect for age:

,, Good day, my name is...

"Papperlapapp I don't need to know your name. I'm only here to teach you the art of two-handed swords. Let's go! I'm not getting any younger ''

The old woman went straight to training ground B. Graham and I followed here.

Graham immediately sensed my innocence and told me:

"This old woman's name is Sanya, she used to be my old trainer. Since I have no experience with double swords, I asked her to help you. She is already retired, but still a master of swordsmanship. So don't neglect her''

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Inside the training ground, the old woman began to speak again.

"Let me see the swords"

Graham showed her the two brightly shining swords. "What a good job" you could hear her mumbling. She thought for a moment and then brought me over to her.

"Come here boy, take the swords in your hand"

She gave me the swords and I tried to hold them as professionally as possible.

"TERRIBLE" the old woman shouted, "You have never held a sword in your hand before, have you?"

I shook my head.

"Graham what kind of guy did you bring me here? There are only a few days left to recruitment ''

"The boy learns quickly. You just have to let him learn it by himself, '' Graham replied.

The old woman turned back to me

"First, Brat, don't hold these swords like you're about to strangle a rooster. The swords are too light for that. Second, stick your thumb out further. This will give you a better feeling for the swords.

If you can do all of this you will fight me ''

I tried to follow all of Sanya's tips. I held the swords loosely and stuck my thumb out further.

Sanya praised me: "Now it looks better"

The woman put her hand in one of her pockets. She seemed to want to get something out of it.

At the same moment, she jumped at me! I reacted quickly and avoided her jump. But when she landed on the floor again, I noticed that my throat was sore. I had a small wound on my neck. It was only a few millimeters big, but deep enough to bleed.

"You seem to have a good response time. But you still lack a lot of experience''

She had two toothpicks in her hands.

,, If the toothpicks had been real weapons, you'd be dead now. Now it's your turn! Attack me!''

I rushed towards her, enraged. My tactic was to strike with only one of my swords and then strike with the other where she would evade. That way I can take full advantage of my two swords. She will definitely dodge. She won't be able to parry my sword with her toothpicks.

Now I tried to put my plan into practice. I hit her from above with my left arm. As expected, she evaded. To the right! Now she has fallen into my trap. I reached out with my right hand and tried to cut her off.

I couldn't explain what happened next. Instead of dodging backward. The old woman tried to parry my attack. She held one of her toothpicks at a hard angle to my sword. My sword slid along the side of the toothpick and missed her. The next moment I felt another wound on my neck. The woman was now behind me.

"I understood your tactic. You wanted me to move to the side so that you can strike with your other sword. It seems like you're not that stupid after all. Still, your attacks were sloppy. I was able to parry your attack even with a toothpick.

Now it's my turn. Let's see how many red dots you will have at the end of the day ''