Uzaki-chan? - 6

Either way though, none of that mattered right now.

He lashed out, his gauntlet clad hand grasping the obese Chinese Emperor of old by the throat and lifting him into the air.

"Y-you!?" his beady, piggy eyes bulged and his hands left his throat to desperate grab at Kaito's arm and attempt to pull him off, to no avail.

His green aura flared to life once more and he scrabbled with all his might. Only for Kaito to punch him in the face once more with his free hand, cutting his attempts off.

And then he punched him in the face again, and again, and again. The impact of his gauntlet clad hand smashing against the pigs face over and over echoed throughout his soul.

"You know," Kaito commented idly as he punched Cao Huan in the face over and over again, "If you weren't such a cunt, I wouldn't have been all that chuffed with keeping you around, I don't even care you're a fat piece of lard, I could help you lose that with some good proper cardio, but no, you just had to be this way didn't you? And you just had to mention Yanagi and threaten her like that, didn't you?"

Kaito wasn't close to many people. In fact, the only person he was close to was Yanagi. She, and her family, were really the only people currently in the world right now, that he could say he truly cared about.

And usually, Kaito wasn't really a very angry person. In fact, before he merged with his other self, he rarely ever lost his temper.

His other self had anger and violence problems. And if there was one sure fire way to ignite Kaito's temper initially, beyond screwing with all his efforts, was screwing with what and who he cared about.

Together, they made a frightening combination.

"You shouldn't have did that." Kaito informed him and stopped punching him.

The man would have probably sighed in relief, if he could. He couldn't though since his face was currently an unrecognizable pulp of meat, swollen and purple and barely reminiscent of a human face after he worked it over with his face.

Not that it would have mattered.

Because the hand he was punching with previously, joined his other hand in wrapping around the Chinese mans throat.

And he squeezed with all his strength, fingers digging and gouging into the Chinese Emperor's throat.

The obese spirit trembled in his grip and began spasming, fighting tooth and nail with all his might even beaten as he was to escape Kaito's grip.

But it was not to be.

Before long, his struggles lessened, before dying down completely and the once Chinese Emperor, went completely limp in his grasp.

For a moment, nothing happened.

But then, the green energy around Cao Huan's body seemed to pull into his body, before the obese pig began to lose form and seemingly melt in his grasp, his body fading away into that same green energy and floating idly in a small cloud in front of him.

Within his soul.

Kaito stared at it for a moment, before reaching out to it, plunging his hand into it. As he did, he could…feel it?

It felt, almost like static for a moment, before he willed it inside him. And he felt that same rushing sensation from earlier in the alley rush through his body.

But now, he could feel it much more vividly.

Before, it was like he'd briefly dipped his finger in a pond felt water for the first time. Where as, now, it was like he'd submerged himself in a warm bath, and knew exactly where the tap was.

Moments later, the glowing green energy disappeared inside his body and disappeared from sight.

But that was fine.

That wasn't his after all.

Kaito clenched his gauntlet clad fists and focused. A moment later, he felt strength suffuse his being as a crimson red aura of power formed over his arms.

"So this is Touki, huh?" he grinned widely.

Who needed to be a Youkai when he could just devour the soul and power of an ancient Chinese Emperor.

It was the most basic of all uses when it came to Ki from what he knew. Something any Youkai could pretty much use instinctually if he was right. But, that did not at all mean it wasn't useful.

That fat bastard, had just provided the spark for him to feel his own and draw upon it. Nothing more and nothing less.

This would really go a long way. And he honestly wasn't expecting this to happen. Hell, Kaito could say, he simply got lucky.

If Cao Huan hadn't foolishly bitten off more than he could chew, it would probably be a long while before he could draw upon his Touki.

'Still, how the hell did a fat loser like that manage to learn how to use Touki at all?' he wondered, letting the aura around his arms fade.

There was no way that guy trained and learned it.

There were only two things that came to mind to be honest the more Kaito thought on it. Either the usage of Touki was a widespread thing in ancient China, which was unlikely…

Or whoever was behind the toshi and the sacred beads in the first place integrated the technique within the sacred beads themselves.

But who…or what had the kind of power necessary for something like that? And better yet, why?

Honestly, Kaito couldn't even figure out anything about the toshi beyond making wild speculations at this point.

"And not that it really matters anyway." he shrugged. Unless he planned on getting involved with them, which he didn't see the point of at this very moment, he didn't need to pay them any more thought.

There was much more pressing things to think about after all.

Like the elephant in the room.

Or rather the two energy dragons in his soul.

He stared at them for a moment, "Come." he commanded them, willing them to obey.

And they did.

Both twin dragons of crimson red energy descended to bow on the ground before him.

And with another thought, they reared right back up and spread their wings before taking to the air again.

It seemed, while within his soul at the very least, these energy dragons were completely under his control.

'Possibly because they have no consciousness or souls or anything like that?' he mused.


But not important right now.

What was important though-

"How the hell do I get out of here?" Kaito wondered, crossing his arms. This could be a real problem.

What if he missed school because of this and it went on his attendance record?

His sparkling personal record was pivotal to his future accomplishments. If that got messed up because of that fat fuck, he'd seriously hunt down any of spirits related to him like the real Cao Cao and exact vengeance upon them.


Hours later, Kaito awoke with a groan, finally returning to consciousness, and feeling not at all rested since he went to sleep, "Fucking supernatural bullshit." he growled, before rolling over and going back to sleep.