Cadre - 12

It was only the eruption of a wave of pitch black cursed flame that saved Satanael from being consumed by dragon fire.

That was fine.

It blocked his vision after all.

He was unable to see as Kaito, blurred and moved.

The teenager rounded the fallen angel and shot at him from behind. A kick shot out aimed at the back of one of the fallen angel's knees and made contact.

The fallen stumbled back just in time for Kaito to clasp both gauntlet clad hands together and spike him straight in the back of the skull.

A surprise yell of pain left the once soldier of God's throat as he found himself launched across the room and smashing into and through the concrete wall on the other side of the room, bouncing straight outside in a rain of debris where he fell in a heap.

With how weakened he was, if the Cadre wasn't currently wielding Arondight, his skull would have most likely been crushed.

On seeming instinct alone, the fallen angel, even dazed as he was threw himself to the side as Kaito followed up, his foot crashing down where the ancient mans head was a split moment previously.

His wings whipped out, firing off a barrage or razor sharp feathers towards Kaito's back, only for the teenager to spin and duck beneath, allowing them to pierce into and through a large tree behind him, and then thrust one of his fists out towards the fallen as he came to a stop on his knee.

Satanael's eyes widened as the black gem atop the gauntlet, glowed with bright white light.

He swung Arondight out just as a bolt of light erupted from the gauntlet gem like a bullet and cleaved through it.

"You…!" Satanael snarled, but never got to finish as Kaito followed behind the bolt of light and rushed him.

"You shouldn't have told me I could do that." Kaito bared his teeth and ground his foot into the ground just before he reached his opponent and torqued to the right, twisting directions in a split moment and unleashing all the momentum built up with it in a rapid jab at Satanael's kidney.

A wing blocked the punch just in time and an echoing snap resounded. Satanael snarled and swung Arondight, ebony flames erupting along its surface once more.

Kaito pulled his head back, the flames tickling along his neck but not quite touching, before pushing off and burying his other fist in the once angels stomach.

Satanael's eyes bugged out and spittle flew from his mouth, but before he could even get the chance to recover, Kaito's first fist wound back around and smashed into his cheek hard enough to send the fallen skidding across the ground.

Once again he never got the chance to recover before Kaito was upon him, a thrust kick catching him in the stomach and full on sending him spinning, while the teenager buried a rapid fire set of gauntlet clad jabs into his lower back, before grabbing him by the neck and pulling him back into a rising knee strike that was promptly buried in the base of his spine.

The fallen's eyes rolled up into the back of his head and his limbs went limp. Fingers uncurled from around the hilt of the blade in his hand and it tumbled to the ground with a clatter.

And the fallen followed a moment later as Kaito let go.

"Impossible….impossible…" a choking wheeze left the Cadre's lips as he lay face first in the dirt, his fingers scrabbling in the grass as he tried to feebly reach for Arondight.

A yell of pain erupted from his throat as a foot came down, stomping straight on his spine and pushing him down, "You brought this on yourself, mate." Kaito growled at him, smoke emanating between his lips as he drew on his magic power.

It may have been a better idea to grab the sword right now. But he wasn't sure what would happen if he did. Arondight may have been corrupted, but it was still a Holy Sword at one point, and only natural wielders of them could pick up the blade.

Not only that, it was a demonically corrupted blade now. Who knew if it wouldn't start draining his life force or something?

Though, it may be fine if he were still wearing his gauntlets if he picked it up.

"No, it makes no sense….it may be a pitiful Sacred Gear, but it still takes time to master abilities…how could you use the feature so quickly," Satanael glared up at Kaito from the corner of his eyes where his face was buried in the dirt, "Not only that…how? How did you do it? Twice Critical does not have a dragon instead, they are mere inferior copies of the Boosted Gear crafted from the flesh of the Red Dragon Emperor."

'So I was right, more or less.' Kaito thought, "I've been using Twice Critical for years," he scoffed, "And Sacred Gears respond to desire, it's pretty obvious how."

To be exact.

When he returned from his soul after sacrificing all of his organs to the draconic energy within him and forging them into the organs of a dragon. He could feel…the connection between him and his Twice Critical's grow.

He'd simply willed the light gun and sword inside and willed the gauntlets to draw upon them.

And they did.

It was just the same as how he simply knew upon returning from his soul, that the magic swelling and growing within him, could be ignited within his dragon lungs.

It was incredibly convenient.

Though to be honest, he'd been expecting it to be enough to possibly trigger his Balance Breaker.

Sadly, he apparently didn't have such an easy convenient way of unlocking his, like the stupid pervert.