Supernatural Machinations - 10

In the end, Kaito didn't end up managing to make it to the gym. He found himself arriving home much earlier than he usually would when he left for it, before midnight even.

He stopped outside his door and stared down at the screen of his crappy cheap ass phone. Specifically, at the app he had up. His mobile banking app that was. And the balance reflecting back at him.


Before he parted ways with Azazel, the leader of the Grigori had casually transferred his first half of his 'payment' to him without even blinking. And casually handed the other one over to him.

Kaito continued staring at the amount reflecting back at him. He knew objectively, that the supernatural were loaded, but…just wow.

Had he really been going about things the wrong way all this time? 'Probably, but they're still damn annoying.' he decided after a moment.

Getting involved with the supernatural in full instead of skirting the edges like he had been doing, would be a real way to gain money and status way quicker than he had planned, probably in far higher degrees as well.

But that indeed didn't change the fact, they were damn annoying to deal with and getting involved with them, would lead to him getting involved in a lot of annoying bullshit.

A catch twenty-two for the ages.

Sighing, Kaito decided to put that out of mind. For now, even if he had missed the gym tonight, he was in a pretty good mood. Azazel was annoying for sure, but Kaito couldn't deny he had benefited massively tonight.

When he unlocked the door to his apartment, he found Irina sitting in front of the television on one of the wooden chairs.

She turned her head as he entered and her pretty gem like purple eyes gave him a confused look, "Kaito-kun?" she tilted her head, "You're back early." she noted

And he noted, that she was sitting on the chair the wrong way, having the back facing the television and leaning over it to rest her head on her arms as she watched the television.

And she'd changed out of her exercise clothing from earlier. Into her 'pajamas'. If they could be called that. Because it wasn't the pajamas she got got sent over with the rest of her clothing from her parents.

But just a cheap pink hoodie he'd bought her and nothing else beyond her underwear.

Which was also pink.

He could tell that easily because he had a primo view of the way her full, perky round ass swallowed up the fabric of her pink panties.

He stared.

Irina stared back, head tilted to the head for a few moments, before she followed his gaze and saw where he was staring. Her cheeks flushed red, but the older girl didn't say anything.

Kaito sighed and looked away as he took off his jacket and hung it up, "You really should put on some shorts or something," he pointed out, it took all his self control not to turn back around and salivate over that amazing ass of hers, even even more not to walk over and fill his hand with one of those soft doughy cheeks, "There's some real creeps around here that would harass you with how pretty you are at the slightest flash of skin from you, never mind the way you're dressed right now."

He wasn't even kidding either. He'd heard Hyoudou and his buddies had stalked a few girls home to peep on them in the bath and shit. And they apparently spent the summer of last year hanging around the public pools to peep into the changing rooms.

…There were fucking little kids that got changed in there alongside their parents and the like.

"…You're not complaining though Kaito-kun." Irina noted, smiling prettily at him.

"As if I would, I'm just making it known I do have limits to my self control you know," Kaito rolled his eyes, kicking off his shoes. He walked into the main room of his small apartment and noted she had already laid out their futon's for the night, directly beside each other, "You already know I think you're gorgeous, I told you that the day we met." he added as he walked over and flopped down onto his futon.

…Despite not even getting the chance to work out, he was exhausted.

"You did," Irina replied, and though he couldn't see her with the way he was laying down, she sounded pleased, "It's nice to hear it again though."

The exhaustion could be getting to him, but was she...flirting with him? Like she'd gotten more daring as time went on with how she wore clothing around him and the like, but this was new.

"Careful," he warned her, "Saying things like that might make me think you're interested in me."

"Dummy," he heard the the chair scrape against the ground as Irina stood up and made her way over to lay down on her futon on her side facing him, "I wouldn't just dress like this in front of anyone you know."

Kaito turned his head to stare at her at his words and promptly found his eyes drifting to her chest.

Because she hadn't seen fit to zip up her pink hoodie and had a direct view at the way her huge, creamy breasts swelled up in the cups of the cute frilly pink bra she was wearing. Her breasts were not quite as big as Yanagi's, but they were still huge.

And amazing. Mouth watering.

The temptation to sink his hands into them was unreal and he felt all his blood rush south despite his exhaustion.

Before he knew what he was doing, Kaito moved, finding himself a second later kneeling over the girl with her flat on her her back, face flushed, panting deeply.

He wanted her.

Irina was a good girl. She was a bit of an airhead, but she was perky, cheerful and kind. She was a good cook that was getting better with time and an even better baker. She was a great fighter and he respected her abilities. He really liked her and got along great with her.

She was pure and beautiful inside and out.

And he wanted to fuck the absolute shit out of her and ruin her for any other man. Make her his completely and utterly.

Because for all he had his pride and felt the need to be responsible and didn't want a relationship until he was someone of worth, who could provide for his woman.

He was still a man and no matter how respectful he tried to be, how un-Hyoudou he tried to force himself to be. The primal feeling deep inside, that had only gotten stronger over the past two weeks, only grew and grew.

He wanted to bend her over, grab onto those twin tails of her and rail her till she squealed his name to the high heavens.

And it wasn't only her. Maybe Azazel was right, he was greedy. Because he wanted more and more. He wanted Yanagi as well. He wanted to take that cheeky huge titted little short stack, pick her up by the thighs and bounce her up and down on his cock and make her look herself in the eye in the mirror as he made those huge tits bounce and wiped that cheeky smirk off her face and made her beg and plead for more.

He had never hated Hyoudou because he wanted a harem or because he lusted after so many girls. He hated him, for two reasons, but one was because he was a piece of shit with no respect or boundaries.

Irina's eyes widened as he leaned down and caught her lips with his own a second later.

Experience not of this life guided him to nudge her lips with his tongue, making her open them and allowing him to slithering his own tongue on inside and wrap around her own.

Irina moaned into his mouth as he deepened the kiss, her hands coming up to wind around his neck and bury her fingers in his hair.

His right hand came down, tracing down her soft, toned and warm belly, to slip around her waist and cup one of her full ass cheeks and hill his hand with the soft, doughy flesh.

It was amazing. He had memories of filling his hands with the asses and tits of quite a few girls, but none of them had a body that compared to Irina at all, she was on an entirely different league than the girls his other self slept with.

But like all good things, it must come to an end. After over a minute of passionately making out with the older girl, Kaito chose to pull away, though even as he did, an almost obscene trail of saliva followed him up, connecting his lips with hers still.

"You have no idea what you do to me," he told her simply after taking a moment to catch his breath, "The things I've thought about doing to you are out of this world. I might hate your old pal Hyoudou, but the things I'd do to you, he'd never have the guts."

Irina said nothing for a moment, just panting deeply and staring up at him with glazed purple eyes, "…What….what if I wanted you to do them to me?" she asked.

Perhaps he was stupid for not immediately taking her up on that offer. Most in his place probably wouldn't stop and question it. His other self definitely wouldn't have.

But as gorgeous and sexy as this girl was, as much as she got his engine revved to the point where his dick had a real chance of leading over his mind.

He…had come to care for her. It was hard not to live with someone as kind and fun as she was and not come to care for her.

So he questioned her instead of mounting her like a beast and fucking her into the futon, "Why though?" he asked, "You're not the type to just go and have sex with some guy you don't have feelings for."

"…Why not?" Irina responded, and frowned up at him, "You're not some guy though. And you're right, but what makes you think I don't have feelings for you?"

"Because it's only been two weeks!" he responded promptly. That wasn't enough time for proper feelings to develop.

"You only knew me for a couple hours and you were willing to risk your life for me!" Irina shot back, "You didn't even know me a full day and you were taking me in and letting me live with you!" she protested in full.

"That's different," Kaito replied, though even he found himself wondering why, "I didn't want you to die! It wasn't pledging a possible life time, because I won't let go Irina. Deep down, I'm greedy and won't let go of what's mine."

Something clicked for Kaito then, 'Ah.' his eyes widened. All this time. He'd really been different from the start, he realised that in this moment. Because, heightened or not thanks to his efforts two weeks ago against Satanael, that was all it was. Heightened.

The instinct of a dragon had always been there. He'd always been a dragon in a human body.

"Wasn't it though?" Irina replied softly, frown fading away as she ran her hands through his hair, "If you did die, that would have been the end of your lifetime, so wasn't it a pledge of your entire life time coming with me like that? All because you didn't want me to die?"

Kaito opened his mouth instinctively, but, he found no words of rebuttal coming forth. It wasn't exactly flawless logic, but it wasn't wrong either.

"It might have only been two weeks, but it was a special two weeks," Irina continued, "You risked your life for me. You took me in. You lifted me up when I was at my lowest after God died, if not for you I might have killed myself that was how sad I was. And then after that, you looked after me, we lived together and we had fun together and I can't help the way my heart beats rapidly every time I'm close to you and feels like it's going to burst from my throat."


"It's…so fast though." was Kaito's last feeble defence. This went from barely ten to over a full hundred in the blink of an eye.

…Or had it just been smouldering up from beneath the surface and he hadn't noticed.

…Or, or…was it because of the things that occurred with Azazel tonight? With a solution presenting itself to him for the one thing that was holding him back, was it that everything rushed forth?

….What did he do?

He wanted to fuck this girl so hard he made an impression of her bodacious round ass in his wooden floor. But, she wasn't just some girl to pump and dump.

And he also wanted to continue this life he had going here with her. He enjoyed coming back to her, her company, her making him food. It was fun and warm.

"Is it really though?" Irina looked up at him with a warm smile, "Kaito-kun, I know I grew up in the church and not really experienced much when it comes to this kind of thing, but two weeks, it was enough to know you. And…I know my feelings better than anyone else, and it's not some silly little thing…I've fallen for you."

The words hit him hard and his eyes widened, his heart rapidly speeding up in his chest. He couldn't think of anything to say, and Irina took the lead then.

She rose up, one hand coming down to press against his chest and push him up from kneeling over her onto sitting on his backside. She straddled him, sitting in his lap and looked him straight in the eyes, "You don't need to hold back if you don't want to Kaito-kun, I already know what I want," Irina continued, "I've been thinking a lot over the past two weeks, thinking what I'd do with my life after being declared a heretic and finding out God was dead. And the only answer I could find, well beyond learning bake even tastier treats, is you. I want you."

Her words felt like a ton of bricks smashing into his mind. And oddly though, in a way, it cleared up many of the thoughts plaguing him.

….If she was being this courageous to admit all this to him, he couldn't allow himself to be an utter pussy and not face them head on.

"Alright," Kaito accepted simply, "There's only one problem though."

"….Do you mean protection?" Irina tilted her head cutely and asked crudely, "Because I don't mind. It's a bit early, but I was raised in a religious family remember and part of the church so I've already been expecting to bear your children."

"Woah, woah woah, slow down there cowgirl!" Kaito's eyes promptly widened in shock and he sputtered, "I meant Yanagi!"

Holy shit were church girls intense when they decided to go all in.

Irina blinked, "Oh…your friend you mentioned, right?"

"Yes….the one who has made no attempts to hide she wants to date me," Kaito deadpanned, "The one who I've known for a while and was my only friend before I met you. the one who I only rejected because I wasn't in any place to offer her anything."

But now he was in that place. Or at least on the edge of it and he could wade right in if he wanted.

"Oh…" Irina uttered softly, "It would be mean of me to tell you to reject her wouldn't it?"

"Kind of…?" Kaito shrugged, "You'd be telling me to choose between my only friend and you after all."

"Well I can't do that then," Irina pouted, crossing her arms, "Can't you just go out with us both? Solomon had multiple wives and there's a bunch of guys in the church I met that had more than one. And why should only the devils and fallen be allowed to do it?"

…Wait, what?