Meeting them and Taking one

"Master, there are three Devil signatures shall we take care of them?" Yuri Alpha spoke as she sensed the energy

"Wait" Shin then made another portal one that allows him to view who is outside.

Soon Shin spoke "Allow them to snoop around, if they want to come in let them and treat them."

Yuri Alpha then bowed and left Shin and Irisviel who was still unconscious from their earlier bout.


"It's in here Akeno" Rias said as she pointed at a mansion.

"Buchou this place is almost too quiet I Don't like it"

"Ara~ someones afraid of a silent atmosphere but has the balls to challenge Riser?" Akeno giggled at teasing Issei.

"Hmm lets check out that Mansion, that place has never been bought for years maybe we'll find clues there on that sudden surge of power" Rias spoke

Soon the trio arrived at the entrance but were stunned to see a maid with a scepter on the back waiting for them

"Master has been waiting for ya come in, to be honest I don't like why you made master wait for you" Lupusregina said as she gestured them to come in.

"Buchou I don't like this, even if she is cute"

"What about you Akeno?" Rias asked her Queen.

"I think we should just go in after all I agree that it is rude to make someone wait for you if they're expecting you"

As the trio were probing the area they saw the beautiful surroundings

'Since when was this area bought? This area is filled with Stray's and I can't sense them anymore their Master must be strong maybe he can help?' Rias thought as she felt that the maid in front was strong

'Hmm the person who owns this must be quite rich and strong to hire this woman? Is she/he a mage or an exorcist?' Akeno was also lost in her thoughts while trying to figure out the identity of the master

'She is quite cute I wonder if this guy has lots of maids and can I secure a contract here?' Issei was blushing at this thoughts

Soon they were lead into a building and another maid was waiting for them.

"I'll take it from here Beta, Come master is waiting for you inside" Yuri Alpha spoke as she opened the doors.

What they saw was an extravagant white haired beauty preparing tea for them and they all had the same thoughts 'Beautiful'

"Oh you must be the guests wait for a minute Shin-sama will be coming out"

"We're sorry for disturbing you" Rias said as she bowed and took a seat soon Issei and Akemo follow suit.

Issei was blushing hard as she stared at Irisviel as he had never seem someone comparable to Rias in terms of beauty before.

"Are you still single?" When Akeno heard that she smacked Issei's head and spoke to Irisviel.

"I'm sorry for that he's still a new devil ma'am?"

"It's okay, Irisviel, you can call me Iris"

"Again I'm sorry Iris for his behavior, My name is Akeno, This is my president Rias, and this is Issei" as soon as Akeno finished that Shin came out in a black suit like he was ready to make a deal with the devil, both Akeno and Rias were now also blushing hard as they felt hot when they looked at Shin but soon controlled themselves Issei took notice and began to feel uncomfortable.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of you three visiting?" Shin tried to act innocently

"If I may speak uhm" Rias was having a hard time looking at Shin while Issei was next to her

"Shin, you can call me Shin Rias." When Shin spoke Rias name immediately the trio was on guard. "Please don't get tense after all I'll be your classmate soon"

"*cough* Shin-san are you a mage perhaps?" Akeno broke the atmosphere.

"No, I'm just a perfect human being" Shin smiled.

"Care to elaborate on that Shin-san?"

"If you'll stay with me then why not?" Shin fired back.

"Ara~ I hope you know what you're saying"

"And I hope you know what we're going to do while I elaborate further" Shin smiled at Akeno making her blush which made Issei visibly more uncomfortable.

"Oi what do you mean about that now!? Do you want take Akeno!?" Issei thought as he tried to use Ddraig

"What do you think? Oops" Shin laughed as he saw Issei fuming as he thought he lost one Harem member and he may potentially lose Rias as well, he looked ready to battle Shin anytime even if he was a human.

"Issei! I'm sorry Shin but I'll have to come here again as I feel this is not the best time to talk." Rias stood up and bowed but before she could leave.

"Please stay, I insist its not everyday that I get visited by two beauties, Iris, please go and prepare for dinner tell Yuri Alpha not to over do it too much" Irisviel then bowed and left soon Rias sat once more and Issei calmed down.

"So what is it do you want to talk about?"

"How strong are you?" Rias asked with a hopeful expression.

"Strong enough to take care of you that you won't have to worry about anything" Shin spoke as he smiled at Rias.

Not wanting to be left out Akeno also asked "What about me then?"

"Well, I guess strong enough to break you?"

"Ara~ big words but can you prove it?" Akeno giggled

"Naturally if you let me."

"Don't talk to them like that!" Issei Yelled.

Shin just ignored the beta in front of him and spoke.

"Do you need help in anything? As your future classmate I'll do anything."

"Classmate I'll ask soon but, anything? What can you offer to someone like me?" Rias asked.

"The question here my dear Rias is what can YOU offer me after all humans are selfish no?" as soon as he spoke that his created evil pieces floated and appeared behind him.


"Yes these are evil pieces, I can give them to you, they'll naturally enhance your current evil pieces by at the minimum of 10x power and the maximum an increase of 50x power of course there is no side-effects and will greatly improve your strength, now Rias, what can you offer me in exchange for this?"

"Are you sure? I don't believe in you unless you prove it" Rias undoubtedly more shocked the more she stayed here

"Very well then" soon a bishop piece floated into Akeno and merged with her soon enough Akeno was cloaked with black and yellow lightning

"This! Buchou he speaks the truth I felt an increase in power and it seems his evil piece has mutated mine once more I believe" Akeno soon controlled her new found powers.

"Akeno, Issei, Leave us alone." Rias said as she looked down on the ground thinking this was her only way out of the engagement.

"Buchou!" Issei Yelled and Stood up not wanting to leave her with what he felt like a real devil in front.

"I said leave!" Soon Akeno dragged Issei out.

'Such a beta as always' Shin thought

"Why did you let them leave?" Shin asked

"It's better I make the deal myself than allow them to be dragged in it, but about Akeno?"

"Akeno's was just a gift from me to her naturally I wanted you to believe it also so Think of it as a gift nothing else."

"I see, then can I expect a gift from you as well?" Rias probed the probability of getting things free.

"Akeno's gift is Akeno's only, as for you, if I give this as a gift once more don't you feel like I'm losing something? Like I said earlier what do you have to offer me Rias?"

Rias bit her lower lip for expecting too much she looked down trying to find a deal she won't lose out on but she thought about the things she could offer such as power or worse but before she could think off anything.

Shin held her chin and went close to her, only a breath away from her lips, she looked at Shin straight in the eyes and waited for whatever will happen next.

Shin not wanting to waste the moment looked at Rias wanting to break her right now immediately took her lips and tried invading her mouth with his tongue

"Mm!" Rias opened her mouth to the invading tongue of Shin and dance with it with her own tongue, soon Shin picked up and carried the Sitting Rias and while Rias straddled Shin as she also put her arms around Shin's neck

'She really is thick but this is not enough to break her' Shin then moved his hands trying to explore the lower part of Rias while maintaining his grip.

Soon Rias realized what she had done and separated her mouth from his gasping for air she soon looked at Shin and remembered the she straddled him over her own accord.

'What came over me?' The more she thought about what she had done the more guilt she felt but she also was getting wetter by the second as she felt something poke her crotch.

'Time to push her buttons' Shin said as he did not want to let go of this moment

"Hmm so thats what you can offer me? I'm sorry but your Body is great I'll admit but if you want my help then you'll have to give me more than your body" Shin spoke calmly

"I-i!" Rias was at the end of her whims when Shin said that.

Shin soon took her lips once more and whispered into her ear

"The real you, not the Rias everyone sees outside but the Rias inside, I know there's more to you than that, it's only fair you know? I'll help and you only need to be your real self around me"

Rias melted at Shin's words blushing as no one had said that She suddenly felt hotter than before, Rias hardened her hold on Shin unconsciously and soon she initiated the kiss with her arms tightening their hold onto his head

Soon Shin replied and matched the intensity of Rias and soon another round of their tongues went, Shin wanting to imprint himself on Rias pinned her back to the table while still maintaining his hold


With Rias lying on her back Shin soon grinded his member on Rias wet crotch which elicited moans from her

"Mm Shin!" Shin continued to grind harder and pressed his member harder as both of their parts were still separated by a thin layer of cloth.

Shin took one of his hands and went underneath her cloth and rubbed her clitoris while grinding her.

'What is this? I'm feeling something coming!' Rias thought not noticing Shin's member was already out if its tent while hers was still sealed

Shin knowing Rias will soon cum teased Rias' pussy harder rubbing his cock and tried to push it in without penetrating making her squirm and made her move her hips on instinct

"I'm gonna cum!" Rias shouted and before she even realized she was already squirting making her underwear wet as she panted before she could react Shin immediately took her underwear off and sucked on her pussy making her feel light headed

"Shi-shin! P-please stop!" But her body betrayed her as she pushed Shin's head further trying to get the feel orgasm once more.

Shin pushed his tongue further and deeper until he found the spot Rias was elliciting reactions too

"Soo Good!Yes right there that's the spot!" Rias moaned as she pushed his face deeper, after being eaten by Shin awhile She soon Climaxed and squirted in front of Shin's face, leaving her panting ang gasping for breath.

"It's my turn now Rias" Shin soon stood up and pointed his cock at Rias mouth, she instinctively suck on it with any second thoughts.

'What Am I doing? Yet I can't stop Wha-!' Shin deepthroated Rias suddenly pushing it.

'This feels better than I thought, to think I'd take her not a day after I arrived' Shin soon thrusted his hips faster and faster until he could no longer hold it.

"Take your appetiser Rias" Shin soon came in Rias mouth forcing her to drink his cum, Shin slowly removed his cock and looked at Rias enamoured face.

Shin couldn't hold back and carried Rias once more and began to kiss her, Rias also replied uncontrollably, soon Shin carried Rias to his bed inside.

"Wait Shin! I!" Rias noticed where they were headed.

"Want to stop?" Shin asked, he knew Rias wanted to do it right now but if he also pushed it it would make Rias hate him not want him which would be the opposite of what he wants.

"Y-yes" Rias said slowly as she was put down and slowly she remembered what she had done moments before feeling guilty that she had done it not with her Issei, but her forehead was suddenly kissed.

"Okay, I won't push it" Shin said softly, but his lips were taken by Rias as it was suddenly invaded by her.

"Si-sit down there I-i'll do something to help you" Shin followed her instructions and suddenly straddled him once more.

'Its not cheating if I don't put it in right?' Rias thought as she slowly grinded her bare pussy against his cock slowly but Shin couldn't wait as he rubbed it fast and thrusted his hips forward controlling the rhythm.

"Mm!" Rias moaned as the two parts were grinding each other while Shin's cock was sometimes teasing her that it would enter her and his hands were rubbing her back and ass.

"Rias I'm gonna!" Shin soon came and shot it Rias bare pussy as he was still coming Rias soon came off and Sucked his cock clean.

'It's really big!' Rias said to herself wanting to calm Shin down.

"Let's stop now Shin, anymore I" Rias said

"Okay" Shin snapped his fingers and soon Rias was cleaned up not any hints of what they've done.

"Thank you" Rias said as she stood up wanting to get out before she could get lost in pleasure once more, but before she could leave her stomach was held from behind she put her hands on top of it and she felt a head on her shoulder.

"Tell me do you love someone?" Shin suddenly whispered, Rias thought of Issei but she couldn't find the words and nothing came out of her mouth

"I'll take that as a No" Shin kissed Rias cheeks once and then Kissed her neck leaving a mark.


"I know, you don't love anyone right? So I assumed you wouldn't mind"

"..." Rias said nothing but as she looked at Shin in the eyes all she could see was a gaze full of love she didn't know what to do but she pecked his lips and strengthened her hold on the hands that were on her stomach.

"Don't tell anyone yet, I'll also Assume you'll help us now" Rias said.

"Naturally, come Akeno and Issei must be worried" Shin soon opened the door and came out with a blushing Rias.