Kuoh Farm

It was early morning when Shin felt something move in on his lower body he opened his eyes and saw Akeno already giving him a Paizuri.

"Good morning Shin-kun, Your little boy kept poking my womb earlier so I had to punish it"

"Good morning Akeno do punish it"

As soon as Shin said that Akeno sucked on it making Shin cum faster.

"Akeno!" Shin held Pushed Akeno's head further and Released inside her mouth.

Akeno drank everything and soon stood up and took Shin's hands and made him hold her stomach and laid on his chest

"Ara~ Shin-kun, you really do have to take responsibility"

Shin held her and looked her in the eyes.

"Maybe when we graduate first, I'll really put a bun in your oven"

"Hmm~ how many so do you want?" Akeno asked shyly

"As much as you want" Shin kissed her forehead making her blush.

"Ara~ I have to wash up I don't want to make someone jealous that I got to you first".

Shin pointed where the bathroom was but when she Akeno swaying her hips seductively he soon followed after her.

"Shin?" Akeno tilted her head as she was putting on soap

"Don't bother acting." Shin then turned Akeno backwards making her back face him and lifted Akeno's hips and plunged his member inside the entrance.

"Yes! You're the best Shin!" Shin trusted her fiercely at first but then slowed down as he took the soap from Akeno's hand.

"Come on stand straight." Akeno followed his command and soon Shin began washing Her while fucking her, needless to say this took up the majority of their morning


The two soon left towards Kuoh Academy, Shin wanted to teleport there but Akeno wanted to walk together with Shin.

While the duo were walking towards the academy, they saw people looking at them with jealousy but they didn't mind.

"Come to think of it Shin-kun its only been 1 day and we've already done it, its quite fast isn't it?"

"Do you hate it Akeno?"

Akeno soon clung onto Shin's right arm and pressed it between her boobs and kissed his cheek shocking the surrounding students as one of the top beauties suddenly had a partner!

"No, I don't Shin, I trust you to take care of me and of course I also know that you loved me first when you first saw me Ara~ its making me wet down there remembering when you first saw me, eyes full of love and not lust"

Shin immediately sealed her lips making the surroundings curse and shout at the duo.

"Come we'll be late but I do have to ask, why did you transfer here in Kuoh?"

"To meet you?" Shin laughed dryly as Akeno tightened her hold.


"Issei Big news!" Two people came running at Issei frantically showing him a picture

"Eh? What's this?" Issei looked at the picture closely he saw a two familiar persons he looked at it more closely until.


"Yes! Akeno has gotten a boyfriend Already we don't even know what class he is in! Plus l the girls are dropping dead when they see him!"

As soon as Issei heard that he felt something taken of his chest that pained him

'Akeno was never really into to me right? She was just teasing me? I still have Rias' oppai"

"Well does it matter anyway?" Issei looked at the duo.

"Yes! One of the top beauties got taken!" Motohama replied

"And by a handsome one at that! I want to dig dirt on him!" Matsuda said.



Rias was nervous when he saw Shin coming in.

"Oh hello Rias? I told you yesterday right that we'll be classmates I hope you didn't forget"

"Yeah, say you didn't do anything to Akeno right?"

"Nope, he didn't do anything to me that bad Rias, right Shin?" Akeno smiled and held her crotch while clinging to his arm

"I'll believe you then, come on Akeno let's go to class now, Shin has got to go to the student council, and I already told Sona about your identity needless to say that she's also a devil like me" Rias soon left with Akeno.

'Hmm? another one this early but I don't mind'

Shin immediately went to the student council room and saw a waiting Sona and Tsubaki.


"Hello there, I assume you must be Sona Sitri? And Tsubaki Shinra?"

The two women looked at the new arrival determining if he his as good as Rias says.

Sona was sitting on the Student Council president chair while Tsubaki was beside her

"Yes I am Sona Sitri, and she is Tsubaki Shinra indeed, first off I'd like to thank you for coming here"

Sona gestured for Shin to sit down

"May I ask what you have called me for?"

Tsubaki answered Shin instead of Sona this time.

"We would like to know if you pose a threat to Kuoh or why you're helping Rias?"

Shin looked at them blankly

'I'll enjoy breaking Saji'

After his thought he soon smiled at Sona and Tsubaki.

"No, I'm here to just enjoy my life and help anyone I can especially if I know them"

Shin looked at the surroundings and his eyes were stuck on a certain chess board.

"I understand, but we do have rules here I appreciate it if you follow them" Tsubaki said

"Say do any of you play chess?" Shin pointed out the chess table.


[Chess Skill : MAX! Acquired]

Sona intrigued by the matter as Shin was purposefully dodging the talk decided to entertain him.

"Oh, as a matter of I do, I still haven't been beaten yet" Sona adjusted her eye glasses.

"Never been beaten? that's quite the record you have there would be a shame if someone broke it" Shin innocently smiled at Sona making her blush a little

[Luxuria's Blessing Activated!]

[Target : Sona Sitri, Tsubaki Shinra]

"Y-yes do you want to play 1 match I can prove it" Sona fake coughed to hide her blush

"But what's in it for me? After all I'm still new here"

"If I win, you must adhere to our rules in Kuoh and explain your relationship with the strange magical signature yesterday as you were in the area"

"And If I win, let me leave a peaceful life here and don't ask anything"

"Deal" Sona quickly agreed soon they sat on opposite ends of the table and began their match.

While in the middle of the match Shin looked at the concentrating Sona


"Say Sona, since a deal is a deal and you've never been beaten before do you have any special rewards like a quest would give if I beat you?" Shin asked as they still continued their match.

"Beat me first then we'll talk about it" Sona soon moved one piece after her analysis but

"Hmm okay and that's checkmate" Shin smiled at Sona as soon as he said that.

Shin looked at the stunned Sona and Tsubaki who hadn't seen Sona been beaten until now.

"One more!" Sona said.

"Hmm, sure" Another round of chess was played and this time it was much quicker

"Last one" Sona quickly arranged the pieces as she could not believe the results she lost two in a row.

"But We'll be late you know? It's only my first day and I don't want to have a bad reputation" Shin laughed wryly.

"Tsubaki go explain to the teachers please" Tsubaki nodded, leaving Sona and Shin alone.

"Oh? Well all right I'll play with you for as long as you like" Shin smiled as he soon took his seat.

"You just got lucky earlier Shin" Sona said as she began the first move.

As the match was ongoing.

"Say Sona, what is your dream?" Shin moved his piece

"My dream huh? It doesn't hurt to tell you"

"I'm all ears"

"Well, its to open a school in the underworld one that is open regardless of status"

"That sounds very noble Sona, It suits you" Shin pushed her buttons

"You really think so Shin?" Sona said with a blush on her cheeks as this was the second time a boy agreed with her but couldn't determine if Saji was serious or trying to play her.

"Yep, I admire you for coming to the human world and also enrolled to learn the education system, Its one step closer to you dream am I right?"

"Y-yes" She said weakly.

"I'll also help you if you want" Shin smiled which made Sona blushed more

"Sure, Shin""

"And Checkmate"

Sona quickly collected herself when Shin said those words as she was sure she could won.

"Shin, another round, this time don't ask anything"

"Sure whatever you say Sona"

After 7 more matches the score was 9-1 Shin gave the last match to Sona in a convincing way so she wouldn't get discouraged.

Sona soon breath a sigh of relief as she finally beat Shin, she was mentally drained, Shin stood up and went to her back and massaged her back and temples.

"What are you doing Shin?" Sona asked as this was the first time she had experienced this situation.

"Giving you a break, I can see you're very tired no? If you're tired how can you achieve your dreams this way?"

"You're right" Sona accepted her fate but liked it very much as it was really relaxing especially when Shin was the one doing it, she blushed as soon as she thought of the last part.

"Say Sona do I get to have a reward? I bested you 9 times"

Sona twitched her face when she heard she lost 9 times in fact if anyone were to know about this matter Shin could already be considered her fiancé.

"Say it Shin, I'll do it if I can of course I'll also do my part of the deal"

"Then what about a date?" He tried to act innocently.

"A d-date!?*

"Yeah a date, I did beat you after all"

Sona looked down trying to hide the redness of her face as she was still being massaged by Shin, she soon collected herself.

"No, I'm too busy for that right now, anything else?"

"Hmm, then what about a kiss?"

"A what!?"

"A kiss, you know where two people's lips meet"

"I know what a kiss is idiot!"

"Then is it a yes? After all it's not much compared to a date hmm?"


"Never mind then, its just a record" Shin said nonchalantly

'Just a record!? Well to be honest he should be my fiancé since he beat me but it's just a kiss right?' Sona thought.

"F-fine! It's just a kiss" Sona stood up but when she turned around Shin was already ready as if he was expecting this.

"Then don't mind if I do"

Shin held her face and pecked her lips


But it wasn't enough for him, he soon tried to invade her mouth and was surprised Sona willingly opened it!

"Mm!" Sona moaned from the pleasure she was experiencing

Shin's hands travelled from Sona's face down to her waist touching everything as he went down his path and pulled Sona closer.

"Shin!" Sona pulled out and a wet thread that connected them appeared from her mouth.

"Hmm? You didn't like it?"

"That's not-" Sona blushed harder than before and she increasingly became hot.

"Then I'll take it you like it" Shin soon took her lips once more this time Sona became more proactive and placed her arms around on his neck.

Sona was so engrossed that by the time they were finished she hadn't realized that Shin's hands were already on her ass massaging it and that something was poking her navel.

"Shin, I think that's enough for now" Sona said as she was gasping for air.

Shin raised his eyebrows at Sona's words, he soon went near her ear and whispered.

"Okay, If you say so, I'll wait for it next time then" as soon as he finished his words he blew into Sona's ear and kissed her cheeks.

"Eek! Shin!"

'Why do I feel like I lost something just now?' Sona thought as they both removed themselves from each other.

"See you around So-tan!" Shin said as he left

"Great just great another one calling me that but" Sona touched her lips and blushed

'If it's him I won't mind it that much?'


"My name is Akihiko Shin please take care of me" Shin bowed and smiled to everyone causing every girl to blush and every boy to sneer.

"Ok does anyone's have questions?" The teacher said and soon people raised their hands.

Shin pointed At Akeno who was raising her hands.

"How many children do you want with me?" Some of the guys broke down when they heard what Akeno asked.

"As many as you want?" Shin calmly answered her soon he pointed at Rias.

'Damn he's targeting the Top 2in Kuoh!'

"Meet me later" was all what Rias said, she didn't ask but gave a statement soon the school would learn that the top two beauties of Kuoh was getting harvested in the front of their eyes.

"Sure" Shin smiled and took his seat in between Akeno and Rias

Tsubaki soon raised her hand and Shin pointed at her.

"Where is Souna?"

"She'll catch up I guess?"

"HE'S TARGETING THE TOP 4!" A mob shouted

Then the bell rang and class began with Shin grinning that all his plans were running smoothly.