More Summons

"This! What is this magical signature in her body?" DaVinci exclaimed as she observed Ingvild's body.

"That my dear DaVinci is a Sacred Gear or a Longinus in her case" Shin replied

"What do these sacred gear do? It sounds magical" DaVinci looked at Shin with stars in her eyes.

"It gives people power, it depends there are tons of Sacred Gear with different uses, as for her, her Longinus grants her the power to control over the wills of dragons either strengthening them or weakening them"

"Fascinating! But can we emulate these so called Sacred Gears?"

"I heard its possible, I know a person but I'm gonna need time, in the meantime can you research more how to emulate it?"

"As long as I have a workshop I'll get it done as soon as possible I can even make stronger and better ones with enough time" Shin nodded at her words Shin then looked at Scáthach

"Can you take 'that' person's Sacred Gear and transfer it too me without him being alerted?"

"I can try, but if we want to do it successfully I need a live experiment"

"Consider it done I'll tell the Pleiades, I'm sure they're more than willing to scratch their itch"

Shin looked at the trio who were waiting for more orders.

"Do you think we should Summon more now Iris, Scáthach, and DaVinci?"

Iris spoke first "For me its best We fulfill the Queen, Rook, and at least 1 Pawn if we want to have a legitimate team."

DaVinci was confused as she did know about this. "What are you all talking about?"

Scáthach came near DaVinci and pressed her forehead giving her the Information she probably filtered and deemed useless.

"So I accidentally filtered them out huh? Well by going that way, Since Scáthach is a Knight, I'm a bishop, then yes we do need to at least fill those roles"

"Scáthach and Irisviel already had their recommendations, do you have any DaVinci?"

"Hmm considering you'll impregnate me sooner I wish I do hope soon, I guess Jeanne d'Arc would be a good addition as a Knight as she is impervious to magic but can't nullify them completely if I remember she'd be perfect for me as a partner while I prepare some of my magic, as for a Pawn I'm debating between Nero or Mordred."

"What about the Queen?" Shin asked.

"Does the Queen even matter at this point? No offense to the future Queen but I'm sure Scáthach alone can take everyone around here without sweat"

"Then Prime saber it is"

'System prepare to summon'


[Request Acknowledged!]

[ Summoning Jeanne d'Arc (Ruler) ]

[ Summoning Nero (Saber) ]

[ Summoning Artoria (Saber) ]

Soon three Women materialzed in front of the trio.

Both of them looked at each other first and soon looked towards Shin and bowed.

"It is an Honor to meet master" The Three said simultaneously.

"Say are you three relatives? all of you look almost exactly the same even though your from different points in time Fascinating! May I ask a sample of your blood when the workshop is up and running?" DaVinci said

"Sure if its for Shin-sama" Artoria quickly recovered and replied calmly.

"As expected of my Queen"

"Who's the queen? Me?" Nero said with a confused look.

"Artoria is Nero" Shin replied

"Why it isn't me huh?" Nero looked at Shin with a conflicted gaze

"Scáthach if you will please" Scáthach gave them the memory of the DxD peerage system, how it works and how they get strong.

"Uhm forgive me Shin-san"

"It is fine Nero, after all everyone of you are my wives" Shin said calmly to which Iris, DaVinci and Scáthach nodded.

"Mee? Your wife? Do you even kno-!" Shin put his finger on Nero's lips.

"I know what you are called, 'Whore of Babylon' frankly I don't care about that what I want is this" Shin pointed Nero's heart, making Nero blush a little she then regained her spunk.

"Ehem! Then as you will it Shin-san! I grant you the privilege to be my master! Haha" Nero laughed

"Um what about me?" Jeanne asked feeling left out.

"Of course you are one of my Wives also Jeanne I won't lie to you as I do in fact like you"

"I may have to disappoint you My King as I have to love everyone equally" Jeanne said as she bowed.

"Then I'll teach you how love selfishly and that love will be directed to me" Shin cooly said at Jeanne then He looked at Artoria

"My Queen" Shin bowed back and gave his hand, to which Artoria took it.

"As my Queen allow me to put your piece personally"

"Then do as you may"

A Queen piece soon appeared The better version that Shin recently acquired, he grabbed it and placed it at Artoria's chest and then Kissed her hands.

"Shin-sama! But!"

"First and foremost My Queen, you are my woman a Queen, before your duties as a knight in battle, you are a girl when there are no battles,You are a Queen before a woman in battle, but You are a woman before a Queen in front of me" Shin smiled as she pecked Artoria's lips once more, Artoria soon blushed after hearing his words giving her a new found feeling that she couldn't describe.

"Then let me do my duties as A Queen now" Artoria said while looking Shin.

Shin understood and took out [ Excalibur ] which Shocked Artoria but Shin continued and gave her the Rook piece and Pawn Piece as well as the sword, Nero and Jeanne understood as they went closer and kneeled in front.

"Nero come closer, from today onwards you are the head pawn of Shin-sama's peerage we expect you to do your best and always think of what power suits the situation best" Artoria knighted Nero and soon put the Pawn piece in her chest.

"Jeanne d'Arc, from today onwards you are the rook of Shin-sama's peerage, we expect you to do the same as you did" Artoria then Knighted her and also Put the Rook piece.

"Wow seeing it in real life feels different than reading about it" DaVinci exclaimed

"It certainly is DaVinci-san" Iris nodded at her words.

Scáthach just nodded and waited for everyone

"I guess our guests have waited long enough for your arrival" Shin said and snapped his fingers creating a portal while gesturing Artoria to take his arm.

Artoria nodded and went with Shin at the same time.


"You're actually Staying here Buchou!!?" Issei shouted as Rias repeated what she said earlier

"Yes I am Issei, I'm staying with Akeno though as I want to keep her safe from Shin just in case." Rias smiled at him not telling him the real reason why.

"I-i understand" Issei nodded and looked deflated and having thoughts of him being Ntr'ed by Shin right now.

Soon A Portal appeared in the middle of the Hall, Shin appeared with Artoria at his side, soon the figures of Nero,Jeanne, Iris, DaVinci and Scáthach appeared.

Akeno was startled as she looked at the entourage each one of them a beauty in their own right, she was feeling proud of herself that Shin was this capable.

"Ara~ Shin are all these my sisters?"

"They are Akeno, they are also My Peerage members, as part of the deal Rias, they will help you train."

'But I'll them the same to hold back' Shin thought.

"Shin how far am I behind in race?" Rias asked as she wanted to know since they were his wives.

"Not far, you're only second to Akeno" Shin smiled as one of the reason why He wanted to reincarnate here was because of the two.

Rias blushed at his words and mouthed

'Soon I'll give it without a thought anymore'

The pervert was staring at the ensemble with blood flowing from his nose. Koneko smacked him without a second thought.

"Allow me to introduce ourselves" Artoria bowed and began the Introduction

"I am Artoria Pendragon, I am Shin-sama's Queen"

"Jeanne d'Arc, I am the Rook of the peerage"

"Nero! And I'm the strongest pawn of Shin's peerage be blessed by my Presence!"

"DaVinci, I am the Bishop of Shin's peerage, I'd like to research all of you, your presence is fascinating" DaVinci smiled while she scrutinised everyone arround.

"Scáthach, Knight"

Rias peerage was astounded by the presence Shin's Peerage emitted but there was one boy who was laughing.

"No offense but what's with your names? Do you all have 8th Grade syndrome?" Issei continued to laugh which earned him the Ire of Nero but before Nero could move

"Artoria" Shin said

Artoria complied and took out Excalibur and slammed it to the ground releasing her Aura to the people around them.

Her Aura crushed everyone it forced them to the ground especially Issei where she focused on.

'Partner what did I fucking say earlier? don't piss them of for no reason!' Ddraig sounded as he tried guarding Issei's mind so it won't break under the pressure

Shin put his hand on Artoria's shoulder and said "Release".

The pressure Artoria released stopped making everyone pant no one was spared.

'I forgot to tell her about Akeno and Rias but oh well'

"To tell you the truth those are their real names, tell them they are fake they'll kill without even lifting a finger" Shin looked at Issei coldly.

Akeno soon recovered

"Why are you all females then? I'm sure Arthur Pendragon, Nero and DaVinci where all males?"

"They are all females but they hid behind their Armors for a reason, as for DaVinci well she's a special case and it was her desire of true beauty that made her into that"

"Shin-sama's right, now I'm sure Shin's sama's peerage is already tired for the day so we'll take our leave now as we prepare for the future of this world." DaVinci left as Sebas guided her to her room and future workspace.

Each of the Pleiades guided the Servants to their Rooms according to Shin's perspective as he had modified every room to suit everyones need with his [Creation].

The only ones left in the Room was Now Shin and Rias' peerage.

Shin sighed as he went near Rias and Akeno telling them sorry by hugging them and assuring them it wouldn't happen again unless provoked.

"I'm sorry about that, I only wanted you guys to meet my peerage I didn't expect they'd get insulted"

"It's fine Shin, we're at fault in the first place, how strong is your peerage anyway?" Rias said in a weak tone after they saw their strength.

"Frankly I don't know, strong enough to battle without breaking a sweat If I say so My self."

"Well I guess enough of that" Akeno recovered, she then looked at the rest of the group, Shin understood what she wanted

"So will you guys also stay for the next 2 days here or not? If so please tell Yuri Alpha and she'll accommodate you to your quarters"

"Mm" Koneko nodded as she wanted to stay and eat more of Yuri Alpha's food.

"Well if Buchou and Akeno is staying then so Will I If it's possible, I want to train here and get stronger if you allow me Shin-san" Kiba bowed at Shin to which Shin gestured that he approve.

Asia looked at Issei then at Shin before saying

"A-ano before I say anything I'm sorry about Issei-sans blunder" Asia bowed

"Forgiven" Asia soon sighed in relief when she heard the word.

"Can I also stay here? And May I know if you really are an Apostle of the Seven Sins?"

"You may, Jeanne may also help you in you current distress I believe as you used to be a Nun correct?"

"Y-yes!" Asia nodded excitedly

"Then Jeanne can absolutely help you with that, she is a real saint after all you'll be able to pray without suffering backlash anymore"

'Hook, line and Sinker'

When Asia heard that she had stars in her eyes as she wanted to pray again and she actually did thanking that she can now pray again soon with ease.

Issei soon sat and said "I'm sorry, Can I-"

"Yes, and don't ever make fun of them again, do it once more and Artoria is the least of your worries" Needless to say Issei got scared by him, and Ddraig was now having second thoughts.

'Beta' Shin thought.

"Well if that's all I'm going to sleep it's getting pretty late." Shin soon left but not before.

'Alpha, when you guide Issei later connect his room to my room, but only the audio I want him to hear everything'

'As you wish master'

Shin looked at Akeno and Rias before finally leaving, not long after Akeno followed shortly Rias caught up as well.

"Come I will lead you to all your Quarters" Yuri Alpha lead them.

"Can me and Koneko stay together ano?"


"Yes Alpha-san can we?" Yuri Alpha thought about it but agreed by nodding

"Yey!" Asia cheered as she would not be alone tonight.

"What about?"

"No, Narberal Gamma will lead you Kiba-san, Issei will be lead by me".


As Shin was laying down his bed pretending to sleep two figures came inside the blanket joining him.

'Tonight will be a fun night'


A/N This is the last chapter of my drafts starting next chapter is the chapters i will be writing by using what i learned for a whole month of writing sessions, thank you for reading this far.

I know relationships are rushed as I was a noob before then, (still now) but I'll properly develop them now.

Got any more servants to recommend? Comment down below!