Rin Tohsaka

[ Rin Tohsaka has been Summoned! ]

As soon as the the body of light vanished, Rin appeared and fell down and had a hole in her abdomen but Shin caught her

"Hngg! Am I dead?" Rin said out aloud as she remembered she was stabbed by Archer, she looked at the surroundings and saw a handsome man and two familiar faces.

"Yes you're dead and this is the after life" Shin decided to pull a prank on her and sprouted golden wings behind him as he was princess carrying Rin.

"I see, then my only wish is too see Saber and say my thanks to her once more for being my servant"

"Then what is your other wish?" Shin decided to take this further wanting to feel how a ROB would feel.

"I! I just want to live a life peace and find true love" Rin said quietly as she looked at the angel that was carrying her.

Shin activated Luxuria's blessing at this exact moment to amplify Rin's emotions towards him.

"Then Your wishes are granted" Shin placed his hand on Rin's stomach and healed her removing any Injury in the process this startled Rin as she thought it was Ancient Magic.

"Your body is healed now" Shin snapped his fingers and Artoria came out.

"Sa-saber?" Rin saw Artoria in all her glory causing tears to show in her eyes.

"Don't move Rin-san, you'll only aggravate your recently healed Injury" Artoria said deciding to join in the fun as she remembers how Rin likes to tease people even if the Rin in front of her is a different Rin.

"Saber! No Artoria I! I wish I was stronger If only I had been we would have won, I'm sorry and thank you" Rin said as she cried out loud unconsciously tightening her hold on Shin's neck.

"You have done well Rin-san" Jeanne came out

"Ruler! I'm also sorry about everything even mistaking you for someone else and most above all thank you." Jeanne nodded and acted like she was praying for her soul, which caused her to think she really had died.

"I know you wished to see Jeanne as well that's why I called her, now that your wishes are almost done, we will now begin your last wish of a happy and peaceful life with your true love"

"Then I thank you?" Rin looked at the handsome angel once more, comparing him and Emiya.

'If only Shirou was this handsome'

"Then we will begin the process now" Rin closed her eyes as she anticipated to be teleported but somehow she felt something soft touch her lips.

Rin opened her eyes in shock as the angel in front if her kissed and took her lips.

She unconsciously pulled him closer

'Fuck it, if this is how I'm going to be reincarnated might as well enjoy it!'

Rin opened her mouth and allowed Shin to invade it creating a full make out session between the two, Rin enjoyed it very much as she had always wanted to experience it.

Soon enough Rin noticed that Saber and Ruler were still there and that they looked like they were giggling?

Shin soon pulled his head back and asked.

"Oh you've finay noticed? But I didn't know you'd enjoy it so much"

"Eh?" Rin was confused as Shin's wings were soon vanishing into particles of light

"Welcome to your new peaceful happy life along with your true love, yours truly" Shin smiled at her causing the confused Rin to blush.

"EHHH?!" Rin shouted as she couldn't comprehend what was happening.

"What? I thought you thinked of me as your partner at the last second so I came with you"

"Well Ye-! No I didn't ! Yes I didn't!" Rin grumbled as she was utterly lost.

"Well Rin, as your true love I welcome you to Kuoh, we are still in Japan there's not much a difference" Shin said as he carried Rin out of the room and were followed by Artoria and Jeanne but both decided to leave them alone as they wanted Rin to enjoy herself.

"Who said You were my true love huh!? Baka!" Rin crossed her arms in frustration while she was still being carried as her body was still weak.

"And here I thought I was then I'll leave now" Shin acted and tried to lower Rin to the ground which caused Rin to panic.

"Wai-wait! I didn't mean it like that I li-!" Rin closed her mouth with her hand before she could slip up.

"I'll take that as a Yes, back to where we were, I'll explain things, this place has Devils, Angels and Fallen angels, The Artoria and Jeanne you saw are the real ones not the ones you summoned during your war"

"EH?? Explain more!"

"You died, but before your soul could dissipate I took you out from there when I heard your wish, your wishes coincided with my wishes as I was searching for a Peon for an upcoming event and your soul resounded with mine"

'I hope Rin buys my bullshit' Shin thought to himself as he was explaining.

"As for Artoria and Jeanne, they're the ones you know but different, they know about your exploits since you called their spirits while their body is here, you're also in the reverse side of the world but different" Artoria and Jeanne nodded at Shin's words.

"I understand the last part but what about the first part? Does this mean my Soul is bounded to you forever?" Rin asked as she put her hand in her chin and thought of something and soon blushed.

"If you put it that way then yes, essentially you're more or less my wife as when your soul binded to me it resonated with one of your hidden desires of having a partner for life and connected mine and yours creating a bond that we both can feel, but I must say in advance that I have wives" Shin told her as he didn't want to lie at the last part.

"PERVERT! BEAST!" Rin shouted as she tried to get away from the predator in front of her.

Shin kissed her lips to calm her down and it worked instantly surprising the girl and she quickly calmed down.

"Mou! I wanted to be treated fairly! I can't do anything about that anymore if you say so, but love me equally in the future as if I'm your first!" Rin weakly told Shin but widened her eyes.

"Oh so you did really think of me as your true love?" Shin laughed

"BAKA!" Rin snuggled into his chest as she was to embarrassed to say anything now.

"Well with that out of the way here" A blue light appeared in Shin's fingers and he pressed it onto her forehead giving her the information about the Rating games, Peerage system, His peerage and the people around him.

"Nero's here!? And You really are a pervert aren't you? At least you're not dense"

"Well I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy and live a life full of love Rin" Shin smiled at her as he slowly summoned a peon piece and put in Rin's chest to which she nodded.

[ Ding ! ]

[ Rin Tohsaka has been added to the peerage! ]

[ Ereshkigal has been automatically added to the peerage! ]

[ Ishtar has been automatically added to the peerage! ]

[ Both of their Souls have been awakened! ]

'3 for 1 deal, looks like the peon piece was worth, with this either of them can abuse this piece to suit the battlefield.'

"Why do I hear a familiar voice in my head when you put that piece inside of me?"

"Oh It's Ishtar and Ereshkigal, they came with you" Shin said nonchalantly as he sat on a sofa while still carrying Rin, he soon put Rin's head on her lap.

Rin was shocked, she couldn't take it anymore and decided to just let things be while she enjoys her new life with Shin.

[ Both Goddesses have finished Manifesting their will! ]

Inside Rin's head

'Oi let me meet my husband!' Ishtar argued with Ereshkigal.

'But I am much older than you which gives

me priority to also meet him' Ereshkigal argued back meanwhile.

'You guys are annoying as ever' Rin said as she had little tears in her eyes as she did not expect to see both of them once more.

'Oi Rin! Let me take control now!' Ishtar noticed Rin first and argued

'No let me, I'm your favourite afterall'

'Stop it stop! Both of you will get the chance! Okay Ishtar first then you Ereshkigal 5 minutes each okay! I want to enjoy the rest of the day with my husband as well before those people comeback'

'Oh we have competition?' Ereshkigal asked

'If its that then let's work together so he'll only think of us!' The two Goddesses nodded and looked at a surprised Rin.


Ishtar soon manifested in Rin's body and sat up and lunged at Shin.


'Oh Ishtar manifested first' Shin thought.

"Calm down Ishtar I know it's you"

"Good! Then I can't wait anymore!" Ishtar grinded her body and pressed hers with Shin's and took his lips.

Shin enjoyed it and welcomed it as he explored Ishtar's body with his hands from her breast to her ass.

'What does she think she's doing!?' Rin was fuming in anger.

Shin pulled his head out and said to Ishtar.

"I'm sorry I don't want to take this further for now, I want Rin to enjoy it first you wouldn't mind would you?"

Rin felt warm and blushed when she heard what he said.

'Atleast he knows what he's doing'

Ishtar shook her head

"No, but let me enjoy you first before Ereshkigal takes over" soon the two kept kissing and explored each others body until

"Hello dear" Ereshkigal took over, she soon got up and sat beside Shin.

"Ereshkigal I presume?" Shin asked

"Yes, Please take care of me, I will tell you this, what you said was true not only Rin's souls is bounded to you but Mine and Ishtar's as well" Ereshkigal told Shin and went back to the Original's position as she laid her head on Shin's lap.

'What the actual hell? And here i thought it was pure bullshit, no wonder they were so aggressive from the get go'

"Then I'll properly take care of you three" Shin pecked Ereshkigal's lips, she didn't know what to do but she just looked at Shin lovingly until Rin came back.

"Had your fun?" Rin quipped at Shin.


"And here I thought you'd attack me when Ishtar took control"

Shin held Rin's face, pressed their foreheads together and looked at her straight in the eyes.

"I wouldn't do it unless I do it first with you" Rin blushed at this as actually hearing it feels different, she smiled unknowingly.

'Is this what it feels like to be in love?'

"Who said I'll do it with you huh? Pervert!"

"Trust me Rin you'll beg for it" Shin pecker her lips once more before she played with her hair.

"Aren't you busy?" Rin asked.

"No, I don't have anything to do until tomorrow, staying with you right now is what I want" Shin honestly said it to her while he was playing with Rin's hair as she was still laying down.

"Ah I forgot to give you this, close your eyes"

Rin was curious and but she decided to trust Shin, Shin made her sit straight up while her back was facing his chest

Rin felt something around her neck and when she looked at it, it was the necklace her father gave! She had tears in eyes she thought she lost in the war she had been but to find it here once more she couldn't describe what felt.

She soon felt two hands holding her stomach and a head weighing her shoulder down.

"Do you like it?" Shin asked.

Rin couldn't say anything because if she did she would cry once more, she only nodded and put her hands atop Shin's and intertwined their fingers together.

Rin looked at Shin's face and kissed his lips.

"Can we stay this way for awhile?" Rin asked as she couldn't think of anything else other than enjoying this moment.

"We can stay like this all the time Rin" Shin reassured her and held her closer to him.

"Mm" Rin just nodded and both of them

slowly fell asleep with their bodies laying on each other.

'Yes if its with him I'll enjoy this life' Rin thought


"Ara~ another one bites the dust" a voice spoke

"I don't think we should disturb them"

"No this is for my future endeavours I want to know what Turns Shin-sama on."

"Well okay?"

"Come now Irene I want to research more of you"

The duo then left leaving Rin and Shin alone


A/N: Yes this chapter was dedicated to Rin, expect more chapters like this where I dedicate 1-3 chapters per Heroine every once in a while. This FF is all about enjoying his life after all.

Rin best waifu.