Rating Game Preparations

"Mn! Why does my jaw hurt?" Rin woke up early in the morning as she massaged her chin.

'You did pretty good last night for a first timer' Ishtar commented on Rin's performance.

'What my sister says'. Ereshkigal sounded

'Performance? Last night? Eh?' Rin was confused but soon remembered everything which made her turn red.

Rin sat up and looked at the surroundings, she was in the middle between Akeno and Rias, but couldn't find Shin.

'Where is he?'

Rin decided to take a bath and get out to find Shin


"I already contacted Grayfia earlier, we will meet this Riser today at Kuoh Academy, are all preparations done?"

"Yep, Scáthach already gave us Runes that'll prevent his bloodline from working correctly" DaVince replied to Shin's query.

"So Rin, Nero and Scáthach will be the ones moving forward the board?" Shin asked one more time.

"Yes they will, they are more suited to it unless Ishtar wants to control the body or we are not going to the underworld, then only Nero and Scáthach will face them head on, as for Me, Jeanne and DaVinci we will be preparing once it is done I will move personally." Artoria said as she analyzed the battlefield

"Knowing Riser he'll most likely not go for a one on one battle with me unless he thinks we're weak." Shin put his hand under his chin as he thought of showcasing his power to the Underworld.

"If he does so, please allow me to fight Shin, I want to see how my power scales"

"Well it doesn't hurt to make your abilities not known, then I'll stay at the back"

Shin, Summoned Avalon and gave it to Artoria which made her wonder why he would give it to her once more knowing its properties, Shin then Summoned Rhongo and Excalibur Proto.

"Shin-san? Why do you all have it? And why are you giving it to me?" Artoria asked, as Shin put it inside her making it bind with her once again.

"Though you have Excalibur, I want you to use Excalibur Proto in its fully unsealed state as I want to see its power if I remember correctly Excalibur only increases its power if its battling against other wordly threats, While a fully unsealed Excalibur Proto rivals that power without the restriction of having to battle another being."

Artoria nodded at His words.

"What about Rhongonmyniad?"

"Just curious which you'll use to beat him later?"

Artoria didn't know what to say as if Shin was just playing around with Toys instead of Actual weapons that could destroy the world.

Shin saw Artoria's look and took her hand and kissed it.

"Of course I don't want my Queen to be in any danger as well, feel free to unleash the seals as such there are no such things as a backlash here and even there was I'll take care of it."

"Then I will use any according to the situation later."

"I can't wait to show the people The Grand Performance of Nero!" Nero shouted as she practiced what she would perform later

"Shin-sama I have a question?" Jeanne asked as the rest looked at Nero

"What is it Jeanne?"

"We're fighting devils right? like the devils in the bible?"

"Yes? Why?" Shin was confused as they were really devils but they weren't all that bad some of them were even better than some humans.

"Nothing, I just wanted to learn more about them as it still amazes me to know more about them"

"If you really want to know more about them you can Ask Rias or Akeno you know?"

"Eh? They're devils? why don't they have the usual features?" Jeanne was confused.

"They just don't show off their wings, but they're full fledged devils, even Asia the one you've been talking to for the past few days is one"

"Ehhh? But she's too pure to be one!"

"Doesn't mean you can become one, She has already died once but got reincarnated because of the evil piece that's why when she prays she has a headache, don't worry about the evil piece I gave you it doesn't have that kind of backlash as you can see that you can still pray"

"Then as a fellow believer I will do my best to alleviate her pain by praying for her!" Jeanne said as she soon started praying for Asia

'I wonder how strong Jeanne's holy power is considering she's a saint?'


"MICHAEL-SAMA! EMERGENCY THE SYSTEM IS GOING HAYWIRE!" An angel shouted as he was supposed to monitor it today as replacement for Michael.

Michael soon came in to check the Anomaly.

"THIS!? I don't know but it looks like A devil has turned into somewhat of an angel? and has been registered to the system?"

"Onii-sama Is that even possible?" Gabriel soon followed in

"I don't even know, ever since he was gone the system has been going haywire, maybe its just broken? but if this is true then I'll have to speed up the process of the peace treaty and ask Sirzechs or Azazel if they know about this until then I'll consider this as anomaly."


As Asia was doing her morning routine she sat down and prayed.

'Eh? it doesn't hurt anymore?' Asia was overjoyed that she could now pray again without suffering from the pain! She cried silently at this small joy.


Rin came in the room where they were gathering She saw Nero who was laughing and dancing atop of the table, Jeanne who was praying, Artoria who was checking her Sword and Spear, DaVinci who was reading something, Scáthach looking outside the window and finally Shin who just standing there.

"Oh, Rin you're finally here" Shin moved close to Rin and kissed her forehead.

"Mou! And Here you are playing with other girls!"

"Are you jealous?"

"Who said I was jealous huh?"

"Eh? but who's hugging me tightly now if you aren't?"

"No! I'm just keeping you safe from 'them' yes keeping you safe!"

"If you say so, Rin can I talk to Ereshkigal?" Rin let go of her hold and soon transformed into Ereshkigal.

"What is it my dear?" Ereshkigal looked at Shin wondering what he wanted as she rarely was called.

"Can you Exhibit your full power in this world's underworld?"

"I have to go to the underworld to try but if so I can create my territory in their underworld then perhaps I can exhibit it"

"Then I give you permission to upgrade into either a Knight or Rook whichever you think feels best later"

"Hmm? I'll upgrade into a Rook then I want to feel the strength of Kur Kigal Irkalla in this worlds underworld" Shin nodded soon Rin transformed back.

"Then we're leaving now Grayfia is already there with Riser" Shin went closer to Artoria and presented his arm to which Artoria took.

When every one heard Shin's words they stopped doing what they were doing and became serious befitting of their titles as a Servant who had been into wars before, Shin snapped his fingers and a portal appeared before them.


"Patience Riser-san, they will arrive shortly" Grayfia was irritated at Riser's antics that she hoped Shin would arrive sooner at ORC.

"Fine! What kind of low-class devil he think's he i-!" before Riser could finish he felt a strong Aura come out the same time a golden portal appeared and heard


Shin said as he walked in with Artoria, the rest of his peerage twitched their faces as they remembered who he reminded them of as of this moment.

Riser looked in awe at the beauty of Shin's peerage especially Artoria, but again

"Where are you looking at you Mongrel? You dare look at my Queen with those dirty eyes?" Shin said coldly as he sat down with Artoria and the rest of his peerage stood behind him.

"Why you!" Riser was again angered as he looked at Shin

Grayfia coughed to explain.

"This is Akihiko Shin, she will be representing Rias as he also has a legitimate claim on her hand, Rias' great grandfather had an arrangement with his great grandfather that if ever they had children or descendants of same age they were to be married together, he has proof which is this seal" Grayfia explained and Shin showed a seal with the Gremory insignia.

"What!? It was supposed to be my peerage vs Rias! How come this unknown weakling is suddenly her representative!"

"Then wouldn't that be to your advantage then? Look at the Numbers you have a complete set while I only have a total of 6"

Riser soon thought of it and decided to up the stakes

"Oh you're right, but since you're representing Rias doesn't mean you should add something as well?"

"And what would you mean by that?" Riser laughed and Pointed at Artoria.


"Then to make things fair." Shin pointed at Ravel.

"No! She's off the table!" Riser instantly denied the request.

"I can feel she's a bishop piece, but you're asking for my Queen piece? Pathetic you're just all talk then" Shin smirked


"ONII-SAN!" Ravel protested

"SHUT IT RAVEL! I'll make you feel the flames of the Phenex family!" Riser said as he looked at Shin.

"Then I suggest we start now, Is everything Ready Grayfia?" Grayfia nodded and looked at Riser waiting for his confimration.

"Good! I want to see you despair!" Grayfia got her confirmation and soon teleported them out here and into the underworld, they were teleported to the Arena, its layout was Kuoh Academy the same as Canon.

'System Connect to the Peerage'

[ Acknowledged ]

'Change of Plans, leave Riser to me as for the rest do as you planned it earlier but leave Riser out of the equation, I will show Him true despair'

[Disconnected ]

"We will all give you an hour to prepare as this was a sudden change of time" Grayfia said to both teams she got a nod

"What about the Rules Grayfia?" Shin asked

"No need for special rules, a battle royale is all that's needed"

"Fine" Shin smirked as he got what he wanted.

Soon the two teams were preparing for the upcoming rating game, DaVinci then called out her owl to survey the surroundings while Rin transformed into Ereshkigal who then tried Territory Creation and changed the terrain.

"How does it feel Ereshkigal?" Shin looked at her

"I have the Authority but since this is a foreign underworld I cannot completely suppress them, just enough to weaken their output and increase mine."

"That's enough, DaVinci I assume you already have everything mapped out?"

"Yes Shin-sama, Since we are still in the same building while Riser is in the Gym, We have the advantage if I say so, Artoria can go out early while me and Jeanne will stay here."

"Shin-san! I want to take out their entire pawns with Ereshkigal!" Nero came closer to Shin to let him know of her intentions, Shin looked at Artoria to which she nodded.

"Then Nero, you take the right while Ereshikigal takes the left, Scáthach will dispatch the remaining ones while I take out the Queen" Artoria said as she brandished Excalibur Proto.

"Yes! the whole world shall now know the great name of Nero once more!" Shin then looked at Scáthach.

"Don't worry about me. like Artoria said I'll dispatch their high ranking ones and if any of them slip past me I'll immediately come to Jeanne and DaVinci."

"Then its settled time for a beatdown."