
"So Artoria what did you get for Shin-san?"

"I asked him for Fallen Angel blood like you said, didn't you want to meddle in this worlds different Magic Systems? I also got their blueprint of creating Sacred Gears"

"That's good enough, now what will you do?"

"Frankly I don't know what about you?" Artoria looked confused about what she should do since there was nothing Shin told her.

"Research, then more research, why don't you explore the city with Nero?" DaVinci told her.

"Maybe I'll do that with Rin-san."

"Sure now if you excuse me I'm going to tinker around with their magic and improve your sacred gear" DaVinci soon left Artoria.

"I guess I'll ask Nero before Rin" Artoria quickly went to find Nero.

"Umu I like this part!" Nero laughed as she painted in her room.

"What part?"Artoria barged in and went behind her

"A-artoria! What are you doing here?" Nero quickly covered her painting but before she could Artoria already took the cover.

"What is this exactly?" Artoria blushed at Nero's painting.

"It's me gracing Shin-sama with my Body as we do and perform our act as a married couple" Nero shyly said.

"Don't you always have trouble finishing a piece? This already looks done" Artoria looked at the painting while maintaining her calm.

"Oh, Shin-sama took care of it last night when we were dancing, hence the painting of me and Shin copulat-"Nero covered her mouth.

"I-i see well then I wanted you to enjoy the outside with me"

"No I'm fine, I'll stay here and finish the rest of my paintings!"

"Then See you around Nero" Nero just nodded then Artoria left as she did not want to see Nero paint another sex scene.

'What about Shiki? I wonder where she is at?'

"Shiki-san don't do that, come here I'll teach you" Iris sounded along the hallway

"Ye-yes Iris-san" Shiki nodded and followed her instructions

"You see Ophis likes cookies, isn't that right Ophis?" Artoria came in the kitchen seeing Shiki and Iris baking cookies while the gothic loli just sat by.

"I like cookies and donuts" Ophis said her request.

"Donuts? Then I'll make some soon" Ophis nodded and went back to the living room to watch the Magical Girl Show with Irene.

"Artoria you're here! do you want to help us?" Irisiviel looked at Artoria as she was making cookies together with Shiki.

"I'm fine Iris-san I was just wondering where Shiki was, I see she is in good hands" Artoria then left but was greeted by Sebas

"Artoria-san there is a young blonde devil outside the gate claiming to be Shin-sama's wife?" Sebas wanted to confirm to Artoria who knew who Shin's womens were.

"She is , and if she is part of the Phenex family all the more reliable bring her in." Sebas nodded and went to fetch Ravel from the gate, shortly Ravel arrived and looked scared as she was facing Artoria

"A-ano, Where is Shi-Shin-san?" Ravel looked at the ground afraid of what Artoria could do.

"At ease, Ms. Phenex Shin-sama isn't here or won't be here for at least a few days, to what do I owe the pleasure of you arriving here today?"

"I-i was told to fulfill the bet, as a Phenex family member we uphold our words"

"Oh if its for that you can just go back to your house, Shin-san only said it at the heat of the moment to throw your brothers cool of"

"WHAT!?" You mean it was a part of his plan?" Ravel was shocked at this moment as she didn't know what to do at this situation as this was not part of what she imagined.

"You could say so yes, but I won't stop you or no one here would stop you if you really want to uphold your side of the deal"

"Then I won't back down on the deal then, as I have an honor to uphold" Ravel felt comfortable as she kept talking with Artoria.

"Then by all means make yourself comfortable and I welcome you to the estate, Sebas please help her get settled and tell the Pleiades to remember her signature as well" Sebas nodded and gestured for Ravel to come with him

"Please come with me as I will show you your room as well tell me what kind of design you want it to be" Ravel nodded

"Thank you Ms?"


"Thank you Ms. Artoria" Ravel soon left with Sebas leaving Artoria alone once more.

'And here I thought I'd be free from such duties' Artoria sighed she then went to find Rin, quickly she found her laying in bed with Akeno and Rias.

"Rin?" She called out, Rin looked at her but

"I'm sorry Rin is not here, It's me Ishtar so what do you want Artoria?" Ishtar asked Artoria.

"Nothing much just asking if Rin wants to see if Fuyuki is a place here"

"Fuyuki?" Rias and Akeno looked at each other

"There's no Fuyuki City here if that's what you mean" Rias answered Artoria.

"Thank you Rias-san, then please excuse me as I have to go and do my other duties"

"Bye-bye!" Ishtar waved Artoria goodbye leaving Artoria once more in her thoughts.

"I guess I should read the books here to pass the time, I might see new tactics for Shin-sama and Me to use" Artoria said out loud, she then went to the Library by herself enjoying the bliss she could get.


"Are we done Scáthach?" Shin asked Scáthach who was making a runes on the perimeter to keep everyone off and conceal the area.

"Yes, this place should be safe for now" Scáthach nodded.

"Good, so what did you think of the inhabitants?"

"Yesterday when me and Jeanne investigated the inhabitants were Normal, nothing going on for them, the people from earth were rather peculiar others had reached almost a full divinity while others had divinities but were close to none-existent."

"So varying levels?"

"More or less"

"Shin-sama if I may" Jeanne spoke

"Sure what is it Jeanne?"

"The Churches here have different deities and their artifacts also have different levels of power, when I observed various healing processes yesterday its like the strength of their holy power is related to their artifacts here"

"So the stronger the artifacts the stronger the power they can exhibit?"

"If my observation isn't wrong then yes"

"Then I think that's enough, why don't we visit the other lands I heard this place had fairies of some sort"

"Fairies?" Scáthach asked

"Yeah, this place is a magical place so let's go, and they do have Fallen Angels here I want to know if its the same species of Fallen angels we know, after this we go back to " Shin gestured them to go a capital he learned of

'Maybe I'll bring Entoma here next time? I'll make her the Parasite Queen instead? Take this domain for myself?' Shin thought seriously.


"What did you talk about Yuhui?" A white woman in Robes asked the panting priest.

"I just wanted to confirm his identity one more time" Yuhui answered

"Did he do something to you Noona?" Seol went near her asking if Shin did anything.

"Nothing to worry about, It was my fault for making him release his Divinity against me"

"If you say so, so what do we do next? we got out of this unscathed and took 2 commanders down courtesy of that man"

"I don't know I'll stay here just in case but, I think someone needs rest doesn't he? especially after what happened to Sir Ian" Both Haeju and Yuhui looked at the Seol.

"No" He looked down wanting to escape the reality that someone had died and he was weak to stop it.

"You need to rest, even Sir Ian would say so and don't you want to visit him now? I'm sure he's waiting for you"

"But!" Seol protested

"Please Seol, do it for my sake we'll take care of things here while your away" Seol just nodded and left but still was undecided if he should go back to earth, leaving the two alone.

"Now tell me what you didn't want him to hear?" Haeju asked Yuhui

"That man can connect to the Seven Sins as if they were old-time friends, if it was in the temples I would understand but for Luxuria to manifest herself at his call means that he is the real deal."

"Then isn't that all the better? It proves he works under the Seven Sins and that he is with humanity"

"I wish it were that simple Haeju" Yuhui then looked Haeju straight in the eyes.

"What did he ask in return?" Haeju knew what look Yuhui was referring to.


"No! If that is the price for such help don't! I'd rather fight to the death with the parasites than give you to him! but if that is the case why didn't Teressa's gamble didn't work?" Haeju was angered at Shin's price.

"He said he'll think about it, as for Teressa she came to me yesterday asking about what could possibly his asking price and I told her the truth that it was possible he would ask such a thing, we both gambled Teressa didn't mind as much it would hurt her but I didn't expect he'd refuse"


"Say Teressa, why'd you say that? we all heard about it" Chohong asked the pink princess in front of her.

"Tell me Chohong was I wrong? I know my affections for Seol but he doesn't seem to reciprocate it as much, which lead me to thinking yesterday if I can give up my life in exchange for freedom of this planet will it be worth?" Teressa looked solemnly at Chohong.

"I can't speak for you as you are a princess and you live in this world, unlike us when we die we won't remember about this place not even you, but you on the other hand you only live once in Paradise which makes it a harder decision to give up your happiness for the sake of the world."

"Seol has saved me countless of times to which I'm grateful but I'm really lost now, the man is the embodiment of lust, to which he really looks like it he has the power to save paradise but to think he'd refuse me the same way Seol does"

"Well, Its better to leave that to the future then? Now Drink up princess!" Chohong gave Teressa ale to which she drank.

'Yeah I'll leave that for the future.'