My Clutches

Earlier before Shin was summoned.

"Well everything I've planned has been put in place now let's go home!" Shin then snapped his fingers and a golden portal appeared Jeanne and Scáthach went in first but before he could go in.

Shin was teleported to Teressa instantly, Alarming Scáthach and Jeanne but Shin then calmed them down both.

'One of my pieces has moved so early, please go in I will follow you soon also update me where Rias, Rin or Akeno is I kinda miss them'

When Scáthach and Jeanne heard this they instantly left.


"Eh? And I was just about to leave this world, so what service would you require of me King Prihi and Princess Teresa?"

"We require of your Aid, Apostle" Teresa answered

"If the price you offer is still the same I refuse as you were not sincere in your feelings back then if iyou were sincere back then I would have gladly said yes." After Shin said that Teresa had a shiver run down her spine.

"Then I'm sorry for naiveness, I would like to extend my apologies for offering you such a shameless offer."

"Interesting, but my price has changed but still since you have called me I will entertain your request but I will collect your payment another time." Shin went near the King and Princess waiting for their answers, they both looked at each other and nodded.

"Can you fortify Haramak's defenses? especially Arden Fortress?" Teresa said it first.

"Oh, that's easy enough but are you sure about this request?"

"Yes I am" Teresa replied to Shin

"Then I will comply with your requests, come Princess show me around" Shin said as he offered his hand to Teresa while subconsciously activating his divinity.

Teresa hesitantly accepted his hand but nevertheless took it, she took a look at her father and gestured him to not follow them leaving them alone together.

'Got you' Shin thought, shortly both of them went around the castle as Shin casted numerous barriers around it while simultaneously covering Haramak with a bigger barrier that could last 3 Sieges from the Parasites.

"So tell me Princess why this request specifically" Shin asked as they slowly walked the interior.

"It is for the future of this City as I do not want it to fall in my hands, it is better to prevent than to repair" Teresa calmly replied.

"Such a noble cause, I see you are a princess who would rather die trying than to let things come to pass, I admire your drive."

"Thank you, Apost-"

Shin cut off Teresa, "Shin, call me Shin"

"Thank you Shin-san, If I may ask why must be there a price for your help?"

"That My Dear Teressa is a very good question, why you ask? simple its in human nature to be selfish as I've said it before and will always say it again and again, I don't want to lose on anything thus I need other people to lose more than me, tell me Princess Teresa have you ever loved someone?"

Teressa went silent at her words not as if she was unsure, she knew she loved Seol but was unsure if Seol loved her back.

"I do and have but" Teresa stopped walking while her hand was still in Shin's

"Oh, so that explains when you offered your body, I see then I will pray for your love to be successful then, a beautiful girl such as you should have the best especially when you have your own uniqueness I see in you." Shin said as he waited for Teresa.

"Thank you?" Teressa was confused at this sudden development as she didn't know what to say as this was the first time she heard a man speak to her in a forward way.

"Come My Dear Teressa, as I'm still creating barriers and wards around the castle" Teresa then nodded.

"Let me guide you" Teresa took Shin to the gardens in the castle

"This place is beautiful, are you the ones who cultivated these?" Shin asked her as he admired the flowers in the garden

"Yes, It was in memory of my sister back then who was us-" Teresa had small tears in her eyes as she remembered the tragic fate of her sister, but before it could fall down Shin wiped it away with his free hand.

"Then there is no need for us to talk about such a sad fate instead let us enjoy the beautiful environment that an admirable princess has made" Shin dragged Teresa around while the latter was silent all the way.

"We are done, now let's teleport to Arden Fortress" Teresa nodded at her words, a portal then appeared in front of her, Shin extended his arms once more and this time Teressa took it without hesitation.


Both of them arrived at Arden Fortress shocking the people who were stationed but quickly calmed down when they saw both of them appear.

"Please guide me to the center of the Fortress" Shin said as Teresa followed his instructions, soon they were in the center, Shin punched the ground and formed a perfect circle.

"What did you do?" Teresa asked.

Shin didn't answer her, he removed their hands and then he put a seed of the World Tree in and accelerated its growth, it shocked the people present as they had never seen a majestic tree appear out of nowhere, soon its branches and roots were giving an Aura of life and rejuvenation as it continued to grow around the fortress and the surroundings it also automatically replaced the destroyed walls with its wood making the fortress sturdier than before.

Arden Fortress now matched the Federations own Fortress allowing it to be another bastion of hope in the war against the Parasites, soon Shin looked at an astonished Teressa and had smiles on his face before saying

"A beautiful girl such as you should not suffer alone, I see the drive you have for your Kingdom as you took the risk in calling me for help, thus I will remove the requirement for your payment as you have payed it already and instead I will offer you more" Shin said cooly.

"But! You said earlier you were selfish what changed!?"

"Your sincerity in doing everything for the people was your payment if you didn't have that kind of heart then I would take the Kingdom for myself as payment but I see a princess who would sacrifice everything for their people, with this I am pleased" Shin said as he went closer to Teressa which made her heart beat faster.

Shin then took her chin and closed in their distance with their lips only a breath away, Teresa was ready for the worst as she had prepared herself she closed her eyes in anticipation of what was to come but before she could her forehead was kissed and a calming sensation went over her body.

"And now you have the protection of Luxuria" Shin said as he removed himself from the shocked princess.

"Eh?" Teresa couldn't think of anything as she was too confused.

Shin was now a distance away from her and soon he snapped his fingers and a golden portal appeared behind him once more.

"The request has been fulfilled and the payment has been collected, I wish you well in your life, may I see your beauty once more soon and may you follow your heart always." Shin said as he slowly entered the portal.

"Wait!" Before Teresa could grab Shin and ask more questions he had already left.

'Damn it! Why do i feel strange? I only wish properly met him today but damn it damn it damn it! I thought i was sure but! damn you Shin!" Teresa felt a pang in her heart as this was the first time a man had treated her with some affection even if they had just properly met today the pain in her heart was comparable to when Seol would go out and leave her, soon her thoughts were replaced of her comparing Seol and Shin.

'Damn you, why must you let me feel this way?' Teresa thought but as soon as she looked at her hand she saw a pink clothe in her hands with words written.

"May your beauty always reflect the heart you have and May your happiness be reflected in your smiles always. -Shin"

Teresa looked at the clothe and brought it near her chest before saying

"I hate you Shin"


"Ah finally! I can talk normally I hate it when I have to talk like that" Shin telepoted himself to the ORC in Kuoh and immediately changed into the Students clothes as he did not wanted to be attacked by the Trio right now he sat on Rias' chair but before he could relax.

"Shin!" A red haired woman jumped on him and straddles on his hips, and kissed him immediately soon the two were making out.

"I missed you!"

"I miss you too Rias, how long was I gone?"

"Only a day" Rias said as she snuggled on Shin taking in his scent

'Oh so times flows different there' Shin thought he immediately put his arms on Rias's waist but when he looked at her closely he felt strange.

"Why are you wearing an office uniform?" Shin was confused as he didn't know if there was any event in Kuoh Academy.

"That's because Akeno went to a clothes shop she said she wanted to do roleplay soon so me and Rin tagged along" Rias said weakly as she buried her head in Shin's chest.

"And what are you supposed to be?"

"Me? I'm a teacher"

"Oh? Will Sensei punish me today or will sensei just sleep?" Shin teased Rias but she immediately caught on.

"Naturally as your Sensei I will have to punish you for missing your class yesterday!"

"I wonder who will get punished between us Sensei" Shin said as he kissed Rias.

"Naturally you! I'll start your punishment now!" Rias unzipped his pants and took out his cock and started rubbing it.

"Sensei is too direct" Shin grunted as he missed Rias' soft hands

"Of course Shin has been a bad boy and must be punished accordingly!" Rias stroked it faster and harder

"Sensei it's too good! I'm gonna release it out soon"

When Rias felt Shin was ready to release She immediately stopped.

"Sensei Why?"

"I'm here to punish this naughty student not pleasure him" Rias stood up took out her panties and sat on the desk.

"This is part of your punishment!" Rias put her panties on Shin mouth and casted simple magic so it would stick.

She sat on the desk and began to rub Shin's cock with her stockings covered foot.


"I can't understand you! Talk clearly!" Rias began to rub it in a faster pace

"Oh you're liking it?" Rias opened her hips revealing her bare pussy and began to rub it with her own two feet.

"How is your punishment Shin-san!?"

Shin could only nod soon his cock twitched and Rias fastened her speed.

"Oho, can't stop it?" Shin soon came and covered Rias' stocking with Cum.

"Such a naughty student" Rias removed her black stockings and used it as a restrainer on Shin's hands.

She then unbuttoned her chest revealing her perfect mounds then she kneeled in front of Shin

"Your punishment isn't over yet!" Rias then sandwiched Shin's cock with her breasts and started moving.

"Tell me am I the best Sensei? If not I'll punish you more!" Rias then began to lick the head of Shin's cock.

"Mm! Mm!" Shin thrusted his hips which surprised Rias as his cock suddenly entered her mouth

"This boy!" Rias began to suck on it while moving her chest.

"How is your punishment?!" Rias said as she slurped Shin's cock.

"Oho? Want to cum?" Shin nodded

"Then!" Rias began to vacuum Shin's dick but when she felt that Shin would release she would immediately stop she repeated this action again and again

"This is what you get for leaving class! But since you've been a good boy" Rias began to deepthroat shortly after Shin came inside her mouth.

"I'll Shwow yu Sensey moth!" Rias said as her mouth was full of cum and she drank it in front of Shin.

Rias then stood up and showing Shin her wet pussy.

"Sensei has to punish you more because of this!" Rias grabbed Shin's cock, pointed it at her entrance then she rode on it!

"Kya! You really need to be punished for owning such a thing" Rias put her arms around Shin and took of her panties as she began to move.

"Finally!" Shin shouted as he took Rias lips.

"Sensei you're so tight!" Rias then clamped harder when she heard.

"Shin-san! Accept your punishment!" Rias then sped her movement as she rode on Shin's cock.

"Kya! Why do you really have to own this?" Rias finally found what she was looking for, She guided Shin's cock to her favorite spot.

"Yes! There! There!" She shouted as she threw her head back, Shin then sucked on Rias' perfect breasts making her feel more pleasure.

"I'm gonna cum!" Rias shouted soon she orgasmed but Shin didn't stop as he took of the fake restraints on his hands as he held her hips and continued to pound on the orgasming Rias.

"Shin! shin! Stop! Your Sens- Kya!" Rias came one again, Shin continued to hammer her insides and shortly after.

"Sensei! I'm gonna!" Shin speed up his movements as he held Rias hips tightly.

"Inside!" Rias shouted soon her pussy was filled to the brim, but before she could move Shin then put her on the desk.

"I told you I'll be punishing you sensei!" Shin thrusted his cock deep insider her pussy once more.

"SHIN!" Rias shouted as she felt his cock trying to enter her womb.

"Faster Shin! Yes!" Rias leglocked Shin as she felt it was pure bliss as Shin was playing and sucking her breasts at the same time.

"Shin I'm gonna!" Rias came once more as he pulled Shin's hip closer.

"Rias! Tight!" Shin felt his cock being massaged once more as Rias insides were now moulded into his shape.

"Sensei! Take it!" When Rias heard Shin's words she tightened her leg lock on Shin.

"Yes Shin! Give it to me!" Rias yelled out loud as Shin soon came inside once more.

Both were panting, Rias held Shin tightly, she took his head and kissed him.

"How was Sensei's punishment?"

"It was the best punishment" Shin soon sat down back to Rias chair all the while they were still connected.

"Let's stay like this for awhile Shin" Rias told him as she buttoned her top once more.

"Sure I miss sleeping with my dick inside you."

"Mou! Stop it!" Rias straddled Shin tighter.

"Come on lets sleep like this, I've already made a barrier so no one could barge in" Shin smiled and kissed Rias.

"Then I'll be sleeping now" Rias snuggled once more as she put her arms around Shin's neck while Shin put his on her back.

'But they also can't get out, I feel bad for Koneko, System Check Koneko Toujo affection stats!'

[ Ding! ]

[ Koneko Toujo! ]

Affection : 60

Thoughts : Curious of Love

"Is that what mating is?"

'I'm sorry you had to see that Koneko' Shin dryly laughed as he also went to sleep