Defend Kuoh

"Mm! My head! Where Am I? All I remember was? Kyah!" Irina shouted as the only thing she remembered was the fallen Angels surrounding her.

"Finally awake are ya?" A voice sounded from the near distance.

"Who who are you!? I won't give my body to the fallen angels I'll kill myself before they do!" Irina yelled.

The maid motioned as if she cleaned her ear before saying.

"Geez you're pretty annoying, no wonder Shin-sama told me to take care of you" Lupusregina then stood up and left Irina.

"Eh? Shin?" Irina then remembered the last moment before She went unconscious and turned red for a bit.

"Here eat this before you find Shin-sama" Lupusregina came back with a tray and placed it in front of her.

"Thank you" Irina said as she was left alone in her room.


"So you brought that exorcist home?" Rias asked.

"Yes, I didn't see Kiba, Issei nor her partner she was just alone which rings alarm bells don't you think?" Shin told Rias.

"So what do you suggest Shin-san?" Artoria came in with Akeno bringing tea and distributed it among the four of them.

"First, we need to know what they're planning and of course Irina would know, then we have to find the trio it's not like Irina went off on her own unless she did, lastly I say we stay at Kuoh Academy for today I don't want my place to be dirtied"

"Then we'll find the trio then" Akeno but before she left

"Wait, DaVinci help them it'll be easier this way"

Soon another owl flew over to Akeno's shoulder.

"Follow that Owl Akeno, I'm sure DaVinci already knows where they are, once you've found them take them to Kuoh Academy we'll be waiting there" Shin said as he kissed Akeno before she left.

"Thanks for the meal" Akeno giggled.

"So what now?" Rias asked.

"We wait" Artoria replied as she drank her tea.

Shortly after Akeno left an Orange Haired girl entered.


"You're finally awake Irina" Shin gestured her to sir down.

"Thank you Shin-san" Irina took her seat and calmed down.

"Mind telling us why you were alone?" Rias asked.

"It's not like I didn't want to be alone but"

"Bu what? You got attacked? Or?" Shin asked

"Well as you saw it I did get attacked but before that I, I stormed off on my own" Irina looked down as she felt guilty.

"What do you mean you stormed off? Did you want to fight the guy?" Artoria was the one interrogating now

"No, it's not that, we already had a plan in mind but" Irina said weakly.

"But let me guess, the fact that the Holy Maiden lives with Issei and he still plans to have a harem irked you after that you stormed off the house where they were and instantly got teleported?" Shin said as he sighed.

"Ye-yes" Irina nodded.

"Can't say I blame him for wanting a harem, If I were in his shoes a beautiful girl like you and Asia would also make me want to creat one" Rias elbowed then Shin.

"Hmph!" Rias pouted

"Ouch! Well I already have one and they're all beautiful in their own right." Shin then dragged Rias and placed her on his laps and kissed her.

"Good!" Rias stopped acting and eventually gave in as she laid on Shin's chest.

"*cough* I'm still here you know" Irina said as she blushed at their interactions.

"Well Irina-san, what else do you know? I'm sure one of them did their monologues revealing what they were planning" Artoria said.

"Uhm? I remember saying they're aiming for Rias and a girl named Sona?"

"Oh? Just that? Not a problem then, let's go to Kuoh Academy now." Shin said as Rias hopped off his lap.

"Eh? But we're up against an Army of Stray Fallen Angels!" Irina protested

"So?" Shin replied nonchalantly as he summoned another portal with Rias and Artoria in tow.

"So? We're up against an army!"

"We have Artoria" Shin said as he patted Artoria's head.

"Are we not bringing anyone else? I'm sure Rin would complain and Nero would have another outburst?" Artoria asked.

"Nope they'll be going with Scáthach to clean up just in case they escape." Shin said as he gestured for them to go in first.

"Come on we can't keep So-tan waiting!" Rias said as she dragged Artoria.

"Wait for me!" Irina yelled, before she went inside Shin threw her the cross she got the day before surprising her making her stop in her tracks.

"Take it, just in case you ever get in a dangerous situation again I'll be there" Shin then went ahead.

Irina looked at the Orange Cross in her hands, she was undecided.

'Should I? It's just in case I get in danger'

Irina then hesitantly put it around her neck and followed the group.


"So-tan!" Rias hugged Sona as she arrived at the student council room first

"Rias! Stop!" Rias then let go of Sona who she suffocated

"Did you get the message last night?" Rias asked.

"Mm, I already cancelled classes for today just in case" Sona replied.

Shortly after, Irina and Shin arrived.

"So did you have any problems entering today?" Shin asked.

"None, I brought my peerage just in case."

"No need, let them relax, we'll just wait for the others to arrive"

"You really are confident are you?" Irina worriedly looked at Shin who was sitting in front of a chess table.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be? Come let's play a match Sona" Shin said as he gestured Sona to play with him.

"N-no! I'm not playing with you, not until after our rematch!" Sona said as she pouted.

"Well okay then, guess we'll have to wait for the rest to arrive." Shin then stood up and sat on the couch as he closed his eyes while Rias sat beside him.

"He really doesn't care does he?" Irina asked Artoria who nodded in affirmation.

"No, but don't worry Irina-san, Shin-sama already has a plan" Artoria said as she sat down.

"They're here" Sona said.

"Buchou!" Saji came in with the rest of Sona's peerage.

"Saji, Tsubaki is everyone here?" Sona then went to Tsubaki.

"Yes Sona-san, and I see they're already busy" Tsubaki face-palmed as she saw everyones reaction when they saw Shin sleeping.

"Hey Momo let me take a picture too! Come join me Reya!" Tomoe said as she went behind Shin.

Sona and Tsubaki sighed when they saw this but everyone was disrupted when.

"Ara~ looks like some people forgot who's on top of the food chain" Akeno came in with the trio of Issei, Kiba and Xenovia.

"Akeno-san!" Soon the Momo, Tomoe and Reya stopped what they were doing and hid behind Sona.

"You're here" Shin woke up and gestured for Akeno to come closer.

"Yes, so what do we do now?" Akeno sat beside him.

"We wait." Akeno nodded also proceeded to sleep.

"They really are serious in sleeping?" Irina asked Sona who just shrugged not knowing what to do.

"Well for better or for worse let's just discuss the plan Artoria-san, I have a feeling you know" Sona then looked at Artoria who nodded.

"Well Shin-sama said that you guys take control of the surroundings while Rias' peerage will take care of what'll come inside and or deal with the man responsible."

"Is there anything else?"

"None" As soon as Artoria said that a blast was heard.

"They're already here!" Issei shouted.

"Can someone wake them up!?" Irina said to Sona.

"Ara~ and I was just about to sleep, time to move Rias" Akeno stood up and Stretched her body before kissing Shin.

"Well let's test the product of our nightly training then" Rias also stood up and stretched.

"Issei, Kiba both of you take care of the man you were hunting with Irina and Xenovia, while me and Akeno will take care of any grunts" Rias said lazily.

"I'll take care of anything" Artoria said as she summoned Excalibur which made Xenovia and Irina in awe of Artoria's presence once more.

"Child of Sitri and Child of Gremory, I know you're there!" A fallen angel shouted as he summoned a few Cerberus.

"Looks like his here" Rias said and went out with her peerage along with Irina and Xenovia.

"Time for Round 2" Issei said to Kiba, Irina and Xenovia.

"Sure, but what about him?" Irina pointed at a still sleeping Shin.

"Ara~ you keep on asking about him, does he worry you?" Akeno teased Irina.

"N-No! It's not like that! he's acting like he doesn't care about anything!" Irina retorted.

"Let him be, after all you made him stay up all night" Rias joined in teasing Irina.

"So that's where you went, I never thought you could do it Irina" Xenovia said with wonder.


"You can explain yourself later to them, now's not the time" Rias said as she went on to fight the Cerberus's with Akeno.


"They're gone" Shin woke up and felt two more presences, and snapped his fingers teleporting him to them, shocking the two.

"You must be Shin then" The average build, black hair, golden bangs and black goatee man told Shin.

"I am, If I'm not mistaken you're the Pervert Azazel? and this guy should be the Battle Masochist Vali?"

"Yes, it's pleasure to meet you, I assume you have another deal you want with me?" Azazel asked as the three of them watched the group of people below defend Kuoh Academy.

"Maybe soon but not now, I just wanted to see the man who is destined to fight the current wielder of Ddraig, am I right?" Vali then flinched and nodded to his words.

"What do you want?" Vali asked as he was holding back the urge to fight Shin.

"Nothing, just your opinion on the current wielder" Shin said as he pointed as Issei.

"Weak, utterly weak, he didn't even knew how to use it properly much less had to learn from the opponent." Vali said as he crossed his arms while watching Issei fight.

"Compared to you he is, but I'm thinking of changing that" Shin said.

"Interesting, if it's you then I'd gladly accept your proposal while I want to see him grow it's just that it'll take too long." Vali was curious about Shin's strength but decided to test it later as they were here to capture Kokabiel.

"Damn that Kokabiel" Azazel said as he continued watching the fight.

"Oh? he told them already? no wonder the Church duo is breaking down."

"So you know?" Azazel looked at Shin.

"It's not a secret to me that you can Artificially make Sacred Gears, that in itself is a big giveaway and tells me no one is regulating it anymore."

"Then I won't hide it, It's true"

"Say, If I kill Kokabiel, but give you his memories, will you mind?" Shin asked Azazel, Azazel look at Vali who just nodded.

"Well, other than letting him Rot in Cocytus it's the best option, go ahead and do what you like as long as you give me the memories" Azazel said

"You're not going to doubt me?"

"No, you also making Sacred Gears out of thin air which makes me believe you have the capability of doing so"

"Then, thank you" Shin then disappeared leaving behind Azazel and Vali.

"Don't you even think of fighting him, not right now" Azazel said to Vali.


"With Your heads war will Soon erupt once more!" Kokabiel laughed as he saw that Rias and Sona were present.

"Issei, boost Rias and Akeno!" Kiba yelled as they had just finished destroying the Excalibur pieces and freed

But before they could act they saw that Kokabiel was being lifted by Shin who was in Dark robes.

"Interesting memories but" Shin then crushed Kokabiels head and pointed his fingers into a certain direction transferring the memories he got to Azazel.

"All right time to clean up" Shin then clapped his hands undoing his barrier and restoring the destruction caused by their fight and then descended below while changing his clothes back to his Student uniform.

Shin then looked at the distraught Duo of Irina and Xenovia who had learned of God's death from Kokabiel then at a pouting Rias and a giggling Akeno, and finally Kiba who had finally regained his composure and a flinching Issei.

"Well this is going to be annoying to clean up"
