Cake by the Pool

"Open a portal to the Mall now!" Rin shook Shin.

"For the first time I agree with Rin!" Rias joined in shaking him.

"Okay, just wait" Shin then snapped his hands and a portal appeared.

"There, I set it near the alleyway so no one can see you come out of a portal"

"Good! We'll be back in an hour!" Rin said as she entered the portal as she wanted to be the first one to show off.

"You flat chested woman!" Rias followed after her.

"Ara~ everyone is competitive." Akeno giggled and followed suit.

"Well as a club member I have to do my duties as well" Seekvaira said as she soon went in.

"No perverts allowed" Koneko told Shin her request before joining the group.

"As also a club member I will also join" Artoria bowed and left.

Soon a Purple haired woman came in a kissed Shin on the cheeks and joined the group without saying anything.

"Jeanne-san is it okay of we join too?" Asia asked the De-facto leader of the Church group in their peerages.

"Yes, I think we should also let loose once in a while as we are also made to live a life albeit not fall in love with it" Jeanne said as she went in followed by Xenovia and Asia.

"I'll find Issei or Gasper instead, I haven't seen them, enjoy yourselves Shin-san" Kiba bowed and left as he already had a feeling on what to expect and didn't bother to want to join in.

"What about you Nero? I'm going to close it now" Shin said as he looked at Nero.

"Umu! The Great Nero is always prepared!" Nero puffed her chest in front of Shin.

"Well then, let's go to the pool and enjoy ourselves I've already cleaned it" Shin said as he went and was followed by Nero.


"Ah finally, I think this is the first time I'm going to a pool since I reincarnated" Shin said as he snapped his fingers, tables, chairs and various foods were instantly created.

He soon sat down on those long beach chairs where he can lay down.

"Umu! Shin-san!" Before he could rest Nero called out to him when he looked at her he was amazed.

"Going commando? I like it" Shin commented

"Umu!! Of course! If you can't visit my art which I hope you do soon then the Art will come to you!" Nero then jumped in the pool.

"If you want to stare at this beautiful body of The Great Nero then you will have to come here!" Nero teased Shin.

"Don't mind If I do" Shin stretched his body and jumped right in.

"Shin-sama" Nero said as Shin was diving closer to her.

"What is it oh great Nero?" Shin then sat beside her on the edge.

"Umu! I see you like my outfit" Nero said as he pointed Shin's erect cock.

"Yes, now you have to take responsibility for it Great Nero" Shin sad as he sat down on the edge of the pool while Nero was still in the pool.

"Hmm, It's nothing the Great Nero can't handle!" Nero then put her chest on Shin's cock.

"They're really soft"

"Umu! Of course they are! Let me reward

you for being nice to me" Nero then began to suck on his cock.

"Nero!" Nero began to vacuum Shin while squeezing her chest and shaking it faster.

"Releash et Shi-san!" Shin then held Nero's head and pushed it to further stimulate his cock, soon he came in Nero's throat.

Nero showed her mouth full of cum to Shin and drank it in front of him.

"Umu! Tasty, let this Nero get another serving Shin-san" Nero went closer but before She could, Shin jumped right back to the pool.

"Shin-san?" Nero was confused as Shin dove behind her, but before She could think of anything else.


"Nero you're so tight!" Shin said as he thrusted into Nero's pussy, as he looked he saw a faint tinge of blood mixing with the water.

"Why did it hurt that much"Nero was confused.

"It hurts because this is your first" Shin said as he thrusted once.

"Umu! Shiin!" Nero tightened her pussy.

Shin kissed her neck from behind and whispered into her ear.

"I'm going to mould your insides to match with mine perfectly." Shin then pounded on Nero's pussy reaching deeper.

"Um-! Shi!" Nero couldn't say anything as the ecstasy was getting to her head.

"You're getting tighter you must like it that much huh" Shin said as rammed faster and deeper poking the entrance of her womb.

"Shin-san! I! I! Kyah!" Nero convulsed as she came while Shin painted her insides white.

"That was exciting" Shin continued to release inside her, and soon took out his cock where their juices mixed with the water.

"Umu! Shin-san more" Nero then turned around to face Shin.

Shin then plunged his cock straight into her hole making Nero shout.

"Shin-san! Deeper mm Yes!!" Nero locked her legs on his hips as she took his mouth while his hands were on her chest.

"Shin-san! Umu!" Nero came again but Shin still continue ramming his cock into her as he wasn't finished.

"Yes Shin-san! Finish this wonderful piece of Art with you paint!" Nero tightened her pussy once more making Shin finish the art.

"Here's for your future reference Nero!" Shin continued to cum, shortly after Nero panted and couldn't handle the pool anymore and was carried off to the Chair by Shin.

Shin snapped his fingers cleaning the pool once more and covered the naked Nero with blankets.

Shin was about to lay down once more and put on back his trousers but before he could someone covered his eyes.

"Who is it?" Shin asked but no one answered.

"Hmm Akeno?" The Woman didn't answer but instead pressed her chest onto his back.

"Seekvaira?" The woman just giggle and instead covered his eyes with one hand and placed her one hand onto his crotch.

"Rias would just barge in, Scáthach is straight forward, and Jeanne would want to do it privately, that leaves DaVinci?"

"Ara~ took you long enough, here's your reward for guessing correctly" DaVinci then began to use her two hands and grinded her chest on Shin's back.

"Mm! Say how'd you know?" Shin asked as he was still getting service.

"Me? I bugged Kuoh of course I'd know, seeing Nero made me want to come immediately so I asked the Pleiades to let me borrow their necklaces you gave them" DaVinci giggled as she continued stroking.

"Ara~ looks like it's gonna come" Shin's cock twitched and released another load onto the floor.

"Lay down there" DaVinci told Shin to lay down on one of the chairs while Shin looked at what DaVinci was wearing.

"Who owns it?" Shin was curious.

"This is Akeno's Swimming Uniform knowing her I know she won't mind" DaVinci giggled as she pushed Shin down.

"Now shut up! I'm taking what you owe me for overworking me these days" DaVinci opened the underwear and pointed his cock at her entrance without a second later She plunged it in.

"Kya!! It's bigger than I thought!" DaVinci couldn't move as blood was still leaking from her pussy.

Shortly after the pain subsided DaVinci began to move.

"Ara~ no wonder those girls like to ride you!" DaVinci began to move wildly as she wanted to hit her spot with his cock.

"Let me" Shin said as he fondled DaVinci's right breast and sucked on her left making the genius moan.

"Mm! Your thing is getting bigger! Ahh! suck it harder Shin!" DaVinci moaned as she pulled Shin's head deeper into her chest and at the same time buckled her hips more.

"That's the spot! Deeper Sh-!" Shin slammed forward as what DaVinci wanted he kept ramming her.

"I'm gonna come!" DaVinci came and sprayed the ground with her juices, unbeknownst to her Shin was already preparing to slam the entrance of her womb.

"My turn" Shin then removed the euphoric DaVinci and made her lay down as he held her thighs and positioned his cock.

"Shi?!" Shin then pistoned forward as his cock was reaching the depths of DaVinci's inside.

"Shin-sama, Gimme your child" DaVinci said as she had unlocked Ahegao.

Shin's cock then rammed faster as he was already wanting to come into DaVinci's inside.

"Yesh! Yesh! Ugh!" Shin cock began to twitch, as soon as DaVinci felt it her insides began to tighten and her womb descended preparing to accept his seed.

"Take it!" Shin shouted as he came inside filling her womb up to the brim.

"Kyah!!" DaVinci convulsed as she also came, Shin then took his cock out leaving an unconscious DaVinci.

"Well that was fun" Shin snapped his fingers and also cleaned up the mess they made and also put her in a blanket covering her body.

Shin looked at Nero who had a smile on her face then at DaVinci who was also now smiling.

Shin was finally about lay down until he was called again.


Shin looked where the voice was coming from and saw Sona and Tsubaki as well as the rest of her peerage except Saji

"What are you doing Shin? Why are you wearing nothing except your bottoms!?" Sona questioned.

"Oh we were done cleaning, I wanted to enjoy the pool as well, come on you guys there's food here I've prepared for you." Shin gestured them to come forward.

"Is that DaVinci-san?" Tsubaki asked.

"Yes it's her, she also helped in cleaning and is taking a rest" Shin replied as he ate cake from the food he summoned earlier.

"President can we?" Momo asked Sona who nodded.

"Kya!" Momo jumped into the pool with her swimming uniform followed by Yura, Reya, Tomoe and Ruroka, Sona sat beside Shin while Tsubaki sat in front of them.

"Where's Rias and the others?" Sona asked Shin as the two were always together when she saw them.

"They'll be here" Shin said as he took one of Sona's hands into his.

"I-i see" Sona shyly replied.

"Open your mouth" Shin said as he wanted to feed the shy Sona.

"Mou! Shin!" Sona pouted as she was now embarrassed by his actions.

"If you're not going to take it Sona-sama then I will" Tsubaki then stood up and went near Shin opening her mouth.

As Shin was about to feed Tsubaki, Sona suddenly took it fast before it could reach Tsubaki.

"And here I thought you didn't want one" Shin teased the blushing Sona, but he then took another piece and fed Tsubaki.

"Thank you Shin-san, I hope you feed me with you lips as well fufu~" Tsubaki teased Shin.

"I hope you won't become like Akeno Tsubaki" Shin laughed as he remembered Akeno who tried teasing him but back fired.

"Hmm? I won't mind if Sona-sama won't" Tsubaki smiled at the pouting Sona.

"No!" Sona suddenly clung to Shin's arm subconsciously as if she was protecting her territory but soon realized her actions in which she immediately let go.

"It's okay Sona" Shin patted her head.

Soon the trio were enjoying themselves while Sona's peerage were sort of jealous and went to sit in their table but before they could.

"Ha! That flat Chested woman isn't here yet!" Rias came in barging with her Red Bikini stunning everyone as she left the the portal Shin prepared.

"Ri-rias! What are you wearing!" Sona shouted for her peerage who were only wearing their School Uniform while Rias was wearing a Bikini.

"You cheated you cow!" Rin soon came out with her Black and White one piece attire.

"Ara~ looks like everyone is here, even DaVinci" Akeno said as she went all black.

"What are you guys wearing!?" Sona was now shocked as she didn't expect this situation to happen.

"We're here to enjoy ourselves So-tan, I see, you still are as serious as ever, don't you know Shin does the work for us when it's about enjoying life?" Seekvaira said as she went out with her green Bikini.

"Seek-chan!" Sona shouted as she didn't expect to see Seekvaira.

"Shin-sama!/ Shin!"

Ravel shouted as she and Koneko butted their heads, both were wearing a Red and White one piece respectively.

"We're sorry we're late, someone had to pay for someone else as she forgot to bring her money" Artoria coughed as Rin looked down in frustration

"It looks nice on you Artoria" Shin commented on Artoria's choice as it resembled her Stage 3 Heroine XX costume.

"Shin-san" Jeanne, Xenovia and Asia also soon walked out of the portal who were wearing an All white Bikini's as a group.

Before Anyone could notice Scáthach already took the other side of Shin and placed her head on his shoulder.

"Scáthach wins this round" Shin commented as he looked at her Attire similar to what she would choose.

"Thank you" Scáthach said as she kissed his cheeks.

"What is happening!?" Sona asked including her own peerage.

"So-tan if you like Shin could create clothes you know but you have to be prepared for the consequences" Rias told them as she remembered her now favorite Pink Bat panty Shin gave her a while back.

Sona's peerage then looked at Sona urging her to ask Shin as they did not want to lose against them.

"Wh-what? *cough* Shin if you may? But please don't embarrass us" Sona tried to act calmly.

"Sure, go back to the locker room, they're there" Shin pointed his fingers, as soon as he did that Sona's peerage including Tsubaki ran toward it to get the best piece.

"This!?" Sona was shocked once more looking at her own peerage members.

"Ehem, Sona-san I think you should also do the same." Rin said as she wanted to sit beside Shin.

"I understand" Sona sighed heavily as she went, when she stood up the rest of the girls dashed towards her seat.

"My turn with Husband!" Ishtar manifested

"No!" Rias dashed

But before any of them could react a red portal appeared beside him.

"Oops" Irisviel came out and stole his side as she was wearing a red polka dotted white Bikini.

"Iris-san!?" Everyone was shocked, before anyone could say anything Ophis arrived at Shin's laps with cookies on her hands while wearing a gothic one piece.

"Oh? Who else came?" Shin asked Iris.

"We noticed DaVinci missing so I asked Sebas, when I found about where she went I invited the Pleiades but they're too serious so they didn't come, Irene heard it and wanted to try swimming, Ophis came along as well as Shiki"

Not long after Irisviel finished.

"So this is the pool?" Irene came out along with Shiki as bot were wearing Bikini's

"Well this is going to be a fun day?" Shin commented on the amount of women.