
"Are you really the embodiment of my desires?"

"Yes, but You have a lot of desires and I can only fulfil one" Shin said as he opened his arms.

"Then give me a family! But not right now I still have to finish my side of things."

Shin sighed as he didn't expect it.

"May I know you're name?" Katerea asked.

"It's Shin" Shin smiled.

"Well Shin, while you're here, how did Ophis made you?" Katerea asked as she stood up and dressed herself

"I know nothing, all I know Ophis made me and I have a job to do and that was to fulfil any desire you had" Shin lied with a straight face.

Katerea went near him and looked at Shin.

"Well maybe soon, I'll leave now and we'll talk about this family desire I have soon" Shortly after she left Shin alone and Ophis teleported beside Shin.

"Tch" Ophis clicked her tongue.

"Didn't expect it?" Shin askes Ophis to which she nodded


"I don't know ask her?" Shin shrugged his shoulders.

"Then silence the other one!" Ophis pouted as he dragged Shin away from the room.

"Isn't Irene already staying in the manor? what do you actually mean by silence?" Shin asked Ophis who stopped in her tracks and looked at him weirdly.


"I'm waiting for an answer Ophis" Shin crossed his arms and looked at Ophis.



"I already have my silence" Ophis pouted.

"Then what gives? Although I won't mind it much" Shin patted the pouting Ophis.

"Mate" Ophis said.

"Mate?" As soon as Shin said that Ophis nodded and was suddenly covered in black smoke and shortly after she turned into her busty form.

"I want to learn how by watching" Ophis said bluntly.

"You know, you could have just watched with Koneko and Ravel"


"Why haven't you?"

"I don't know? When I invite them they run away and still somehow manage to peek" Ophis then put her hand underneath her chin and thought of how they always do it.

Shin sighed shortly after Ophis returned to her Loli form.

"Now you know the reason, will you?"

"Has anyone told you about Manga?" Shin said as he did not want to force anyone unless he really wanted it.


"Yes, the one where Jeanne carried earlier."

"Which Jeanne?" Ophis tilted her head in confusion. "Both Jeanne's carry a book?"

"The Jeanne here" Shin said as he too would be soon confused. "The Jeanne at home is carrying a bible not a manga"

"What's the difference?"

"Manga is for you, let's leave it at that" Ophis nodded.

"So what do we do now?" Ophis asked Shin.

"I don't know?"

A blonde soon bumped into them again one which had a face of ecstasy

"Oh! I thought I'd never see the real thing! Only if I could!" She then fell again.

"Ouch! He-!"

"Oh hello Jeanne I thought you were going to leave?"

"Ah Shi-Shin-san, Ophis-sama" Jeanne recollected herself and bowed respectfully, "I almost forgot something so I had to go back here"

"I see, Oh right, Ophis was interested in your Manga, do you mind letting her read it?"

Jeanne then turned red as she knew what Manga she had been reading and had been fantasizing about it a while ago.

"Ye-yes But I recommend reading the first volumes" Jeanne shyly replied.

"Give" Ophis put her hands out in front of Jeanne

"Which one?"

"That" Ophis pointed the one Jeanne's hand as she tried to hide it

"No! This is a special limited edition!" Jeanne hid it despite being afraid of angering Ophis.

Shin patted Ophis head "I'll buy you some now let's go I think you don't need to stay here anymore"

Ophis looked at Shin and nodded then looked at Jeanne and said "We're leaving, if anyone asks tell them I left" before snapping her fingers and teleporting them out.

"Are you not horny?" Ophis said as she looked at Shin as they had arrived at the manor.

"A little bit but I'll be all right" Shin stretched his body to get ready.

"What about them?" Ophis asked.

"Them? If you mean Jeanne and Katarea then they'll soon get it"


Before Shin could open the door to his room Ophis tugged his cloth.

"What is it?"

Ophis pointed at her head and then at her cheeks.

Shin understood it and patted her head and kissed her cheek.

'Technically She is a legal loli that can transform anytime' he thought as he kissed Ophis.

"Mm" Ophis then left as and went to her room in the manor

"Well Why do i feel like I'm forgetting something again?" Shin said before he opened Pandora's door.

"Eh I'll just deal with it" He shrugged it off and opened the door only to be tackled by 4 Women.

"There you are!" Rias shouted

"I'm here now" he smirked shortly after an ensuing orgy happened.


"Where is he?"

"What do you mean by 'He' Katerea?"

"It's none of your business! Now off you go and stop coming here!" She shouted at the man.

"All right, I hope everything comes to plan tomorrow so we can finally rule the underworld"

"Yes Yes Now Scram!" Katerea shouted, eventually the man left and as Katerea stripped down naked she saw a letter.

'See you soon' Katarea's face twitched and was about to burn the letter but held back and instead hid it in a drawer, she soon heard a knock on her door.

"Who is it this time!?" She yelled.

"It's me Katerea-sama" A womanly voice replied.

"Ah Jeanne!" Katerea then rushed to the door and opened it.

"Katerea-sama" Jeanne showed herself and looked around the hallways before giving Katerea a brown bag.

"Is it the latest?" Katerea asked.


"Good, now of you go!" Katerea shooed Jeanne away as she opened the brown bag that was filled with Manga.

'He does look similar to the main character?' She thought before she began to read it.

'Fuck it I'll screw him once everything is over tomorrow'


"We still can't beat him" Akeno panted as she woke up and looked at a sleeping Kuroka.

"You're going to need to do a lot more Akeno" Shin said as he kissed Akeno.

"Mou! I want to sleep it's sore!" Rin said as she squirmed.

"It's already morning, looks like I have to prepare too" Shin then went up and stretched his body and proceeded to the bath room.

But before he could wash he felt something soft press on his back and a stroking sensation at his cock.

"Ara~ You thought you could escape me" Akeno smiled at Shin and began stroking his cock.

"Wash me" Shin said.

"Consider this payback for the time you screwed me when I was taking a bath"

"Not my fault you were very seductive"

"Mm Good Answer"

Akeno stroked Shin's cock harder and pressed her chest against his back with more pressure.

Shin's cock twitched which made Akeno stroke it harder but before she could tease it Shin took her hand and turned around

"Shi-?!" Akeno's pussy was intruded by his cock which surprised her, Shin then swept her legs and made her straddle on him.

"You thought" Shin said as Akeno put her arms around his neck and took his lips and tongue.

"Now Cum inside me, I can't wait" Akeno said as both of them continued their session alone as Akeno had locked the door.

"Akeno is a sly woman" Kuroka laughed as she saw a fuming Rin and Rias trying to open the door.


"Good morning Shin" Artoria said as she saw a yawning Shin.

"Good morning Artoria, what are you eating?"

"Yakisoba bread, apparently Yuri told me that she made lots for today" She asked as she was about to eat the bread.

"How many hve you eaten so far" He asked Artoria.

Artoria chowed down the bread and put up her hand with all 5 fingers up.

'I guess she can still be summoned with 5 Yakisoba bread?' He thought as he remembered a game.

"By the way where's Jeanne? Isn't she usually early?"

"Sh- Schtil As-ep" Artoria gulped down the bread and burped shortly after. "Excuse me, she said she had a migraine and a weird dream when I came to check up on her"

"A weird dream?"

"Yes? She turned red for some reason when I inquired her, Xenovia also said she was hot late in the evening"

"All right looks like I'll have to ask her soon"

"Are there any events we should know about today?" Artoria looked at Shin as she took another bread.

"Nothing much but we'll have to wait and see other than that get ready to fight" Shin shrugged his shoulders

"All right I'll tell everyone, will Raikou join?"

"She will and I already told her what she needs to do" Shin said as he remembered Raikou's smile when he met her earlier.

"Then I'll wait for your orders" Artoria then ate the bread and hid another one, Shin saw this and laughed at her antics.

"Good morning Artoria-san, Shin-san" A woman said.

"Morning Grayfia" Shin waved at her.

"I see everything has already been prepared, the Pleiades are certainly better than me at doing their maid duties" As soon as Grayfia heard that everyone heard a group of women coughing at the side.

"So where is Sirzechs?"

"He went out early to contact Michael and Azazel"

"I see so where will the event be held?"

"After conforming with the respective faction leaders as well as the 4 Maou's it has been decided that they'll be meeting here." Grayfia told them bluntly.

"Excuse me? They'll be using my House a Meeting place?" Shin's face twitched along with the rest of the Pleiades.

"Yes, we hope you do not mind Shin"

"I guess not, Se-"

"We're already on it Shin-sama" Sebas bowed and left along with the Pleiades to prepare.

'I have to reward them sooner or later' Shin said as he saw the group left and prepare.

"We thank you for understanding, is there any questions you might want to ask?"

"Why here?"

"Because it's safer" Grayfia replied forwardly and pointed at Artoria.

"What does safer and me have to do with anything?" Artoria asked Grayfia.

"Sirzechs is afraid of you, Azazel is afraid of the Pleiades, Michael somehow trusts Jeanne"

"I see" Shin said as he agreed with it.

"Then I'm done informing you, I'll take my leave and call for Sirzechs." Grayfia bowed as she left leaving Artoria and Shin alone.

"Well this changes things" Shin sighed as Artoria looked at him while continuing to eat.

"How so?"

"The Enemy had expected to the meeting to take place in Kuoh Academy, well now that they decided to hold it here, it changes things"

"We'll go and Let Raikou stay here in your stead" Artoria offered a suggestion.

"Nope, I'm going with you I want to stretch my body and see how my power works in this new world" Raikoi appeared behind Artoria and went near Shin and clung to his arm "Plus a mother needs to keep her children safe at all times."

"Well If you say so, What About Nero?"

"Umu! Why me?" Nero popped out as she had been listening earlier.

"You really are an expert at hiding"

"Umu! Praise this great Nero more Shin-san!" Nero puffed her chest at Shin as she liked it.

"Yes the Great Nero can clearly hold her own in a meeting and represent me right?"


Shin then went near and whispered something Nero's ear.

Nero turned red and nodded "Fine! Don't forget you're promise this time Umu!" Nero then left the dining area.

"What was that about?" Artoria looked at Nero who recently left with a smile.

"Something about me finally visiting her art room, now let's make a plan and not disappoint our guests later"


A/N : I'm back hopefully for now.