What Else

"Ugh Why am I forced to wear this?" A voice was heard along the hallways.

"Because you lost!" Serafall appeared in the hallways as she laughed at Katarea's plight.

"I'll Kill you!" Katarea started a spell but before it could fully materialize her spell was nullified by her maid outfit.

"Guess I'm the real Leviathan!" Serafall kept teasing the angry Katarea who could do nothing but keep quiet.

"Say Katarea who else are your partners in crime?" Serafall asked who else were in the Brigade.

"Hmph As If I'll tell you, I maybe a prisoner but that doesn't mean I'll answer to you!"

"M A I D, Maid, you're a maid not a prisoner remember that anyway Shin will still know one way or another" Serafall shrugged her shoulders as she left an Angry Katarea.

"So did she say anything?" Sirzechs asked Serafall who had just returned.

"None, why not let Shin ask her?"

"Like what she said earlier she's a maid not a prisoner so we can't force her unless you want to earn Shin's displeasure"

"Displeasure huh?" Serafall thought about it for awhile but ultimately didn't mind it.

"Anyway what are we going to do with her?"

"Leave her be, I've given up on caring anything that has relations with Shin it's better we focus on the underworlds development and the treaty, I'm interested in your sister's dream" Sirzechs and Serafall then left as they teleported out of the manor.

"Thank you Shin-san" Michael said and bowed at Shin.

"It's nothing, You guys are free to come here anytime" Shin said as he waved Micael and Gabriel goodbye.

"I can come back?" Gabriel looked at Michael then at Shin at a loss at what to do.

"Sure you can" Shin smiled at Gabriel

"Mm, I will see you soon!" Gabriel went and hugged Shin without thinking about her actions.

Michael saw the interaction which made him twitch while also observing her carefully and sighed relief as he saw nothing happened, Shortly after they left.

"Oi you Bastard!" A voice was heard as they left.

"Oh Katarea how are you doing?"

"Shut it! Do I really have to wear this skimpy outfit and serve you lot!?" Katarea complained to Shin.

"Well it was death, imprisonment or being a maid and I remember very clearly someone surrendered under my terms"

"Because You're full of shit! How can anyone beat you? Tell me!"

"By Being a Beautiful girl and having a unique personality" Shin smiled at Katarea who threw a punch at him which he ducked.

"You bastard!"

"Tell me does everyone who Inherit or is a Leviathan like the word 'Bastard'? Well other than that your ancestor is waiting for you" Shin snapped his hands as he left a fuming Katarea who lunged in front of him.

Shin arrived at a place with Artoria and Koneko waiting for him.

"You're here" Artoria noticed his presence.

"Sorry for making you guys wait, I had to tell Katarea what to do" Shin stretched his body as he came closer to them.

"Why are we in Kyoto?" Koneko said as she wore a pink blouse, white polka dot skirt with A pink bag.

"I always wanted to visit this place, plus I heard there's going to be lots of sweets that are cheaper here compared to Kuoh"

"Why do I feel a headache is coming" Artoria sighed but continued following Shin and Koneko who were already exploring shops in front of them.


"Vali" Azazel sighed as he remembered Vali's state.

"Azazel" Baraqiel came in with three more people.

"I see so you are all Vali's subordinates?"

"Arthur" Arthur said as he adjusted his eyeglass

"Bikou" Who smiled at Azazel

"Le fay?" She looked at the tense atmosphere surrounding her.

"Two of you are from the Pendragon house the other is a descendant of Wukong, mind telling me why are the three of you following Vali?" Azazel observed them carefully until Arthur spoke up.

"We just wanted to follow him and his goals and for the record there were four us"

"Four? Then where is the fourth one" Baraqiel looked at them but as Arthur was going to speak a portal appeared.

"Nya! I'm the fourth Member!" Kuroka appeared along with Akeno.

"Kuroka!" Arthur twitched as he saw Kuroka once more, Azazel sighed while Baraqiel looked at Akeno who was smiling at him.

"Hello Arthur! Nice to meet you guys again" Kuroka said to the group, and then looked at Azazel once more "I'm here not as a member but as Shin's representative" Kuroka came near and placed a bottle with yellow glowing liquid.

"What's this?" Azazel looked at the bottle carefully.

"It's a gift from Shin saying sorry that Artoria blasted Vali with Excalibur too hard, he said to just pour everything on Vali and he'll be back to 100%" Azazel nodded and believed her as he knew Shin attitude slightly.

"Excalibur? Artoria? Say Arthur do you have a twin sister or something?" Bikou looked at Arthur and Le Fay who also were at a loss.

Azazel looked at them then at Kuroka who smiled at him to show that she did not want to explain who Artoria was.

"Artoria is the one who made Vali turn into a potato and burned him into a crisp with one shot, If you want to fight someone strong then look for Artoria and Shin"

"Azazel's right, everyone in my Husband's Peerage is strong enough to destroy anyone nya! But if you want to challenge them just don't do it without Shin otherwise they won't hold back in killing you" Kuroka said to Arthur who was clenching his fist.

"How strong have you become?" Arthur looked at Kuroka as he started to question how she directly teleported in.

"Stronger than before, but Akeno is more stronger than me since she's been training far longer than me, And No! Other than Le Fay both of you aren't going to get strong with out method"

"I see" Azazel nodded and didn't question.

"Azazel-san, May I speak with my father privately?" Akeno finally spoke which startled Baraqiel who was staring at her.

"Sure, I'm sure your father has a lot of things to say to you, And is there anything else Kuroka?"

"None! All right I'm leaving now!" Kuroka then teleported herself out, while Akeno teleported herself and her father out as well.

"If you have any questions to me and Vali then come with me" Azazel sighed as left the office with the Vali team.

'Training huh?' Le Fay thought about Kuroka's words but ultimately left the thought behind.

"Akeno" Baraqiel looked at his daughter not minding how she teleported them out in an open field.

"Before you say anything to me, I want to ask you something."

"Ask me anything"

"Do you miss Me and Mom?" Akeno looked at a stunned Baraqiel



"So when are you going to leave?" Artoria asked Shin while Koneko was busy buying sweets.

"I don't know, Unless I'm getting called once more I probably won't leave" Shin said as he remembered Paradise.

"I see, so this is our prize?" Artoria asked.

"Hmm not all of it." Shin said as he looked at a hotel as he had prepared an Itinerary already for the rest of the night.

As Shin was smiling and Artoria eating another bread while waiting for Koneko something bumped Artoria.

"Ouch!" A small voice was heard which startled Artoria

"Hmm? Why are you such in a rush little one?" Artoria helped the small blonde girl but as she observed her carefully she saw the girl had fox ears and tails

"Ah! I'm sorry but I have to go!" The girl stood up fast and ran forward but instantly stopped for awhile and turned to look around and saw Shin and Immediately ran to him.

"Papa!" Artoria was startled but when she heard what the little girl said her smile twitched and looked at Shin carefully.

"Hmm?" Shin looked at the running girl who had her arms spread as if making him want to carry her in which he ultimately opened his arms open.

"Papa?" Shin said as he carried the little girl and looked at her closely and then remembered who she was.

"Does Papa not remember me?" The Girl looked sad and was about to cry.

"Of course I remember my Kunou!" Shin patted her head which made Kunou smile and hugged him.

Koneko heard the exchange then poked Shin's back.

"Oh Koneko are you done?" Shin looked at Koneko who had a bag full of cookies while Artoria was looking at them in confusion

"Do the others know about her?" Koneko asked as she knew that there was an actual possibility that he is the father.

"Nope" Shin laughed at her and continued patting Kunou's head.

"Who is she?" Kunou asked

"She's one of your Moms" Shin told her directly in which she now was the one who was confused and Koneko turned red, "She also is" Shin pointed at Artoria who was also blushing at his words.

Kunou looked confused but nodded deciding to question more later since she thought it was a joke to play her.

"How many mothers do I have papa?"

"There's a lot more but they're hiding from me" Shin laughed as carried Kunou.

"Shin, are you sure you're not kidnapping a little girl like that?" Artoria asked as she saw Koneko following Shin blindly while still blushing and Shin carrying an unknown girl.

"Hmm I don't know, Kunou what are you going to say if someone asks how you're related to me?" Shin asked the little girl.

Kunou smiled and said "Of course I'm going to tell them you're my Papa!" Kunou hugged Shin tightly.

"See Artoria" Shin smiled.

"I now have more questions than answers but at this point I won't bother asking"

"Save those questions because those questions are coming" Shin said which caused Artoria and Koneko to perk up as they felt someone coming near them.

"Kunou!" A sweet voice was heard in which the four of them turned their heads together.

Kunou immediately jumped off Shin hands and ran towards the voice.

Artoria and Koneko elbowed Shin as they looked at him questioningly.

"What? This is the first time I've met them in person" Shin said.

"What does that even mean?" Koneko told Shin.

"This won't change our schedule for today, hopefully?"

"I already have accepted it Shin" Artoria said as she looked at the woman who Kunou went to then she gulped as she looked at her chest then at hers.

Shin saw this and Immediately whispered something to her which made her turn red.

As they were conversing Koneko noticed Kunou come back with a woman.

"Papa! Mama's here!" Kunou ran back to Shin and jumped which Shin caught her.

"I'm sorry for the misunderstanding my Daughter has caused" The Woman bowed politely at Shin and the group.

"There is nothing to be sorry for Yasaka" Shin words cause Yasaka to be startled as she didn't know


"See Mama! It's Papa!" Kunou hugged Shin tighter.

"I see" Yasaka nodded doubtfully

"Mama let's go home with Papa!" Kunou said at Yasaka but she didn't say anything

"I'm sorry Kunou but I can't not yet but since the day is early I can visit you now right?" Shin looked at Artoria and Koneko who nodded

"Then you're all welcome, especially you" Yasaka said and looked at Shin and prepared more questions.

"Mm! Let's go!" Kunou said as she pointed at a direction to which they followed