
As Everyone was busy doing certain things for the day, one Neko was suspicious.

"It's awfully quiet nya?" Kuroka looked at the mansion and saw that everyone was eating peacefully

"It sure is?" Akeno even wondered why.

"Something's not right" Kuroka pondered and thought on what could she be missing.

"Well other than having two Jeanne's what else could there be?" Rias said as he observed the two Jeanne's who were in sync.

"So Jeanne-san are you not feeling anything at all?" DaVinci said as she observed both Jeanne's carefully.

"I'm fine DaVinci-san" Jeanne said as DaVinci kept observing them.

"Say Jeanne weren't you red two days ago?" DaVinci asked Jeanne who blushed and nodded shyly.

DaVinci then whispered something to the other Jeanne who soon turned red and nodded Shyly.

"Oh this is interesting" DaVinci said as she created nee theories.

"Umu! What is it DaVinci?" Nero said as she too was now interested.

"What the other dreams the other one can also dream it, it's just a theory and I might want to observe them more carefully, Oh the great Ideas fufu~" DaVinci laughed out as she left while both Jeanne's turned red and continue to eat.

'Hmm everything is the same as usual' Kuroka said but soon her ear twitched.

'This!' Kuroka was alarmed and hurriedly walked off to a certain direction but was hit by something.

"Ouch! Watch where!" Kuroka looked at the man who offered his hand.

"I'm Sorry Kuroka-sama" Sebas said as he helped Kuroka up

"Sebas, what are you doing here?"

"I just cleaned the room per usual and teaching Gasper some tricks" Sebas said as he tidies up his suit.

"Gasper?" Kuroka was confused but

"He-hello Kuroka-sama" Gasper bowed in front of Kuroka who seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

"You must be Gasper?"


"You look cute but I have to be somewhere!" Kuroka said as she rushed to the room.

"That Gasper is what you ought to desire to be" Sebas said as both of them saw Kuroka dash into the room.

"Chase after Shin-san?" Gasper said which made Sebas twitch.

"No, Be like Shin-sama."


"Ask him and maybe soon girls will come to you"

"Mm! I understand"

"Good , now let's practice your sacred Gear and I'll teach you something" Sebas said as he left and Gasper followed leaving the area.

As they left and Kuroka entered.

'This energy! Koneko?' Kuroka was surprised but didn't rush.

'Wait? This scent? Kuroka slowly walked into the room where she slept for the previous days and called home.

There she saw what she expected, she put on a smug smile and removed her kimono.

"Shin!" Kuroka heard it and watched as Artoria rode on Shin while Koneko was being eaten.

Kuroka went behind her sister who didn't notice her and started fondling her chest.

"Ah! Onee-san!" Koneko was startled but her head started to get muddy as she started to feel pleasurable.

"You're such a bad girl Shirone, here I'll control the rampaging Senjutsu so you can enjoy it longer than you're supposed to" Kuroka then started to calm the energy inside Koneko.

"Mm! Onee-san! What!" As Kuroka was calming her she didn't forget to play with her cave.

"Focus on enjoying yourself, see look at Artoria she's enjoying it so much look at the amount of juice she's spilled"

"Kuro-!" Artoria tried to complain but Shin shove his cock deeper.

"See" Kuroka then pushed Koneko forward and placed her pussy atop on Shin's mouth.

"Nya!" Kuroka shouted as she got invaded as soon as she placed it but didn't forget to play Koneko.

"Shirone, you see" Kuroka fondled Koneko's chest and pussy at the same time once more "once that thing enter you there's no going back, so I' mmf! I'll prepare you like this!"

As Koneko was getting pleasured by her sister she didn't forget to look and watch Artoria as soon as she did Artoria came and shouted as drips of cum flowed out from her cave.

"Artoria-san" Koneko said weakly as Artoria passed out from pleasure leaving a twitching cock alone.

"Artoria passed out already, nows your chance Koneko but first clean it" Kuroka let go of her sister and started teaching all the while she sat on Shin and pressed her pussy deeper.

"Mm! Okay Shirone, Lick the tip slowly, treat it as if your eating your favorite candy" Kuroka said as Koneko leaned forward and started following her instructions.

Koneko kept sucking and treated it as if it was her favorite candy to which she didn't mind it since she liked it better.

As Koneko was sucking Kuroka was getting sucked off and soon came in Shin's face.

"Nya! You bastard! I forgot to tell you to tell me when you're going to take Shirone!" As Kuroka was complaining she tried touching Koneko's chest area once more but noticed that all she got was air.

"Eh?" Kuroka was bewildered she soon looked forward and saw Koneko was standing atop Shin's dragon

"I want" Koneko said as she pushed off Artoria and grabbed Shin's twitching Cock.

"Wait Shiro-" Kuroka wanted to stop her but it was too late as Koneko shouted from the pain and blood flowed from below

"Nya!" Koneko suddenly transformed into her Nekomata form and suddenly a fire was ignited in her eyes as she suddenly forgot the pain and fastened her movements.

"Fuck" Kuroka forgot that her own sister was like her and now even if she wanted to control Koneko's heat she knew she would hate her once more.

"Why not let-!" Shin's mouth was shoved by Kuroka's bottom

"Shut it! It's Your fault dear!" Kuroka then transformed into her Nekomata form also as she decided to enjoy it and worry later and finally have a reason to teach Koneko once more.

"Nya!" Koneko shouted as she felt good and wanted to pass out but was caught by Kuroka.

"Nya! Let me teach you somethings my dear Shirone!" Kuroka said but soon noticed something else "and who said you're going to escape?"

Artoria flinched as she recovered and was made to float by Kuroka

"I'm going to enjoy teaching you guys!" Kuroka said happily as the teaching ensued for the rest of the night.


"So we're going ahead?" Rias asked Akeno.

"Mm, Shin and I will be going after you guys."

"Promise me no cheating on the line!" Rias said to her Queen.

"Of course, it's something important and I don't know what's gonna happen"

"Where are you guys going anyway?" Rin asked as she ate.

"We'll be going back to my home, of course I'm going to design the house me and Shin will live!" Rias said as she puffed her chest in front of Rin.

"Sounds interesting well I've got nothing to do might as well-" Rin paused for a moment and her hair started turning to gold and a tiara appeared in her head. "May I join Rias?"

"Who is this? Ereshkigal?" Rias asked as she knew Ishtar and Rin were the brash ones.

"Yes" Ereshkigal acted innocently

"Well I guess so?"

Ereshkigal nodded and soon turned back to Rin who was grinning.

'Why do I feel like I lost?' Rias asked herself as she looked at Rin who grinned and waved at her as she was thinking she also soon noticed something was wrong but

"Achoo!" Ravel sneezed and wondered something but brushed it off.

"I feel like someone won over me?" Ravel said to Seekvaira who was busy playing with Sona

"Oh really? Well have you thought about how we recruit the other members?" Seekvaira said as she played.

"Yes, Kiryuu won't mind learning a thing or two as I've noticed other than being a huge pervert she's exceptionally observant perfect of a bishop, the fact that she can calculate something with just a look tells me something" Ravel said as she looked at the files.

"I originally wanted Kiryuu but didn't went through with it for other purposes" Sona said, as they kept playing they heard a beautiful voice which stopped everyone at their tracks as they listened to the voice.

"See Katarea! If I sing enough Shin will love me!" Ingvild said to a twitching Katarea who was made into her caretaker.

"Yes Yes Shin will fall in love you even though it is a given" Katarea slouched as she sat on a couch.

"Say how old are you Katarea?" Rias asked Her as Ingvild was busy Singing which made her annoyed.

"Do you really want to know?" Katarea asked as she was getting angrier by the second.

"Hmm No, what we do want to know is if you're one of us" Rias said sternly and looked at her Seriously.

"What do you mean?" Katarea was now confused instead of angry.

"You know what we mean" Rias said nonchalantly which made her more confused.

"We?" Katarea asked

"Yes we" as soon as Rias said that Katarea noticed every girl in the room including the Pleiades looked at her with a strong judging gaze which made her gulp even the Happy Go lucky Ingvild stopped singing which made her all the more scared.

"So are you in or are you out?" Scáthach suddenly appeared with Gáe Bolg in her back.

"Yes?" Katarea said nervously as soon as she said that everyone turned back to what they were doing.

Scáthach nodded and soon called out "Entoma, come with me Shin says we have a job to do which would require you"

Entoma stepped forward and looked at Scáthach before asking "Can I collect for my collection?"

"As long as Shin hasn't marked them"

"I understand! Then I will join!" Entoma said as she followed Scáthach through a portal.

"What was that all about?" Rin asked Jeanne

"It's something about the place we visited last week, I won't be surprised the next tike they come back here Entoma would have more bugs" Jeanne said as she continued eating.

"Where's Kuroka?" The other Jeanne asked as other than Jeanne and Shin she only knew Kuroka.

Her comments made everyone alert and soon everyone noticed.

"Umu! I'm going to sleep!" Nero jumped and ran to a certain direction.

"Hey!" Rin transformed into Ishtar and made a portal she directly went in followed by Rias,Akeno and surprisingly DaVinci who waved Goodbye.

"What's that all about?" Jeanne asked Jeanne.

"When you live longer here you'll know, other than that feel free to ask them" Jeanne pointed out Sona and Seekvaira who were hesitant and blushed.

"Well time to sleep" Jeanne stretched her arms and left to do her business.

'Wait! It can't be!' Ravel finally noticed it and soon dashed into a certain direction where chaos ensued for the night.


A/N : I'm still surprised lots of people read this. Well anyways the next chapter would likely coincide with my new work being released and so here I am asking for suggestions.

Which characters would you like to show up?