
"Where am I?" A voice sounded as he groaned and stood up as he remembered nothing.

"Another gift?"

"Who's there!?" The man panicked as he was surrounded in total darkness.

"I suggest you run" A voice replied as he saw a brown haired man and a blue haired man were shivering.

"Run?" Unbeknownst to the man he was overshadowed by a huge figure.

"Hmm? Who are you to act on the God Loki!? I've had enough of this farce!" Loki turned around only to see a man with who was huge and wearing magical girl clothes.

"Hm? God?" The man asked.

"Yes you imbecile! Now!" Loki tried casting spells to leave and teleport out but was shocked to learn he could not.

Panicking he rushed his chants but before he could his head was grabbed by the man before him.

"I'm going to let you experience the joys of being played by a magical girl".

"Who are you!?" Loki panicked as he now noticed that he was weak and did not have any powers currently.

"Mil-tan" Mil-tan said as he grabbed Loki but stopped and looked at Issei and Zephyrdor, "Do I also need to grab both of you or?"

"We're coming!" Both of them joined as they played with Mil-tan.


"What the hell happened to him?" Ravel looked at the strange man who was convulsing down on the ground.

"Hm? Something must have happened? But why does he look familiar?" Rossweisse said "Could it be?" Rossweisse thought she saw Loki but decided it wasn't him since she thought as the God of Mischief he wasn't that stupid to jump in directly to enemy lines or was he?

Eventually Rossweisse shrugged and continued to drink with Ravel as they had seen Shin was near him and some staff tried to help him.

"Why am I still single?" Rossweisse sighed as she drank another one, Ravel sighed as she believed it would only be a matter of time for her unlike the woman in front of her.

"Help him up and report this to Odin or Sirzechs and tell them Odin's son is here the skinny one." Shin told one of the servants.

"Who is he?" Seekvaira asked as she was still clinging on to his arms.

"Just a stupid Idiot who was trying to summon his dog" Shin then left the convulsing Loki as he had sent him to Mil-tan for rehabilitation.

"Shouldn't he summon it before hand?" Seekvaira said as she thought it was normal for people like them to have common sense.

"The dog he was about to summon was a big dog, I stopped him as I thought it would interrupt my time with you tonight" Seekvaira immediately blushed as she had not expected to be attacked by Shin.

"Ehem! Speaking of dogs do you like them?"

"Of course"

"Do you have one? I mean I haven't seen a dog in the manor?"

Shin immediately snapped his fingers and a white fluff immediately jumped into his shoulders

"Fou!" The white fluff said as it curled around Shin's neck.

"It's name is Fou" Shin presented Fou to Seekvaira who was curious of Fou.

"Its so cute!" Seekvaira immediately grabbed Fou while Fou continued enjoying to be petted.

"You were saying earlier?" Shin asked as Seekvaira was occupied with Fou.

"I asked what you meant by my turn" Seekvaira hid her face behind Fou's fur.

"What do you think?"

"I'm not gonna answer that!"

"Well I'm going to be straight forward with you, I'm going to announce our engagement after I'm done with the Sitri's" Shin smiled at the reddened Seekvaira.

Seekvaira immediately calmed herself "and what makes you think I already agreed to you being my fiancée much less the engagement?"

"Hmm" Shin pointed to a direction which Seekvaira followed only to see her parents who were waving and giving her a thumbs up.

"That doesn't mean I!"

"Who's clinging me hard right now?"

"I!" Seekvaira was about to burst but sighed and accepted her fate.

"Fine you win, it's not the most romantic way I expected it to be of you proposing to me but"

"So you were actually expecting?"

"Of course! I even dressed up for you!"

"Fou!" Fou annoyed jumped out of Seekvaira as it went on to adventure it's new surroundings and jump on Artoria or Rin as it felt a sense of familiarity between them.

"Eek!" Shin immediately offered his arm again to Seekvaira as the event was about to begin.


"Loki!?" Odin was surprised to see a passed out Loki in front of him.

"What did he say this time?" Sirzechs asked the servant in front of him.

"Shin-sama said to me only to report to you but Artoria-sama also told me that you know owe them"

Sirzechs chuckled and looked at Odin.

"The man who captured Loki said you now owe him"

"I see, did he say anything else and does he know why he is here?" Odin looked at Sirzechs who shrugged but both felt a spatial disturbance.

"Who is it?" Ajuka stood up and prepared himself along with Falbium but then he noticed how calm Serafall and Sirzechs were calm.

As they waited they saw a Gothic Loli and a woman with Purple hair and red eyes.

"She's his sister and that woman is also his wife" Sirzechs whispered into Odin who had other thoughts but was stopped in time.

"What are you doing here?" Serafall gestured for Ajuka and Falbium to stand down and asked Scáthach and Ophis.

"Shin?" Ophis tilted her head as She felt Shin left him.

"Ugh he's outside?" Serafall answered to which Ophis nodded and pull Scáthach's hands indicating they were to leave.

As both Ophis and Scáthach left Falbium and Ajuka were now concerned as why Serafall and Sirzechs were allowing someone to act as they please.

"If I could I would but it's only a death sentence, unless both of you want to try then I'm not going to stop you" Sirzechs knew what they were thinking and answered their concerns.

Azazel clapped his hands to get their attention "These were fun interruptions, well I suggest we close this meeting and congratulate Serafall?" Sirzechs nodded to Azazel as he also wanted to return back to relaxing.

"Why does she feel familiar?" Odin asked Sirzechs as Odin thought she had seen Scáthach somewhere before.

"Like I said I suggest you don't"

"No no it's not that, I can't seem to think right today." Odin stroked his beard as Azazel was getting ready to end their meeting and talk about Loki.


"Xenovia-san!" Asia went near Xenovia as she felt someone was watching her.

"Hm? What is it Asia?"

"Can I stay with you for the rest of the night?"

"Sure" Xenovia nodded as she saw a man following them behind.

"Let's go there Xenovia-san!" Asia pointed out to where the rest were and dragged Xenovia with her.

"The event is about to start" Seekvaira told Shin.

"So it will"

"Are you not going to prepare?"

"It just going to be an introduction to the people here, and No I'd rather watch"

"You're eyeing on some girls are you?"

"Who knows" Shin smiled at Seekvaira as he dragged her to the side with him as they watched the young devils getting introduced one after another.

As everyone was getting introduced and and getting their applauses Shin noticed a brown haired girl with a hair with drill like curls

"Kiyome Abe" Seekvaira said as she remembered her circumstance.

"Oh you know her?"

"Of course, if I want to climb higher in the Ranking tournament I also have to know my enemies, she's very friendly I'd say as far as knowing her we're only acquaintances."

"I see" Shin nodded but Seekvaira elbowed him.

"I know you, don't even try to hide it, just do it after tonight"

"Why? Are you afraid she's gonna steal me from you?"

Seekvaira immediately coughed "No, but I do know she wants to take what she wants"

"Then you shouldn't worry then"

"I'm not worried for me, I'm more worried for her" Seekvaira sighed again as she felt every time she's with Shin she keeps on sighing but doesn't mind it as she can fully express herself towards him.

"Say don't they look familar?" Seekvaira pointed to a direction.

"Scáthach and Ophis" as soon as Shin said that Ophis teleported in front of him and put out her hands.

Shin patter her head and magically gave her cookies and pointed to where Artoria was "There's more there" Ophis nodded and walked towards Asia who now eating with Artoria.

Scáthach went near Shin and looked at him, Shin immediately kissed her intensely and whispered "Tomorrow, get some rest"

"Why not now?"

"I already" Scáthach immediately shushed Shin

"I already know, I'm tired I'm going back to Kuoh now I only came with Ophis just incase" Before Scáthach could teleport out Shin kissed her and groped her ass.

"Really?" Seekvaira asked as Shin came back.

"Can't blame me, she's been gone for awhile and she just came back."

As Seekvaira and Shin were conversing a young man with almost a crazed look came up near them.

"Diodora?" Seekvaira noticed him first as she observed him.

"What do you want runt?" Shin questioned him.

"I! I want to battle you in a rating game!" Diodora immediately said his intentions as he felt seeing Ophis was a sign for him to do battle.

Everyone was looking at their direction as they wanted a good show.

"I believe this is the part you ask him why" Seekvaira whispered to Shin.

"What are you offering to me and what do you want"

"Her!" Diodora pointed at Asia.

"Even though she's not from my peerage but she's from Rias and what's Rias' is also mine, so no and what do I get from you anyway?"

"I!" Diodora didn't think things through enough as he thought he had.


"I offer my peerage for Her!" Diodora was confident with the power Ophis had given to him before and looked at Ophis' direction to which Ophis sneered at him.

"Again?" Shin sighed as he felt he was conversing with an idiot. "Sorry I have to refuse, I have more things important to attend to" Shin immediately grabbed Seekvaira leaving Diodora.

"Oh by the way If you try and Kidnap her I swear the last thing you'll see is not something you would want to see"

"What would it be?"

"Trust me you wouldn't want to know too Seek-chan" Shin said as he went near the stage as the Sitri's announcement was going to start soon.

"What is she doing here!" Bikou pointed at Ophis as he looked at Vali who was somehow undisturbed.

"She is his sister" Vali explained to Bikou.

"I see, so what is Shin?" Bikou was now confused.

"It doesn't matter what he is, what matters now is we tail that poor guy" Arthur said as he observed Diodora.

"I agree, he's acting strange ever since he saw Ophis" Vali said as he quietly followed Diodora followed by Bikou and Arthur.

"Well they're not totally useless after all" Shin said as he observed them.

"What did you say?" Seekvaira heard what he said.

"Nothing, now eyes on the stage, the four Maou's are here"