
"Good Morning everyone" Rossweisse bowed in front of the girls.

"Rossweisse-san? What are you doing here?" Ravel was shocked to see Rossweisse carrying luggage.

"It's a pleasure to meet you again Ravel-san" Rossweisse scratched the back of her head "I'm actually looking for you"

"Me?" Every girl then left them alone as they thought she was going after Shin.

"Yes" Ravel nodded and led Rossweisse to the guest room.

The two sat in front of each other and when Ravel was about to ask Rossweisse what had happened to her she had immediately bowed in front of her

"Please let me stay here!" Rossweisse asked Ravel unashamed as she had been abandoned by Odin who had forgotten her.

"Eh? I can't decide that on my own"

Rossweisse flinched as she only knew Ravel, well she did know another person but she didn't want to.

"If it were up to me then I won't have any problems but"

"But what Ravel-san?" Rossweisse looked at Ravel.

"You should ask him?" Ravel pointed at Shin who was reading a novel on the other side with Fou sleeping atop his head.

"It's finally nice to meet you again Rossweisse-san" Shin closed his novel and waved at Rossweisse who looked like she had seen a ghost.

"It's uh, nice to meet you too again?" Rossweisse was worried but she remembered what had happened between the two of them and tried to muster up her courage left.

"You took my virginity! So you have to take responsibility by letting me stay here!" Rossweisse turned red as she yelled, Ravel spat out the tea she was drinking and the door immediately opened bursting with girls.

"Umu! I knew it!" Nero barged in the door

"Looks like another one has been claimed by his claws" Ruler sighed as she thought that Rossweisse was still pure.

"That's Illegal!" Ravel finally spoke up and wanted to complain but before she could two cats dashed towards Shin's laps.

"My turn nya!" Kuroka said to Koneko who had dashed in first.

"No!" Koneko didn't mind her own sister as she dashed first ahead of her.

As everyone was bursting in Rossweisse thought it was a good time to leave, but when she was about to, she was blocked.

"Who said you were leaving" Scáthach "I sense a familiar aura around you, are you perhaps a Valkyrie?"

"I am?"

"Then come with me" Scáthach then opened a portal, Shin saw everything and saw that Rossweisse followed after Scathach, as soon as they left he saw Akeno and her mother walk by.

"Guess I have to take care of that soon huh?"


"Irina? What are you doing here?" Issei asked his childhood friend that was currently wearing a Kuoh uniform.

"I'm going to stay here from now!" Irina smiled at Issei happy that she finally saw him again but felt something weird at the same time. "By the way did something happen Issei?"

"What do you mean?" Issei was confused by Irina's question.

"I don't know, you feel different than usual? Don't mind it then it might just be my imagination, can you take me to your peerage?" Issei agreed that it must just be Irina's mind that was weird and nodded to take her to Rias.

"It's probably nothing Irina, come I'll guide you, by the way, since when did you wear an orange cross?"

Irina reddened as she remembered who gave it to her "Since when did you care about what I wear huh?"

Issei didn't know but he pressed on. "Then don't"

"And since when did you learn to act all cold huh?"

Issei didn't reply and continued to guide Irina, once they arrived he opened the door for her.

"Are you not gonna come inside?" Issei shook his head and left Irina all alone.

"Are you sure you're okay Issei?" Irina followed Issei who sighed after she held him, he took her hands off him.

"I'm fine Irina, it's probably because I'm too tired" Irina didn't believe him but she didn't force him either, before Issei could leave.

"Oh? Come inside Issei I received a letter specifically for your peerage" Shin arrived waving a letter. "And you look as beautiful as ever Irina"

Issei sighed and followed after Shin and Irina quietly compared the two in terms of them greeting her.


"What do you mean we're waging Asia!" Issei complained.

"Relax it's a low risk high reward match" Shin replied to Issei.

"But it's Asia's life we're talking!"

"You sound as if you're doubting your ability" Issei clicked his tongue when Shin scolded him.

"It was just a mere suggestion anyway, the decision will ultimately come down to Asia herself" everyone then looked at Asia.

Asia felt pressured, the thought of eliminating a peerage and help Rias would be a great benefit for everyone but it was her life at stake, She looked at everyone who was concerned, she looked at Issei then at Shin and finally at Rias.

"If you don't want it Asia then we won't, it's not the end of the world" Rias reassured Asia and sat beside her.

"If we win Buchou, can it really be helpful?"

Rias didn't want to answer and smiled wryly at Shin.

"For starters Asia, Akeno can finally be promoted to be a High Ranking devil and allow her to create a peerage of her own" Shin explained the benefit.

"But like we said Asia, you don't have to accept if you don't want to, it's just a shortcut to obtaining greater power" Shin shrugged his shoulder, but he then remembered a certain butler in training and decided to let him graduate from his training.

Asia was confused, but she then felt someone touch her shoulder.

"Xenovia-san" Xenovia nodded her head in support no matter what Asia would decide.

"I think we should accept it! I believe in everyone!" Asia nodded vehemently

"Shin-san" Asia ran over to Shin and held his hands.

"What is it Asia?" Everyone was wondering what Asia would do.

"Help me Ascend like Ruler-san!" Shortly coughs were heard from the room and Ruler turned red as she knew what Asia meant by her ascending but Asia never really knew what really Ascension was.

Shin chuckled and patted her head "Sure Asia" A light formed around Shin's hands and soon halo appeared at Asia's head, it was only faint for a minute but it soon disappeared.

Asia felt power surge through her and when she saw the Halo she now firmly believed that Shin was an angel, She immediately hugged him in response.

"Not you too" Xenovia decided to drag Asia before it was too late while the rest just chuckled.

"Can I speak now?" Irina decided to speak out as she had just been an observer earlier.

Rias nodded at her.

"I'll Introduce myself once more, I'm Irina Shidou, I'll be under your care from now on" Irina bowed

"Welcome to Kuoh Irina, I hope you comply to all the rules from now on" Rias said to Irina as she nodded.

"I guess that's all for today, you can now go back to your regular classes" Rias waved her peerage goodbye and decided to stay as she had to plan for the rating game.

"So how'd you know it would still end up like this?" Rias asked Shin who was now drinking tea with jumping on his head.

"Me and Artoria had out guesses, he was a persistent one I'll give him that to even manipulate the tournament, guess Sirzechs needs some more cleaning up" Shin knew it would happen and decided not to interfere with it now as he was curious how Gasper had been trained by Sebas.

"And what about Rossweisse?"

"She can stay here, Odin deliberately left her alone, as for why, I think he's afraid of me" Rias didn't know what to say as she knew that Odin was afraid of Shin.

"And Shuri-san?"

"I'm still deciding"

"Is she, you know" Rias was curious this time.

"Maybe" Shin just smirked at Rias who pouted, Rias teleported onto Shin's lap.

"At this rate you're not gonna take my mother are you?" Rias grabbed Shin's face who just gave her a smile.

"Who knows"

"Wait, you're really not gonna do it are you?" Rias was now worried but Shin decided to kiss her and she responded immediately.

"Now?" Shin asked Rias who bit her lip in hesitation.

"Just a quickie okay" Rias removed her panties and placed it on Shin's head as the two started their session.

"I forgo-" Issei arrived and saw Rias took out Shin's cock and pointed it at her entrance, He saw how Rias smiled and rode Shin wildly, he couldn't take it and immediately ran when he saw Rias' face filled with excitement.

"Damn it" Issei now started to realize that his Buchou was really screwing with Shin, he wanted to clear his head as he ran up towards the roof.

"Partner" Ddraig wanted to console Issei but decided to shut up instead.

Issei arrived atop the roof and saw Irina, he sighed and calmed down.

"Issei? What happened?" Irina saw Issei as she wanted to take a quick look of the campus from above.

"It's nothing"

"Okay then, say Issei" Irina knew something was up and decide to come near him.

"What is it?" Irina came closer, Issei noticed Irina's chest was actually huge and decided to stare at it to block his memory of Rias screwing Shin live

"Eh? Is something wrong?" Irina looked at her chest and noticed Issei was looking at the cross.

"If you're really curious about this cross, well Shin-san gave it to me" Irina touched the cross but when she looked at Issei she saw that his face had distorted.

"Why does it always have to be him!" In a moment of anger Issei slapped the cross on Irina's hands.

"Hey!" Irina yelled as the cross flew away, she decided to chase it.

"Tell me Irina, do you also like him?" Issei asked as he was pissed as the image of Rias screwing Shin became clearer and clearer again.

"What!? How can I like a bastard like that!" Irina replied but she couldn't hide her blush.

Issei saw this and was about to run away again but before he could, he bumped into Artoria.

"Shin-san was right, he currently is unstable"

Issei looked at Artoria in confusion and when he looked back he saw Scáthach instead of Irina.

"I can't blame him, but he still needs to do his part, say Ddraig do you mind?" Scáthach asked Ddraig who didn't respond.

"Where's Irina?" Issei asked but Mordred jumped on him and pinned him to the ground.

"Yosh! Stay down for a while weakling" Mordred sat on Issei's back as he couldn't do anything.

"He's already past the breaking point, any more and he would have gone berserk" Scáthach then drew an inscription on Issei's head.

"What are you doing? Ddraig!" Ddraig didn't respond to Issei's call.

"Don't worry, I'm only going to erase your memories of what you saw earlier and perhaps your love of Rias' chest, anymore would be detrimental instead"

Issei wanted to fight but when he heard what Scáthach said, he sighed and looked at her.


"Don't worry your love of boobs would still remain but you're gonna have to forget about everyone's chest who are related to Shin"

Issei nodded as it was painful to see his dream harem fall onto another man.

"Will I still be in the peerage?" Issei asked Artoria who nodded.

"You'll still be a grunt, the errand boy for short, but you won't have your dream harem, maybe a harem of normal devils if you work hard enough" Artoria told Issei.

"I'll make a rune that will make you feel repulsed on seeing or even thinking about our chests" Scáthach said as she told Issei "But I have to knock you out, it's gonna be painful"

Before Issei could say anything Mordred whacked Issei's head from behind knocking him out cold.

"Just do it, I want to beat my Chichiue"

"Well" Scáthach then began to do her work as she erased Issei's memory, she separated Issei's and Ddraig for a while,

Scáthach gave Ddraig a spirit construct for the process.

"Got any questions?" Artoria asked Ddraig who shook his head.

"You guys were right, anymore would lead him to a path of ruin, this is the best choice thank you, a normal harem of Normal Devils should suffice for him, sometimes simplicity is enough"

"Mm" Artoria and Ddraig watched Scáthach do work on Issei while Mordred kept sitting on Issei's body not minding him.


A/N For those that are unaware I'm going to copy paste what I said on my other novel.

My hands are injured due to the nature of my new job which has caused me to stop it again. I'm also experiencing mild symptoms of CTS which may partly be caused by my hand injury and my doctor recommends that I will have to take it easy for the following months.

No I'm not dropping this I'm just saying that this is no longer going to be daily until I get better.

Update : I'm currently going to have surgery since it had gotten worse over the week to the point carrying something makes my hands tremble, I hope I will recover soon and fast so I can bring back the updates.

I'm sorry and thank you for understanding again.