Match Set

"I don't agree to this!" Diodora said as it was unfair in his point of view.

"Sure Rias is my wife, and that I'd do anything to help her, but Nero's Phantasm allows you guys to go on a fight directly" Shin shrugged his shoulders as he looked at Sirzechs.

"No! Since you two are heavily related now It would just be unfair!" Diodora was panicking as his trump card was taken back by Ophis who was sitting at one of the chairs eating cookies.

"It's also unfair that you used your backing too you know, we didn't even use Sirzechs or the four Maou's to stop you, plus Rias gets a letter from you wanting to trade for her bishop, she declined and the next day she somehow gets a notification that you're supposed to be her next opponent?"

Diodora flinched as it was true and wanted to talk back.

"Save it, Accept it or we forfeit, it just a rating game and even if we forfeit we wouldn't give Asia since" Shin then whispered into Diodora's ears.

"I'll kill you right here and now" Diodora sweated as he hasn't received this kind of threat in his life before but.

"Don't scare him" Lavinia teleported perhaps saving Diodora's life for now.

"You're late"

"I had a talk with Mephisto since this concerns you since you're my contracted so I had to pull through" Lavinia then threw a crystal ball to Shin.

"Thanks" Shin then looked at the crystal ball and threw it to Sirzechs. "Use this as the battleground instead, I don't trust them"

Sirzechs then looked at Diodora "Since I'm a Maou, I will be a Maou and be impartial, but to clear the air I'll let Azazel inspect this domain instead." Sirzechs threw the ball to Azazel who nodded.

"I sense no anomalies, and since this is from Mephisto himself" He then threw the ball back to Shin.

"So you'll agree that this Arena is to be used instead?" He then looked at Diodora who gulped and nodded.


"How the hell did you create your own pocket dimension" Azazel asked Shin as he sat down with Artoria, Nero, Jeanne and Ishtar

"Research" Shin didn't say anything as Ophis sat on his lap and Kuroka sat on Ophis lap in her cat form.

"So Since I pulled it off in less than twelve hours what do I get?" Lavinia asked Shin as she sat behind him.

"Any Spell you could think off and I'll tell you how to do it" Shin nonchalantly said as he fed Ophis cookies while Lavinia was in deep thought.

"The match is about to begin" Grayfia told them as the monitor appeared showing a Yawning Rias and a worried Diodora.


"Damn it! Calm down Diodora! I know Rias hasn't practiced that much since she got bailed out by that bastard!" Diodora tried to rationalized as he thought Rias was still weak

"Say Akeno, do you want to go Ahead or?" Rias asked her Queen as she was quiet.

"B-buchou!" Issei came forward instead.

"What is it Issei?"

"Can I go in now?" Issei worriedly said

"Sure" Rias just nodded and didn't care what would happen to him since she knew he was going to pass out during battle.

Issei happily ran towards the frontline as she wanted to get away from here as he was currently disgusted by looking at their chests.

"He's still the same as usual" Rias commented as he saw Issei ran forward to face Diodora's own pawns.

"Rias-sama" Gasper summoned A table set and served Tea for Rias.

"Since when did you learn this Gasper?" Rias was shocked as she didn't know Gasper had learn space magic, Gasper didn't respond yet as he summoned more chairs enough for the women.

"I learned this from Sebas-san as well from The Great Red" Gasper served tea to everyone as they all took their seats.

"It seems you've become a super butler" Akeno sipped her Tea as Gasper turned red at her compliment.

"I''m still far from Sebas-san, but I'll do my best" Gasper then turned serious as he felt hostile signatures.

"Please calmd down Xenovia-san" Xenovia looked ready to fight but nodded and sat back down. "I'll take care of everything"

Gasper put down the teapot while the rest looked at Gasper approaching Diodora's Queen, Bishops, and Knights.

Rias then sipped her tea but when she looked at Gasper she spat out the tea she was drinking. "Akeno? How much time has passed"

"Only a second in our eyes but for Gasper, I guess it's been more than five minutes or less" Akeno then drank her tea as Gasper came back, summoned and served them delicacies Irisviel had prepared in the morning.

"Buchou, may I trouble you to imprison them?" Gasper asked Rias as he served her.

Rias nodded and used magic to detain Diodora's peerage.

"Koneko?" Akeno asked Koneko who was in her cat form and sat on her lap. "I thought you were tailing Issei?"

"He passed out after trying to fight against eight people, I had to clean up for him" Gasper saw Koneko and summoned a pillow.

Koneko jumped off Akeno and waited for Gasper to place the pillow on Akeno's lap and she leapt right back in.

"He's not dead is he?"

"No, I healed him, he doesn't know it and thinks he won against eight people so he's currently trying to go against Diodora" Akeno nodded and looked at Rias.

"Let him be, he won't die, and Diodora will come straight running here thinking he won" Rias shrugged her shoulder as her entire peerage nodded and relaxed and let Issei go fight Diodora.


Everyone was on the stands as they stared at the monitor and the crystal ball at the center.


"Umu! What is it Shin? Do you want me to grace you with new art?" Nero puffed her chest.

"I want you to summon your Phantasm now"

"Now?" Umu! Behold!" Nero then jumped at the center of the Arena and summoned her phantams, she then came back after it was fully raised.

"What was that for" Azazel asked as he now felt weak in Nero's Arena.

Shin didn't say anything and pointed at the Arena as there were magic circles appearing.

"What!" Azazel was shocked as he saw the sheer number of circles and people coming out.

"Where are they!" One of them shouted to the center revealing to be freed.

Freed's entourage looked around and then they heard a clap.

"Welcome, I hope you enjoy your burial ground!" Shin said as he arrived at the center.

"Are we not going to help him?" Azazel asked Sirzechs.

"No need, and you can reveal yourselves" Artoria told them.

"And Here I thought" Mephisto, Ajuka, Falbium and Serafall revealed themselves and sat in the Arena.

"He knew you were all watching so there" Artoria then stood up and threw Excalibur at Shin.

"Isn't that your weapon?" Sirzechs asked Artoria who nodded.

"It doesn't mean He can't use it."

As soon as Artoria said that they saw Shin transform into his Merlin like form but with Black and Gold Accents, and now had black wings.

"Give or take 3 minute" Ishtar said to Jeanne.

"I'd say realistically only three minutes"

"Deal! Whoever wins gets to spend the night"


"Are both of you done?" Rias asked as Diodora and Issei were panting.

"Buchou! What are you doing here?" Issei asked.

"The two of you kept punching each other for the last ten minutes so, and here I thought it would be a destructive fight, you disappoint me Diodora" Rias said as Akeno, Xenovia, Asia and Gasper appeared behind her.

"Issei! You can do it!" Asia healed Issei and gave him energy.

"Are we not gonna help Issei?" Xenovia asked Rias.

"Let them punch each other, I want to see Diodora suffer a bit more"

"That's cheating!" Diodora complained as Issei was healed, he exhausted his magic reserves in trying to contact help but somehow he couldn't. "I thought you all lost! Where are my members!?"

Diodora then saw his peerage members being chained and floating and were squirming.

"I'll be saying in sorry in advance as they'll be freed after this as for if they'll serve Shin or the Gremory it'll be entirely up to them" Rias nonchalantly told Diodora.

"We Agree!" Everyone said in unison and was suddenly freed.

"First task! Beat Diodora up!" Rias said and everyone got healed by Asia, they looked at their new found freedom.

"It will be done" They kneeled in front of Rias and soon jumped in to face Diodora.

Issei was shocked but before he could react Gasper had really pulled him up.

"They need to vent, I've heard they've suffered a lot under him, might as well give them the chance to do so" Rias said as she looked away along with the others.

"Gasper clean up after them okay?" Gasper nodded.


"You! Who are you!" Freed said as he tried to stop the bleeding from his severed arm with his other arm.

Shin didn't say anything as he had massacred everyone around him as his blade was covered in blood.

"I guess we really shouldn't piss him off" Odin arrived and watched along with the sweating Maou's except Sirzechs who was counting the calendar.

"How many months has it been? How long will I see a Mini Rias?" Sirzechs was absorbed in counting the days till he could see another Rias running around.

"You shouldn't expect that soon" Ishtar told Sirzechs as she knew everyone was trying but somehow they still couldn't get one.

"You shouldn't mind him, he's been like that for the past few days as he only remembered about Rias' birthday" Grayfia told everyone.

"I see, to tell you the truth, that cow has been wringing Shin dry but since you guys know your physiology It will still be a long time" Ishtar told them the truth.

As soon as Ishtar said that they saw Shin had cut off Freed's head and burned the Arena, leaving nothing but ashes.

Shin then looked at a certain direction and pointed Excalibur.

Everyone was curious to where Shin was aiming at but they didn't see anything.

"Coward" Shin then floated Excalibur back to Artoria and shortly after the crystal ball broke and everyone inside was teleported out.

"Shin!" Rias jumped on Shin immediately who caught her, she immediately took his lips.

Shin then carried Rias who clunged onto him, shortly after he saw that Diodora's peerage was kneeling in front of him.

"Master" Shin nodded, he also saw that Diodora's face was no longer recoginizable.

"May I?" Shin asked the Maou's on top who nodded their head in unison.

"What are you planning!?" Diodora saw Shin was pointing at him and soon he was burned by Shin.

Sirzechs then arrived and Rias let go, he then grabbed Rias.

"Tell me! Am I going to see a Mini Rias?" Rias just smiled at Sirzechs.

"Ehe, Not yet I'm still trying."