Mirage Forest?


| At the Kingdom of Glacier ~ Court room |


"Your Majesty!" The Royal Advisor Curt bowed slightly awaiting the King's response.

The King in response nodded in the direction of the guards.

The guards bowed slightly taking his gesture as a cue to leave, shutting the door behind them.

"You may speak, old friend." The King spoke warmly. His hopes high on the news on the whereabouts of his daughter.

"Sire, we found this in the forest." With trembling hands, Royal Advisor Curt brought out what he had kept hidden.

The King looked upon what he could only dream of as a sign of his daughter being alive. Leaving his throne, he walked down the dais in despair towards Curt, his steps slow as if being strapped to a huge boulder. "My- Daughter." He murmured, dropping to his knees, his lips quavered as he cradled strands of her striking silvery white hair which were stained in blood.

"We are doing all we can Sire, we would find her soon." Royal Advisor Curt replied with certainty. "Please do get up, what would your subjects think of you if they found you in this questionable position?"

The King turned a deaf ear to Royal Advisor Curt's pleas as he continually caressed the hair. "Do you think she's-" The King couldn't bring himself to say it as he pulled close her strands to his cheek, stray tears soaking it in the process.

"That is highly unlikely, Sire." Royal Advisor Curt shook his head, he faced anywhere but the King's direction not wanting to see his King in such a fragile position. "Our enemies would not want to risk the one card they have against us."

"Where did you find this?" The King sniffled, pulling himself together, he got up from his kneeling position, his grip on her strands tightening.

"Sire?" Royal Advisor Curt sensed the change in the King's mood and not one for the better.

"I said where did you find this?!" The King yelled in frustration.

"In the Mirage Forest." Royal Advisor Curt jumped back in surprise at the King's tone of voice.

"Did you say Mirage Forest?" The King curiosity sparked up at that snippet of information. His hand balled into a fist, hitting a nearby pillar with all his might.

°Why have you gone farther than I can reach Aria?° The King thought as he continuously shook his head giving a dry laughter.

"Y-yes Sire." Royal Advisor Curt was confused at the reason why the King suddenly showed interest in that forest.

"Didn't the stories say those who tried to enter that forest would be caught in an endless void of mirage and any traces linked to that person is forgotten?" The King retired to his throne as he intertwined his fingers, looking suspiciously on his Royal Advisor.

°He knows about those stories?° Royal Advisor Curt sweatdropped as the temperature seemed to go a little higher than expected for him. "Yes it does say that, but isn't all that just a fairytale myth?" He gulped down hard, adjusting the collar of his shirt.

"How did you find my daughter's hair strands then? Were you the one who found it?" The King replied.

"I-I did, Sire." Royal Advisor Curt wiped his sweaty shaky palm on his shirt. The room was getting stuffy by the minute for Royal Advisor Curt.

"If it's the Mirage Forest as you say, how did you find a clue?" The King was determined to get the truth in this whole conspiracy.

°Why was my daughter taken on her 23rd year?° He thought as he awaited the answers.

"I found her hair close to the Mirage Forest, probably she left the clue knowing the forest she was taken into." Royal Advisor Curt threw his hands up in defense, going down on his knees, he bowed down as his forehead touched the marble floor. "Sire, you have known me since you were a Prince and I was just a mere servant, all I did was loyally serve you. Please trust me on this Sire, that's all I know."

°My daughter never knew about the forest and neither did I until I stumbled on some of your books Curt° These thoughts ran through the King's mind as he listened to Royal Advisor Curt's defensive words.

"You may leave, if you have any news on her whereabouts, you report to me immediately." The King sighed as he decided not to pry further for the main time. The mystery behind her disappearance was something to be weary about.

He knew his daughter well, even if she wasn't the Princess her mother wanted her to be, she was his Princess also and he liked every bit of her even if they had their squabbles, she reminded him so much of himself and he was determined to get her back.

°What are you not telling me?° The King thought as he watched Royal Advisor Curt leave in a haste.


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