Knock Knock


| At the Kingdom of Azalon ~The Princess Bed Chambers |


Tossing and turning in her starfish sleeping position, her brows knitted, shaking her head, she mumbled incoherent words.

Beads of sweat trickled down her face into her silk pillow.

*Knock* *Knock*

Princess Aria's eyes shot open at the sound, sitting up on her bed, her hands in front of her in a defensive stance on instinct.

°Where am I?° She observed her surroundings, wiping the drool off her cheeks.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Princess Aria? It is I, Lady Leah, your lady-in-waiting."

°Ah! I see° she nodded in realization, memories flooding back.

°It wasn't a dream?° She grumbled, hitting her bed with her feet.

"Princess Aria?" Lady Leah called once again behind her door. "I need to carry out my duties before you meet with the King." Her muffled words could be heard through the key hole.

Feeling lazy, she ruffled the back of her hair which was in it's tangling state.

°Why couldn't you be made out of silk?° She felt into her tree nest of a hair.

°Well, you did not roll up your hair into a bun to sleep, like the other normal princess do!° Her mind began it's taunting.

"Hey! I am normal." She emphasized.

°Oh! No, am I talking to myself?° She pinched herself, hoping this too was some sort of dream.

°I think you're crazy, isolating yourself for quite some while could do this to you° her inner thoughts countered.

"Shut up!" She yelled, sick and tired of feeling crazy.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Princess Aria? Is everything alright?" The worried sound of Lady Leah could be heard.

°Do I sound alright?°

The princess ignored the knock on her door. The swirl like pattern on the ceiling captivating her attention.

°How long would I be here?° She turned to her side on a fetal position. °I won't leave until I find out why I was kidnapped°

"Princess?" The annoying sound of Lady Leah persistent calling could be heard once again.

"Could you leave? I can take care of my dressing and grooming." She said in a groan.

"Please Your Highness! I was assigned personally by the King," she begged, knocking on the door once again; "please spare me this once."

°Why are they so scared of him?° °Come to think of it, what is his name, anyways?°

Puzzled, she realized her mind had never trailed to that line before.

°But he knows my name, right?°

"Pfft, ofcourse he does." She shook her head in disbelief at her stupidity.

*Knock* *Knock*

Narrowing her eyes, she got up immediately, slipping her feet into her fluffy blue slippers stomping her feet as walked towards the door.

°You are getting on my nerves!°

Giving no warning whatsoever, she pulled on the door's handle, opening it, Lady Leah fell face first to the ground.

Realising her mistake, princess Aria knelt besides her, pulling her up. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"No, no, it's fine, I'm the one who should be sorry, Your Highness." She bowed slightly, giving an eye shut smile.

°Is she trying to annoy me? If it hurts just say so° The corner of princess Aria's mouth raised up in disbelief.

"Right..." Her voice trailed, taking a glance at Lady Leah who dusted off the dirt on her dress.

Realising the princess had been watching her the whole time, she jumped back in surprise, her brows twitching as she sweatdropped.

°What is with that look on her face?° Lady Leah looked away.

"Are you done?" Princess Aria queried, her hands akimbo. "Or do I still need to wait for something to be adjusted soon?"

"Uh... don't mind me." Lady Leah waved her hands frantically, straightening her back, she reverted to her composed and calm mood.

Clearing her throat, she began: "Princess Aria, may I do the honors of picking out a dress for you?" She bowed down slightly.

"Do you really want to hear my opinion?" She beamed in false excitement.

"If you would wish to, Your Highness." She replied.

"First, my answer is a no."The princess deapanned.

"Please Your Highness!" Lady Leah dropped to her knees, placing her forehead on her clasped hands in front of her.

Rolling her eyes to the pitiful display before her, she continued: "And second, I'm not wearing a dress today." She stretched hands, letting out a yawn.

Fanning off the morning breath which came off her mouth with her right hand, Lady Leah forced a smile. "But it would be out of place if a beautiful young princess as you are does not dress appropriately." Sensing a dark aura in the surrounding air, she looked upwards, meeting the eye of the princess. There she was glaring right at Lady Leah.

"What did you just say?" Princess Aria balled her hands into a fist.

Waving her hands frantically, shaking her head. "-If I may suggest." She rectified.

"It is one thing to criticize my behavior," She took a step forward, pointing an accusing finger at Lady Leah. "it's another trying to dress me up, but never, never criticize my sense of dressing!" She halted, her mood dropped drastically as she watched Lady Leah tremble in fear.


°Why does this reoccurr?°

Taking a firm grip of Lady Leah's arm, "please look at me." She ordered.

"Lady Leah, do I seem a little different from the conventional princess?" Her face now serious as she awaited response.

Shaking her head in 'No' she calmed a little at the princess change in mood. "A princess isn't judged by how she looks but by her character."

°I have seen worse° Lady Leah sweatdropped.

Releasing her grip on Lady Leah, she put her hand on her chin, nodding in agreement. "Then, do tell your King, we are going horseriding!" She beamed in delight.

"Your Majesty?" Lady Leah was astounded, all her life working with the Royal family, never has she seen anyone give the King a command.

"You heard me, now please leave." Princess Aria rubbed her hands, licking her bottom lip. "I need to pick a suitable outfit for the ride."

"Great! Your Highness," she smiled, "I would get that done then." Bowing before taking her leave.


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