A New Found Way


| The Kingdom of Glacier ~ The Castle |


"Aria!" King Fabian sighed in despair, placing his hand over his mouth, he stifled a cough.

"Sire, please do eat," the Head maid looked on worried, "You haven't touched your meal."

"How can I eat, when the source of my appetite is gone?" King Fabian casted a weary look at his maid.

"You need to eat to recover, Sire." The Head maid reprimanded, "What would the Princess say if she found you in this state of being?"

"She would say, Father you've gotten leaner, have the maids not been serving you meat? If you don't want them, give it to me, I would see if it's fit to eat for a Royal!" King Fabian couldn't help but chuckle at his memory.

"Please Sire, just take something which would help sustain your energy." She went down on her knees, pleading.

"Get me, just a little, if you please." King Fabian obliged weakly.


| At a Repository Store |


*Shink* *Shink*

"Father," Kaden sharpen the side of his sword, "do you think we would find a way through the Mirage Forest?" He turned around, observing his father dusting the shelves.

*Shink* *Shink*

"No one has really tried, now have they?" His father cocked a brow, shaking his head. "Have you discussed with your other teammates?"


"Why would I consult those fools?" Kaden dropped the sword, "You and I know I'm not a team player, I work alone."

"That isn't something to brag about, son." His father walked over, patting him on the shoulder, walking on to the sword mounted on a L hook. "What about Gabe? He's your friend; surely you two must have discussed something."

"We haven't spoken since our recruitment." Kaden sighed in despair.

"Is that sadness?" His father teased, "Is my son gradually turning soft?"

"I am not!" Kaden pouted, picking up another sword from it's L hook to sharpen, "Why do we have to do this? Nobody even uses this things anymore." Kaden kicked on an axe which laid on the ground.

"Be careful with that." His father cautioned, cradling the axe in his arm, "These are very precious!"

"Sometimes I wonder if you really care about me." Kaden balled his hands into a fist, standing up.

"Where are you headed, Kaden?" His father questioned.

"To a place I can see less of you!" Kaden barked, walking up the stairs.


The impact of his door, shook the walls.

°I need to leave here as soon as possible° Kaden jumped unto his bed, his gaze at the ceiling.


Stretching, his hand hit his book off his bedside table, "My notes!" Kaden shrieked as he lurched forward to get it before it made contact with the ground.

Reaching out, he missed the book by few inches, "Oh no!" He fell face down on the floor, his legs still hanging loosely on the bed.

"Ow!" Kaden groaned in pain, using his hands as a leverage, he pushed himself back onto the bed.

"Huh?" Kaden turned his head to the side, "How did this get there?" He picked out a piece of paper which had strategically been kept under his book earlier.

Unfolding the paper, it read ~Secrets would soon be unfolded, care to join in the pursuit?~

"What kind of pursuit?" Kaden mumbled, looking at the note, rereading it just to make sure this wasn't a prank.

Falling off the note, was another folded paper, "There's more?" Kaden shrugged, flinging the first one onto the table, opening the next.

~You would find answers to what you seek, you have only one chance to navigate your way, once you've done so, take the first note, I'll know where to find you.

Flip over~

°Flip over? What could this possibly be?° He doubtfully flipped over the piece of paper, revealing the contents behind.

"A map?" Kaden looked on in awe, "From Glacier to Azalon!" He gasped.

°This is my ticket out of here!° He exclaimed.

"Now!" Kaden clasped his hands thinking, "It remains one thing I need to do!" He laughed out manically.


| Bakery Shop |


°Where is it?!° Allen stuck out a tongue, frantically searching his father's room.

"Ugh!!!! It has to be here somewhere!" He stomped his feet in frustration, ruffling his hair.

°There is a theory, have you ever checked over there?° He turned in the direction of his thought's advise, the shimmering metal reflecting it's radiance.

"Why didn't I think of it!" Allen exclaimed, walking over to his father's well furnished armor.

Placing the helmet gently onto the floor, hidden within it was the very object he had been searching for, "Finally!" He reached into the plackart, pulling the map out. "Yes!" He whooped.

°It's time to get you avenged mother!° Allen glanced through his father's room one more time before closing the door behind him.

"See you again hopefully, father!" He walked out, his grip on the map tightening.


"Uncle Allen!" Lin beamed in joy, running towards him, body slamming him in a hug, his little fingers wrapping around Allen's waist.

"Lin! You seem to be doing just fine!" Allen ruffled his hair.

In response, Lin bobbed his head repeatedly, a brilliant smile radiating.

"Care to show me where Camille is?" He searched her store for any sign of her presence.

"I'll be right back then!" Lin hopped on.


"Allen?" Camille furrowed her brows in confusion, "What's with all the bags?" She tried pulling off one of them from his hands to no avail.

"Camille," He paused, "I don't have much time to say this..." He dropped the bags in hand to the floor.

"What... what's going on?" Camille had a strange feeling he was about to do something he might regret.

Fidgeting, he placed a hand behind his head, "Camille, you have been a loyal, funny, fiesty and most importantly..." he cleared his throat, "you were the only one who could keep me sane, without your support, I would never have known where or who I am up until this day."

"Is this like some sort of confession." Camille sniffled, playing a joke of the whole situation.

"Camille," Allen brought up her hands in his, "I... Love... You." He looked half as shocked as she was, as the words left his lips.

"You... you said what?" Camille's brown eyes grew twice it's size, her lips quivering.

°He actually said it!° Camille internally screamed in joy.


"I meant what I said earlier," Allen pulled her closer, finally giving in to his feelings, "It took me longer to realize it but now I understand if I don't say it now, I might never have the courage to do so." He pulled her into his embrace, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Allen," Camille's eyes brimmed with tears, "are you leaving? Is this what the bags are for?" She pulled away from his embrace.

Taking a hold of his face, forcing him to meet her gaze. "Tell me you're not leaving." Stray tears trickled down her cheek, forming beads on her chin before hitting Allen's shoe.

"Camille!" Allen's shut his eyes in despair, "This hurts me more than you think, I just had to let you know, it's the least I could do for us." He bit on his lower lip, shaking his head.

"Why now? You tell me now, and you're leaving!" Camille hit Allen on the chest repeatedly, "You're leaving!" She repeated.

"Please do let me go," Allen held onto her hand, "I'm so stupid not to have realized my feelings earlier.

"Do I really have a choice?" Camille wiped her cheeks, "Promise me, I would see you again." She hiccuped.

"We will meet again, I promise." Allen assured, "Before I go, there's one thing..."


Pulling her into a lip lock, Allen focused on one thing, the feel of her soft lips, as he inhaled her scent, he wished nothing more than to stay like this for a long while, tightening his grip on her waist.

At the moment of lip lock, the temperature rose to an unimaginable degree, her face heating up, she melted into his arms, she had wished she had confessed her feelings earlier but for now she was content with how it all played out.

Gasping for air, Allen brought her forehead to rest against his, "I love you." He mouthed.

"I love you more than you could imagine," Her lips broadened into a grin. "baddie!" She concluded.


Looking behind him, Allen adjusted the bags packed for the trip, "This is it!"

Looking at the wooden sign at the edge of the Mirage Forest, Allen shook his head at the warning ~Do not step into this forest, or fall a victim to your own demise~

°Ha! Whose demise? I got a map to navigate through you!° He brought out the map, holding it in front of him, the map glowed a dazzling gold.

"Azalon, you just wait!" He vowed, walking into the Mirage Forest.